المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الشركة هذي متوقع لها نمو في ايراداتها يعادل 1200%

26-11-2001, Mon 7:10 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :

شركة UVCL وصلني بريد بخصوصها يقول :

Our current recommendation is:

UniverCell Holdings, Inc. (OTC BB: UVCL)

It’s a different world now and America needs strong, young companies in aggressive growth positions. As we reflect on our National and personal safety, the importance of cell phones becomes obvious. A safe and simple way to stay in touch with family, friends and associates is now more important than ever. Cell phones are no longer a luxury item - they are a necessity.

UniverCell Holdings (OTC BB: UVCL) offers international satellite and cell-phone rentals to business, leisure and student travelers for use while overseas.
CNN’s Wall Street analyst, Chris Crisanni, stated on CNN "Telecom stocks are the best bet in coming months." The cell-phone rental industry is estimated to exceed $250 million annually. UniverCell is a strong, young company in the Telecom sector with an aggressive growth strategy.

UniverCell provides a simple solution to travelers’ concerns by offering a single wireless rental phone and phone number that works in more than 140 countries. UniverCell offers international call forwarding from up to 10 U.S. numbers, a US based toll-free number and a simple kit to transfer all of the traveler’s contacts from their personal phone to their rental phone. UniverCell offers all of these services at rates up to 60% less than their leading competitors.


UniverCell Holdings, Inc. is a robust company that is focused on the international travel market and serves business, leisure and student travelers by providing international cell-phone rentals at the lowest possible price. UniverCell currently maintains 7.5% of the business market, 7.8% of the leisure market and 15% of the student market overseas. UniverCell intends to increase these market shares as well as their profit margins through strategic agreements, mergers and acquisitions.
UniverCell uses Motorola phones exclusively and they have agreements with hundreds of independent travel agencies whose business spans the globe.
They also have an exclusive agreement with the French Tourist Board as well as pending agreements with American Express, TravelSavers and Omnitel, the exclusive provider of cellular service in Italy.
The cell-phone rental industry has a $2 billion potential within a 3-5 year period; and, with increased dependence on cell-phones, UniverCell will take advantage of an increasing awareness among international travelers that a cell-phone can be easily rented for international use.
UniverCell’s total projected revenues for 2002 are $20 million, an increase of more than 1200% over the 2001 projected revenue of $1.5 million, and by 2005 conservative projections put UniverCell’s revenue at $124 million—total revenue growth of an additional 520% over 2002.


1. UniverCell projects a 1200% revenue increase from $1.5 million in 2001 to $20 million in 2002.

2. UniverCell exclusively uses Motorola phones, and is partnered with TravelSavers, and hundreds of individual travel agencies.

3. UniverCell has an exclusive agreement with the French Tourist Board as well as pending agreements with American Express, TravelSavers and OmniTel, the cellular network serving all of Italy.

4. The global cellular rental phone industry is poised to explode to an estimated $2 billion in 3-5 years, and UniverCell currently has a 10.1% share of the market and intends to increase that share through mergers, acquisitions and advertising.

5. DataQuest, an independent statistics firm, estimates that sales of cell-phones will exceed 600 million units by year-end 2001, a 217% increase over the 283 million units sold in 1999, becoming more and more integrated into the lives of international travelers.

ولكني عندما أردت أن أبحث عن معلومات بخصوص هذه الشركة لم أجد الكثير عنها . فأنا لا أعلم في أي بورصة يتم تداول أسهمها ولم أجد أي معلومات فيما يخص ميزانياتها والنسب الخاصة بها , أرجوا من الإخوان الذين لديهم معلومات عن هذه الشركة أن يزودوني بها , خاصة وأن هذا الشركة من الشركات ذات الرأسمال الصغير وإذا ما صدقت التوقعات المكتوبة أعلاه فيما يخص النمو في ايراداتها فإنها تعد فرصة حقيقية للإستثمار على المدى الطويل .

26-11-2001, Mon 7:19 PM
نسيت أقول الشركة سعرها الآن 1.25 والتداول عليها ضعيف .

26-11-2001, Mon 7:23 PM
الأخ العزيز
الشركه هذي يمكن تحولت الى UVCL.OB يعني أوت أوف بيزنس وهي فعلا تضاعفت 1200 % حيث كانت ب 0.01$ قبل ستة أشهر
شوف هذا الرابط
أتمنى التوفيق للجميع

26-11-2001, Mon 8:27 PM
أخي الواثق :

أعلم ان الشركة كان سعرها 0.01 وأن الرمز قد تغير الى UVCL.OB ولكن يبدو أنك لم تقرأ المقال في الأعلى جيدا , حيث أنهم تحدثوا عن زيادة متوقعة في الإيراد وليس في السعر لسنة 2002 بنسبة 1200% , وبالمناسبة أخوي الواثق مالذي تعنيه كلمة Out of business ( خارج عن العمل ) ؟

وعلى فكرة الحسبة اللي انت حسبتها في الزيادة في السعر لا تحسب بهذ الشكل حيث أن الزيادة في السعر من 0.01 الى 1.25 تمثل زيادة قدرها 12500 % وليس 1200% !!!!!!! تصور كان سعرها فين ووصل لفين !!!:rolleyes:

abu mohammad
26-11-2001, Mon 9:18 PM
ياشباب ابعدوا عنهالامور .الجماعه ذولي ارسلوا نفس الرساله عن الشركه ذي قبا شهر يتوقعون لها طلوع ونزلت يعني جماعه نصابين انا مراقبها من شهر,,وسلامتكم