المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : CIRT للمتابعة

08-03-2004, Mon 6:45 PM
السعر 0.036
والله اعلم

10-03-2004, Wed 12:38 AM

10-03-2004, Wed 1:06 PM
الشركة نزل عليها خبر جيد مفادة انها حصلت على عقد و يظهر ان مدير الشركة متفائل

10-03-2004, Wed 9:58 PM
السهم وصل الى 0.054 خلال ثلاثة ايام تداول (50%)
ولا زلت ارى انه قد يحقق ارقام مهولة مذهلة

12-03-2004, Fri 6:02 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ممدوح
السهم وصل الى 0.054 خلال ثلاثة ايام تداول (50%)
ولا زلت ارى انه قد يحقق ارقام مهولة مذهلة
للمتابعة ايضا

12-03-2004, Fri 7:14 PM
الهاي الان 065

انشالله ايواصل الصعود


12-03-2004, Fri 7:43 PM
بتاريخ 4 مارس نزل عليها هذا الخبر وهو اللي خلاني اختارها مع شارت يعجبني
مديرها اختير لجائزة
CirTran President & CEO Nominated for Ernst & Young 2004 Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Thursday March 4, 12:36 pm ET

SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 4, 2004 -- CirTran Corp. (OTC BB:CIRT.OB - News), a full-service contract electronics manufacturer of printed circuit board assemblies, cables and harnesses, today announced it's President and CEO, Iehab J. Hawatmeh has been nominated for the prestigious Utah 2004 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. This award recognizes the achievements of business leaders primarily responsible for the overall performance of public and private companies based in Utah. In 2001 and 2002, CirTran was ranked among Top 50 Public companies based in the State of Utah. The awards banquet will be held June 17, 2004 and is being sponsored by such notable companies as Microsoft, Comcast and Merrill Lynch.
Trevor M. Saliba, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Business Development of CirTran Corporation, commented, "It is with great pride that we congratulate Mr. Hawatmeh for this prestigious honor. Mr. Hawatmeh has been a driving force at CirTran as its Founder and Chief Executive. Over the past ten years he has established himself as a leader in the Salt Lake City business community."

العبارة المظللة الاخيرة توحي بحجم الجائزة حيث ان من ذكر سيحضرمراسيم التسليم
تذكر مايكروسوفت في سهم بني ولا اشتريه

12-03-2004, Fri 11:51 PM
اقفل السوق على
25مليون و300 الف
المتوسط 0.061

محمد البدر
24-03-2004, Wed 10:41 PM
للمتابعة ،،، سعر مناسب للشراء 0.042 - 0.043$ ....

البيع للمستعجل 0.052$ ...... قريبا.

والله اعلم,,,,,

محمد البدر
26-03-2004, Fri 7:20 PM
للمستعجل CIRT وصلت 0.052$ ، من ذا وزود انشاء الله. :cool:

محمد البدر
29-03-2004, Mon 6:04 PM
واخيرا وصلت الى 0.07$ ، الحمد لك يارب.

اذا قفلت اليوم فوق 0.07$ ، راح يصير فيه كلام آخر ،،،،،،

تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق ،،،،،

29-03-2004, Mon 6:27 PM
اخي البدر
سيقفل فوق ال 7 سنت
وسيطير السهم ان شاء الله

29-03-2004, Mon 6:37 PM
ومعي بهذا شاهد

محمد البدر
29-03-2004, Mon 6:55 PM
الله يسمع منك ،،،،، و لا يحرمنا منك يا ممدوح.

الله يكتب الخير للجميع ، انشاء الله تعالى.

لا تنسى RWNT اعتقد والله اعلم انها تسخن علشان تنطلق ، شكل ماكينتها ديزل.

عسى ما تسحب فينا الى اخر السوق.

