المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Goog - 174.76

25-11-2004, Thu 3:24 PM
هذا الاب قريد كان امس ولكن كان هناك صعوبة في المشاركة ويبدو ان هناك كان مشاكل فنية :
الملاحظ ان السهم كل يوم له قصة وكل محلل يقول شيء اخر .
ما اثر على السهم قبل ارتفاعه امس هو بيع اصحاب الموقع لبعض اسهمهم بعد انتهاء فترة اللوك اب الاولى وهناك ايضا فترات اخرى ربما في شهر فبراير .

Google-GOOG initiated with an Outperform tgt $215
GSCO - The firm believes GOOG is well positioned to deliver 20% revenue growth and 25% eps growth from 2006-2009. The firms analysis is reflected by the benefits of global secular search growth and the company's ability to leverage its comparative advantages in its leading reach of search users and search brand, its large affiliate network, its sizeable advertiser base, and the synergies from its vertical integration of its algorithmic and paid search technologies

25-11-2004, Thu 3:51 PM
فيه محلل اعطاه تارغيت 250

عموما الانترنت وشركات قطاعه لا تمت للمنطق بصله

عندي احساس ان السهم سوف يقفل الغاب اب ولنري

امس كان السيرفر فيه مشاكل والانترنت كلها امس فيها مشاكل (علي الاقل في السعوديه )

25-11-2004, Thu 4:15 PM
تصريف أسهم ولا أحد يعلم كم عدد الفلوتنج شيرز الي بالسوق الآن
الرجستري المفروض على Google في تاريخ 4-فبراير-2005
يعني ما راح تعرف عدد الأسهم العائمة أو الفلوت حتى هذا التاريخ
الحل الوحيد أنك تتوقع أسوأ احتمال للحسبة :D

Google's unusual lockup date schedule, which released 39 million new shares into the float on Tuesday, equivalent to 150% of the shares issued in the IPO, is as much to blame as anything else for the recent weakness in the stock. After all, stock prices are driven by supply and demand just like everything else.

كلام الأدارة قبل أسبوع
Yesterday's decline is being attributed to statements by Google management that investors should not expect the type of strong revenue growth in the future that has been seen lately.

المصدر بريفنق

والله اعلم

25-11-2004, Thu 6:36 PM
السلام عليكم

أصحاب غوغل مو أغبياء كى لا يفكروا فى بيع جزء من اسهمهم ...
ضعف السعر الذى بدأ التداول فى السوق .... فرصة بيع ....
ولكن تذكر ان هذه الاموال سيعودون لشراء اسهم شركتهم اربعة أضعاف الكمية بعد سنوات ....

ليسوا اول من يقوم بهذه الحركات ولا آخرهم ...
لماذا يبيع بيل غيتس من حين لآخر ؟؟؟ مثلا .... هل هو للحصول على سيولة ؟؟؟؟؟

ولماذا اشترى عندما كان الجميع يبكى من انخفاض الاسواق ... هو غيره كثيرون أصحاب او رؤساء شركات كبرى .....

دمت بخير

25-11-2004, Thu 9:02 PM
هذا راي جيمس كرامر ( محلل في thestreet&therealmoney)
في انتوني نوتو من مؤسسة جولدمان ساش الذي قام بالاب قريد لسهم قوقل :

Google Finally Gets Real Analysis

By James J. Cramer

My hat's off to Anthony Noto at Goldman Sachs. He's carrying $3.47 EPS for Google next year. It would have been quite easy to slap a 100 multiple on that number -- same as Yahoo! and eBay and produce a $347 target

He could have blown us all away with that and been "rigorous" in the sense that Google is growing faster and more smoothly than Yahoo! or eBay. He chose not to. And he should be saluted for that, because Noto knows the power that good analysts have and knows that they need to preserve it and not be caught up in the hoopla

Instead of using pure multiple analysis, Noto factored in the consistent growth, at 25%, that he anticipates from Google, and came up with what he thought was a reasonable target given that growth. It was reasoned, severe and measured. Plus, he offered proprietary analysis about why Google's value-added search capabilities will keep the business humming longer than many think possible
The analyst community got tarnished pretty badly in the deflation of the bubble. Some analysts have taken a hard look at what went wrong, about how they may have played a less than cautious role in creating an environment where lots of people got hurt. When you read through this well-reasoned, well-argued Google piece, you will see the fruits of one analyst's hard look.
Noto gets it. It's the reason he survived and so many others of that period failed. Introspection, remonstration and rigor produce great work
This report is great work