المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Warning

Shooting Star
09-12-2001, Sun 7:41 AM
salamI am sorry my browser do not support Arabic, so Pls. Do not be angry at me ,, OK specially AhmedAli
ied mubarak in shaallah in advance

On the coming period I am not very happy with the daily MACD Histogram on NASDAQ, if you check it you well realize the following,,

The latest market climb starting month 10 day 2nd was supported and confirmed with a climb in the MACD Histogram all the way up, but laity I realized the NASDAQ is still climbing with out any confirmation on the MACD Histogram, NASDAQ is going higher but the Histogram is going smaller, which tells me that rally is loosing it's breath, or you can say there is no more bulls behind it to support that rally, it looks like a rocket climbing and the engine was suddenly shut down, the rocket will not fall, it will go up using the last momentum to climb for short period, but it will fall so bad, as well if you check the weekly charts the market is not in real bullish mode it still in a down trend under the moving averages, any moving average length or period but the thing is , it is touching the moving average which is the resistance for now,, plus the weekly MACD Histogram is looks like over bought, as well the weekly stochastic, I think strongly that the NASDAQ will go down to maybe 1300 point, if the market is lucky it will go down to 1520 or 1650 point, I will not be surprise if NASDAQ goes down to 700 or 500 points, but if the president of US boosts more money or use his own influence to encourage money houses to boost money to the market, like he did before, I thing he needs to find more money this time to safe the angry market, and then the picture will change, but I think every one is selling now in USA to get some money for there chrisms vacations, I think that's my last thought for that tricky market, if you share me my thought about the NASDAQ Pls. trans late it to the other guys in this club under my responsibility, by my name, since I have no Arabic support on my PC..
May be I am wrong , May be I am write, but I think those signals I have seen is one of the strongest ever, but any way it is better to be safe than sorry, you will loss no thing, but you might be saving your budget .

Thank you , and have a happy ied

To Alharbi that's what I meant when I said read between the lines in the technical analyst

09-12-2001, Sun 9:38 AM
اخي شوتنغ ستار
وعيدك مبارك مقدما ابومشاري

انا اردت ان انزل الشارت لاجل يحلى الشرح ههههه

بصراحة السوق اخذ حده واعتقد انه الان في نهاية الشوط هذا

وممكن يكون باقي فيه نفس كم يوم او اسبوع وبعده سبات عميق خاصة انه بتكون الاجازه عندهم بدت وبيعيدون بعد 20 يوم اعتقد راح يخرجون

المضاربين الي شهر او شهرين هذا افضل وقت لهم بالخروج وكان مروض خرجوا الخميس

اما الداي ترايدر مثلي مثل المنشار ههههه يلقى في الطالع والنازل اسهم
لان فيه اسهم تحس انها فيها خبال ترتفع والسوق نازل وهذه الي ندور عليها

هذا الشارت وماذكرته في الماكد واضح جدا
ولكن الاخرى تقول غير كذا مثلا ال ADX لم يعطي اشارة خروج واضحه بعد على هذا الشارت

Shooting Star
09-12-2001, Sun 4:58 PM
hala harbi

i am realy not famelier with the adx, but i think MACD Histogram is a trend indecator more than trade entry indecator, it has the cabability to show you what's behind the pecture like market in depth, what's behind the move, like the
candle stick chart which shows you the chart in 3D, compaired to a bar chart

Shooting Star
10-12-2001, Mon 11:34 PM
Harbi ya habiby
Pls. plot the chart again only use the MACD Histogram and NASDAQ chart and draw trend line conecting the NASSDAQ lows all the way up starting month 10 day 2nd .
also draw a trend line on the top of the MACD mountan the same period of nassdaq , also make it lettel biger Pls. so every one can see the bullish getting small and small on NASSDAQ

thanks,,, it is important for every one

11-12-2001, Tue 2:18 AM
عزيزي شوتنغ ستار

انا ملا حظ الماكد ولكن غدا هناك انخفاض الى 1950 او 1945 ومنها اذا لم ينزل اكثر فاعتقد انه بيكون بداية ارتفاع جديد للناسدات الى 2300تقريبا في الايام القادمه

اما لو نزل الى اقل من 1940 او 1900 فاننا سوف نرى يوم في النازداك

ميوله للانخفاض اكثر لان اجازة عيدهم قربت مالم يتدخل بوش باستخدام سلطته في ضخ اموال للسوق وايضا بسبب بيانات البطاله التي اتت اسوء من المتوقع والارتفاع الذي يعتبر وهمي خاصة انه لا يوجد شيء ملموس في التحسن

بعض الشركات لم تعلن عن تحسن وايضا لم تعلن عن انباء سيئه بعد وهذا يجعل الخوف يتزايد ايضا

وجني الارباح شيء حتمي ولكن بضخ السيوله للسوق ممكن يجعلهم يعودون للشراء مرة اخرى

13-12-2001, Thu 11:18 PM
بمناسبة وصوله

وارجوا الانتباه بكره ان شاء الله لانه سوف يتحدد مصير الناسداق