30-03-2004, Tue 8:25 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ممدوح
السعر 0.036
والله اعلم

وكمان حملنا الونيت على 0.075
سياسة التزويد وليس التدعيم

محمد البدر
30-03-2004, Tue 9:25 PM
وين رايح بالوانيت ..... الى اي نقطة جزاك الله خير ...:)

30-03-2004, Tue 10:04 PM
والله ما ادري
لكن كما حدد الشارت نقطة الدخول سيحدد ان شاء الله نقطة الخروج
ولكنها مبدئيا ليست اقل من 10 سنت شاء الله


30-03-2004, Tue 10:25 PM
نقطة شراء كويسة عند دعم محترم

افضل شراء من وجهة نظري على 7 سنت
بس مين المحظوظ؟؟؟
انا كنت من المحظوظين وزودت والله على 0.071

31-03-2004, Wed 8:43 PM
ان صدق الشارت فالارباح جيدة وسيطير السهم
والله اعلم
السعر 0.073

بو يوسف
01-04-2004, Thu 1:49 AM
عزيزي ممدوح وأنا بعد وياكم :D حملت الوانيت مالي على 7 سنت والله يرزق الجميع

01-04-2004, Thu 6:12 PM
السهم اللي يعمل الشكلين التاليين يعطيني روح من الاطمئنان

01-04-2004, Thu 6:14 PM
الشكل الثاني من لفل تو

وهذا درس للاخوان الطيبين في فنون المضاربة اليومية

05-04-2004, Mon 6:26 PM
من 4 سنت الى 4.5 سنت مناسبة
والله اعلم

08-04-2004, Thu 4:40 PM
للمتابعة علشان الرحلة القادمة
السعر 0.054

08-04-2004, Thu 6:27 PM
لا يزال هذا السهم يلمع ويبرق بالنسبة لي
والله اعلم
السعر 0.057

08-04-2004, Thu 7:25 PM
قراءة فنية :
لتحقق الطيران 3 شروط
1) ان يتكون المؤشر الايجابي والذي هو على وشك التكون
2) ان تنكسر عقدة سنت سنت
3) وبفوليوم محترم

وبعدها ان شاء الله طيران

السعر الان 0.055

08-04-2004, Thu 7:27 PM
وهذه الرسمة التوضيحية

08-04-2004, Thu 7:39 PM

انت ليش إذا مسكت سهم وربحت منه ما تفكه وتبحث عن غيره

ليش إذا مسكت لك سهم يزيد إصرارك على أنه راح يطير ويطير ويطيرررر وإنت سيد العارفين إنه في اسهم البني يمكن ( وحط خطين تحت كلمة يمكن ) يحصل العكس ويطلع كل التحليل الفني كلام فاضي ... لأنه وبسهوله مئة الف دولار ممكن تلعب لك في الشارت لعب على كيف كيفك وتفتح لك شوارع طالعه وشوارع ونازله

والسؤال المهم ياممدوح هو هل أنت مازلت تجرب وتختبر طرقك ام إنتهيت ؟

08-04-2004, Thu 7:42 PM
اهلا استاذي عزيز
وجدت يا اخي ان امشي مع السهم لفترة طويلة هو الافضل
تعرف سلوك السهم وتعرف متى يحدث تلاعب في الشارت وخلافه
اما التجربة فالذي يقول انه وصل الى طريقة ناجحة بنسسبة 80% يرفع يده
لا زلت تلميذ صغير اجرب واجرب وسأظل في التجربة غير مضمونة النجاح

08-04-2004, Thu 7:44 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ممدوح
بتاريخ 4 مارس نزل عليها هذا الخبر وهو اللي خلاني اختارها مع شارت يعجبني
مديرها اختير لجائزة
CirTran President & CEO Nominated for Ernst & Young 2004 Entrepreneur of the Year Award
Thursday March 4, 12:36 pm ET

SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 4, 2004 -- CirTran Corp. (OTC BB:CIRT.OB - News), a full-service contract electronics manufacturer of printed circuit board assemblies, cables and harnesses, today announced it's President and CEO, Iehab J. Hawatmeh has been nominated for the prestigious Utah 2004 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. This award recognizes the achievements of business leaders primarily responsible for the overall performance of public and private companies based in Utah. In 2001 and 2002, CirTran was ranked among Top 50 Public companies based in the State of Utah. The awards banquet will be held June 17, 2004 and is being sponsored by such notable companies as Microsoft, Comcast and Merrill Lynch.
Trevor M. Saliba, Senior Vice President of Worldwide Business Development of CirTran Corporation, commented, "It is with great pride that we congratulate Mr. Hawatmeh for this prestigious honor. Mr. Hawatmeh has been a driving force at CirTran as its Founder and Chief Executive. Over the past ten years he has established himself as a leader in the Salt Lake City business community."

