RSSYF last 1.00 +.05
If you’ve ever kicked yourself for not buying Cisco, Microsoft,
Disney, Berkshire Hathaway or Sony when you first heard about them…

If you’ve ever passed on a stock tip that went on to create fortunes for those who took the leap…

Please take a few minutes to read this important, potentially historic investor alert.

Very soon, I expect Resin Systems Inc. (OTCBB: RSSYF) to explode 20-fold—every $10,000 could grow to $200,000 or more in just a few years! You’ll see when you read about their incredible story.

Name of Stock: Resin Systems Inc.
Projected Price: +300% increase in 18 months or less
Recommendation: Strong Buy

Dear Investor,

Let me tell you about a little-known stock that could give you colossal profits.

A stock that I believe could go from just under a dollar to $3.00 in 18 months or less. A stock that could go on to give you 20 times your investment in 5 short years.

A stock that could possibly mushroom into a worldwide powerhouse.

Frankly, I’m the last person to make a claim like this. As editor of Retirement Watch, I’ve been entrusted with preserving and growing that most precious of human possessions: the nest egg. Rarely do I give “hot tips” to my clients, or suggest that a particular stock could make them wildly rich.

When I do, though, you can believe there’s a good reason.

That’s the case now with Resin Systems. In truth, the last time I got this excited about a stock many years ago, it ended up soaring to 62 times its original price.

Subscribers who followed my advice grew wealthy, turning every $10,000 into a $620,000 windfall.

That stock was Berkshire Hathaway, the legendary profit-maker run by investment genius Warren Buffett.

Now, years later, Resin Systems Inc. (OTCBB: RSSYF) is making my heart beat the same way it did when I first came upon Berkshire Hathaway. Here’s why:

Resin Systems could have a legal monopoly on a
worldwide trillion-dollar building materials industry…

…and nobody knows about them on Wall Street! “Early-bird” investors who get in now while the shares are ridiculously undervalued could easily get back 20 times their original investment.

Resin Systems has created a new form of material that is a quantum leap better than everyone else’s.

And that material is protected for 18 years by patents.

But before I get too far, let me first explain…

What are composites, and why are they
an investor’s dream come true?

Worldwide, across virtually every key industry, composites are replacing traditional materials such as wood, steel and concrete.

Everywhere you look—trailers, re-bars, street lights, pipelines, railways, furniture frameworks, power systems, skateboards, automobile parts, housing materials, cargo containers, and on and on—all are being built now with composite materials.

The reason: composites are flat-out superior in virtually every way:

• Composites don’t fatigue or corrode like metal.
• They are much stronger than aluminum.
• They are lighter and more durable than wood.
• They can be molded and formed into shapes that are difficult and expensive to achieve using today’s materials.
• They can even be repaired more easily.

Their potential is positively mind-boggling.

Already a proven, trillion-dollar worldwide industry, composites have only begun to scratch the surface of their potential global market.

Let’s look at housing, for example. As recently as 1999, the common building material for homes built in the United States was wood. In 2003, 77% were built of wood with 33% using composites—clearly an indicator of the transition from traditional building materials.

And experts estimate that number will continue to soar through 2007—and that equates to billions in increased industry sales from this one faction alone!

Imagine the staggering growth potential as composites continue to be substituted for steel, metals, and wood-based products in almost every major manufacturing sector in the world!

And resin is a key part of every composite material!

Into this investor’s candy store walks Resin Systems…

…with a product that’s lighter, stronger, cheaper,
and more environmentally sound than any other resin in the world!

Take a look at their exciting advantages:

Resin Systems’ product is 3 to 4 times as strong as any other resin available today.

Their unique chemical and engineering technologies are protected by worldwide patents with 18 years left on their chemical patent and 20 years left on the equipment engineering and design/process patent.

It uses 35% to 40% less material than other composites, which means it’s a lot cheaper to make.

It’s the only 100% VOC-free (volatile organic compound) product with anywhere near its mechanical properties available in the marketplace today—a huge advantage as more and more manufacturers have had to reduce output because of stiff EPA regulations regarding VOCs. Resin Systems is home free in this area!

It’s longer lasting than any competitive product, with end products often 2 or 3 times as durable as other available products.

What more could one hope for than a company with a rock-solid lock on one of today’s most explosive industries?

Now let me make one thing very clear, an investment like this is not for the faint of heart. This is not a conservative, low-risk investment. That’s why I advise my subscribers never to allocate more than 5% of a portfolio to any one stock.

But if you are the kind of investor with a few thousand dollars set aside for aggressive investing, my advice is to get out your checkbook now!

If you want to learn more about Resin Systems, please see my detailed report at It provides specific buy/sell advice, and why
I believe…

Resin Systems could be the next
Berkshire Hathaway wealth-maker.

Although Berkshire Hathaway is a diversified holding company, while Resin is an operating technology company, the two have some very exciting common characteristics:

Both companies have proven, effective leadership: Warren Buffett with
Berkshire Hathaway and Paul Giannelia, a man with a results-driven history and now with Resin Systems.
Both companies enjoy a protected market. Warren Buffett always looks for companies that have a franchise, which offers good protection from competition. Resin has its patents, still with 18 and 20 years left on them.
Excellent growth prospects because of their management and competitive advantage.
Selling at a reasonable price relative to its prospects. Resin Systems is now selling for just under a dollar. I believe it could triple in 18 months or less, and could quite possibly enjoy robust 25% annual earnings for many years, just as Berkshire Hathaway did. Compounded, that could mean millionaire-making returns.

To find out everything you should know about investing in Resin Systems, I invite you to visit my website,

I’ll tell you more about this awesome opportunity, plus a full array of other investments, from the aggressive to the super-safe, that could lead you to a more comfortable and affluent lifestyle than you may have imagined.

What’s more, I’ve put together a fantastic offer for new subscribers to my Retirement Watch newsletter. No other source gives you such a wealth of independently researched advice on investments, estate planning, income tax reduction, maximizing Social Security benefits, reducing health-care costs, and other crucial aspects of retirement.

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Please visit my website at to learn more about the very special subscription offers you can take advantage of today.


Bob Carlson, Editor
Retirement Watch