العبارة المظللة الاخيرة توحي بحجم الجائزة حيث ان من ذكر سيحضرمراسيم التسليم
تذكر مايكروسوفت في سهم بني ولا اشتريه
اما ردي لك يا استاذ عزيز فهو هذا الرد وانت ممن يؤمن بالخبر

محمد البدر
08-04-2004, Thu 7:46 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ممدوح
لا يزال هذا السهم يلمع ويبرق بالنسبة لي
والله اعلم
السعر 0.057

وانا كذلك ،،،،;)

وفقنا الله جميعا،،،،،،

08-04-2004, Thu 8:07 PM
أخشى ان يكون ردي عليك قاسي جدا

وأرجو ان لا يتم تفسيره من قبل الإخوان والقراء على أنها محاربه لك أو القصد هو المساس بشخصك وإنما المقصد هو كيفية إحترام عقلية القارىء سواءا كان راعي سوق او جنب القده مثل ما يقولون ______________________________

اولا : طالما انت لا زلت تجرب وتبحث فرأيي وراي كل عاقل ان لا تكتب مره أخرى كلمة توصية شراء .

ثانيا : طالما أنت لازلت تجرب وتبحث فرأيي أن لا تختار أحلى العبارات للتجميل والتطريز للسهم وكأنك تبحث عن زبون لبضاعه . هذا الأسلوب يدخل ضمن التغرير وهو لايجوز .

ثالثا : إعطني مبرر واحد لجعلك ترفع الموضوع بشكل مستمر وملفت للأنظار دون وجود شيء مفيد او جديد .

رابعا : هل أنت حريص على ظهور إسمك ككاتب لكل سهم ربما سيطير ؟... لماذا تفتح مواضيع جديده بإسمك وأنت تعلم بوجود موضوع سابق لنفس السهم لأحد الأشخاص ؟


ممدوح : لاتحترمني فهذا ليس مهم

ولكن يجب أن تحترم عقلية القراء والزوار

ويجب أن تتدارك وضعك كي تعود ممدوح حق زمان

انا أكتب لك لسبب واحد : عدم إستطاعتك تجواز مرحله معينه كانت مهمه في حياتك ... وإن لم تتدارك نفسك فربما أنت تسير الى القاع

لست مشرفا ولست أستاذا ولست ممن يحبون الإثاره حتى أنتقدك ولكن انا قريب جدا جدا من معظم الأعضاء مثلما انا قريب منك وللأسف لمست من العموم إنتقادك مثلما أنا انتقدك

فهل تعيد حساباتك وتظل إبن المنتدى ؟


08-04-2004, Thu 8:09 PM
لكن من ينتقدني لا يهمني
ومن يمدحني لا يهمني ايضا
وارجوا ان تقفل هذا الموضوع نهائيا

وانا بارفع لك الموضوع بعد سنة من اليوم وان شاء الله تشوف السهم بفوق النص دولار
ولك تحياتي اخي ( بلاشي استاذ )

08-04-2004, Thu 8:19 PM
اولا : لا شكر على واجب

وثانيا : شكرا جزيلا لأنك سحبت كلمة أستاذ مني فأنا لا أستحقها أصلا ولو كنت أستحقها بوجهة نظرك لما سحبتها مني .

ثالثا : لا تكابر ولا تتكبر والا ستواجه بحر ولن تستطيع الغوص ....

رابعا : حاول تكون أكثر هدوء وبلاشي إنفعاليه مبالغ فيها ... وحينما تقول لا يهمني كل من ينتقدني فهذا تأكيد منك على أنك يجب أن تعيد حساباتك .

08-04-2004, Thu 8:21 PM
مشكور ياعزيز

08-04-2004, Thu 8:31 PM
ممدوح : الله يهديك

هذه هي المشكله بالضبط : حينما تقول ( وانا بارفع لك الموضوع بعد سنة من اليوم وان شاء الله تشوف السهم بفوق النص دولار )

ولو يوصل خمسين دولار فهل هذا دليل على شطارتك ؟

ولو يفلس هل هذا دليل على غبائك ؟

انت بشطارتك الان قاعد تحول الموضوع الى جهه أخرى

انا مو قاعد اتكلم عن السهم ابدا

انا شاريه 2 سنت ولسع مابعته الى الان وإذا مو مصدق فمستعد ان اعطيك اليوزر وتشوف بنفسك تاريخ الشراء وستجد ان السهم ضمن المحفظه وسبب شرائي للسهم هو قيام الاخ محمد البدر بالكتابه عن السهم على هذا الرابطين وهي مواضيع أقدم من موضوعك



ومره أخرى اقول لك انا مو قاعد اتكلم عن السهم مطلقا ولا يهمني يرتفع او يهبط

انا اتكلم عن اللي إنت قاعد تسويه ....

الله يهديك


08-04-2004, Thu 9:08 PM

12-04-2004, Mon 6:40 PM
نقطة شراء حلوة

15-04-2004, Thu 4:45 PM
يستحق المتابعة وخاصة عند كسر 8 سنت
السعر 0.07

16-04-2004, Fri 4:51 PM
للمتابعة القوية جدا
السعر 0.087
والله اعلم

بو يوسف
16-04-2004, Fri 4:58 PM
خبر جديد

16-04-2004, Fri 5:55 PM
تاكيدا لرأي الاخ الفاضل محمد البدر

السهم في منطقة شراء ممتازة ب8 سنت
والله تعالى اعلم
والرالي اليوم وبكرة ان شاء الله

محمد البدر
16-04-2004, Fri 6:02 PM
ممدوح / شوف التشارت اليومي (3 شهور) ، راح تشوف مثال الأخ وجه السعد في الأختراق.

تقبل تحياتي ،،

16-04-2004, Fri 6:17 PM
انا شايف والله الاختراق من كم يوم
بس الحقيقة امس خفت شوي
لكن اليوم زودت على 8 سنت لاني اشم اختراق
بس عسى ما تكون حاسة الشم عندي خربانة
والرزق على الله

16-04-2004, Fri 6:19 PM
في رأيي الشخصي ان منطقة 0.084 _ 0,088 هي منطقة بيع لمن إشترى من القاع

الدخول المنطقي لمن لم يشتري من المفترض أن يكون بعد تجاوز السعر 0.093 مع إشتراط فوليوم وكميات شراء

في حالة الهبوط فسيكون خط الدعم الأول 0.072

والله اعلم

16-04-2004, Fri 6:29 PM
انا اشتري حيث يبيع الناس
من مثلي يغامر؟

كلامك ياعزيز فنيا 100 % سليم

لكنني احب الشراء السريع والبيع السريع وهذا الذي سيحصل ان شاء الله ( مضاربة )
وان لم يحصل واستبعد ذلك من معطيات الشارت فسأستثمر غصبا عني وسأعدل تحت غصبا عني
اما اسهم القاع فلن افرط فيها وانا ارى في السهم خير كثير ان شاء الله

16-04-2004, Fri 7:27 PM
مادام جنت موجود السهم ما اخاف منه
فرصة 8 سنت الان روعة

بو يوسف
21-07-2004, Wed 3:25 PM
خبر جديد
CirTran's ABKING PRO to be Distributed in all Canadian Wal-Mart Stores

25-11-2004, Thu 1:19 AM
ومع الاخبار الجيدة والشارت الذي يوحي ببداية ارتفاع قوي
CirTran Corporation Posts Over 882% Increase in Third Quarterly Production Revenues; Third Consecutive Quarter Demonstrating Continued Improved Results from Operations

November 22, 2004 06:00:00 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Nov 22, 2004 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corp. (CIRT, Trade), an international full-service contract electronics manufacturer of printed circuit board assemblies, cables and harnesses, today announced that it has reported earlier in its 10-Q for the period ended September 30, 2004 a gross revenue of $2,626,770 for the third quarter of 2004, which represents a 882% increase over the same period from the previous year, 2003. Year to date gross revenue is recorded at $5,230,274, which represents a 448% increase over the same period from the previous year, 2003.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh, President and CEO of CirTran Corporation commented, "We are pleased with the continued improvement in our operating performance in the third quarter. We have continued to achieve important development milestones, increase sales, increase backlog and continue to strengthen our balance sheet."

"Later on today, the company will announce an important development and a great result in its effort to reduce debt and enhance shareholders' equity," Mr. Hawatmeh continued.

The company attributes the sales increase to its continued customer contract wins for its full-service contract manufacturing services in its three core divisions: electronics, cable & harness, fitness equipment and household products through its parent company and wholly-owned subsidiaries, Racore Technology Corp. and CirTran-Asia.

The company is pleased to announce the following financial highlights for the third quarter of 2004:

-- Gross Revenue for the Third Quarter up 882% compared to same
period last year.
-- Gross Revenue for the first nine months up 448% compared to
same period last year.
-- Gross Profit for the Third Quarter up 541% compared to same
period last year.
-- Gross Profit for the first nine months up 268% compared to
same period last year.
-- Net loss for the first nine months 2004 includes a $315,000
expense for acquisition and organizational costs for the
start-up of CirTran-Asia division.
-- Net loss for the Third Quarter 2004 decreased by 23.11%
compared to the same period last year.
-- Net loss for the first nine months 2004 decreased by 22.20%
compared to the same period last year.
-- Accounts Receivables up over 500% since December 31, 2003.
-- Total Assets for the Third Quarter up over 63% since December
31, 2003.
-- Accounts Payable for the Third Quarter down over 40% since
December 31, 2003.
-- Stockholders Deficit for the Third Quarter down over 25% since
December 31, 2003.
-- Sales backlog for the Third Quarter in excess of $8,700,000
(Company Record).

Trevor M. Saliba, CirTran Corp. Executive Vice President of Worldwide Business Development of CirTran Corporation, commented, "We are pleased to announce yet another significant and consecutive milestone quarter. Going forward, we would like to provide guidance to our current and prospective shareholders. With current projects in place, plus anticipated projects near close, we expect calendar 2005 revenue to be much greater and to yield more positive results."

Saliba further said, "I caution shareholders and potential shareholders that this guidance is our best, good faith estimate based on current conditions and numerous assumptions about the industry, our access to financing, competitive and regulatory landscape and, particularly for the second set of guidance, our ability to successfully consummate the project we are pursuing. We anticipate updating our shareholders on at least a quarterly basis regarding our expectations."

السهم للمتابعة الجادة يا اخوان
last: 0.029

29-11-2004, Mon 10:16 PM
لا تنسوني
فانا في منطقة فاصلة ومهمة
وفيني مكسب

06-12-2004, Mon 8:08 PM
السهم هذا لا ينسى

للتذكير فقط
ان شاء الله فيه مكسب

06-12-2004, Mon 8:54 PM
الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ممدوح
السهم هذا لا ينسى
للتذكير فقط
ان شاء الله فيه مكسب

A weekly chart... speaking

21-12-2004, Tue 6:46 PM
لا استغرب اذا شفت السهم يحقق 200% في يوم واحد
ضعوه تحت الرادار
من الموضوع

الرسالة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة shafi
CIRT $0.078

Apr 20 2004, 03:15 AM

Entry $0.05 - $0.08

Short term exit $0.15 - $0.25

Long term exit $1.35 - $1.90


21-12-2004, Tue 8:21 PM
لا اريد التعليق على شارت واضح
في اخر 3 اشهر شوفوا التجميع اللي صار على السهم
وشوفوا قد ايش احنا الان عند نقطة فاصلة قد تكون اختراق

03-01-2005, Mon 5:49 PM
والاختراق واضح مع بداية 2005
كل عام وانتم طيبون

abo hamad
04-01-2005, Tue 10:10 PM

14-01-2005, Fri 5:48 PM
وخبر ممتاز ان شاء الله
CirTran Cites New Consumer Manufacturing Business for `Dramatic Increases` in Q4 and 2004 Year-End Results

January 14, 2005 08:30:00 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan 14, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corp. (CIRT, Trade), an international full-service contract manufacturer of IT, consumer and consumer electronics pIehab J. Hawatmeh, CirTran's founder, president and CEO, said the company plans to report sales of $3,640,225 for the quarter ended Dec. 31, 2004, as compared to $261,215 for the same period in 2003, an increase of 1,395%. Hawatmeh said for the year ending Dec. 31, 2004, CirTran plans to report sales of $8,870,599, as compared to $1,215,245 for 2003, an increase of 730%. roducts, said today that it will report dramatic increases in its fourth quarter and year-end results for fiscal 2004 when it files a 10-KSB with the SEC.

Hawatmeh said the fourth quarter and fiscal 2004 "were, by far, the most exciting period in CirTran's history as a public company as we established new highs in sales."

Asian Strategy Paying Off

In mid-2004, CirTran created CirTran-Asia as a wholly owned subsidiary based in ShenZhen, China, to focus on manufacturing high-volume consumer and consumer electronics products, such as those advertised on TV and in infomercials.

"Our Asian strategy is paying off," said Trevor M. Saliba, executive vice president for worldwide business development of both the parent and subsidiary companies. "In the second half of fiscal 2004, some two-thirds of revenues came from CirTran-Asia, while we also saw growth in our core IT manufacturing business in the U.S."

14-01-2005, Fri 9:07 PM
للمتابعة الجادة

18-01-2005, Tue 5:29 PM

24-01-2005, Mon 5:39 PM
وخبر ايجابي ان شاء الله
Related Quotes
Sym. Price Chg.
CIRT Trade
News 0.042 0.006
CirTran Cuts the Mustard with $5.4 Million Contract to Manufacture the New Sold-on-TV `Hot Dog Express`

January 24, 2005 08:45:00 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan 24, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corporation (CIRT, Trade), an international full-service contract manufacturer of IT, consumer and consumer electronics products, said announced that it has been awarded a contract worth a minimum of $1.8 million over the next 12 months to manufacture the "Hot Dog Express(TM)." a new sold-on-TV consumer electronics product.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh, founder, president and CEO of CirTran, said the contract is with Emson, Inc., a division of E. Mishan & Sons, Inc., of New York City, to be the exclusive manufacturer of the Hot Dog Express, which will be sold nationwide on TV, primarily through via infomercials. He said the contract runs through 2007, with minimum revenues to CirTran of $1.8 million per year, or $5.4 million over three years.

Mr. Hawatmeh said that, "being awarded this contract continues an exciting period of growth for CirTran into the new year." A week ago CirTran announced that it will report substantial growth when it files its 10-KSB with the Securities and Exchange Commission (see "CirTran Sites New Consumer Manufacturing Business for 'Dramatic Increases' in Q4 and 2004 Year-end Results," Business Wire, January 14).

"CirTran's strategy of building high-volume consumer and consumer electronics products, such as the Hot Dog Express, in Asia to complement our core IT manufacturing business in the U.S., is continuing to pay dividends," said Mr. Hawatmeh. He said that in the second half of fiscal 2004, ending December 31, some two-thirds of CirTran's revenues came from its Asian subsidiary, while its domestic business grew as well.

Manufactured by CirTran-Asia

"Everybody loves hot dogs," Mr. Hawatmeh said, "and we think this staple of American life will taste even better when they're cooked on the Hot Dog Express."

A small consumer electronics appliance, the Hot Dog Express includes an electric rotary grill and a section grill to cook hot dogs, buns, hamburgers, vegetables, shrimp, and other foods. It will be manufactured in China by CirTran-Asia, the wholly-owned, ShenZhen-based subsidiary of CirTran Corporation.

"Emson is a well-known company with a strong track record marketing products on TV and in infomercials," Mr. Hawatmeh said. "CirTran is very proud to have won this contract from an industry leader. It will have a very positive effect on our revenue projections for 2004, and will also help to put CirTran in a highly-favorable position with potential customers, particularly those wanting to manufacture high-volume, low-margin products off shore."

'Quality Operation, Quality Product

Mike Ackerman, vice president of New York City-based Emson, said CirTran was awarded the contract to manufacture the Hot Dog Express "because it has a quality operation and produces quality products.

"Emson has been impressed by the manufacturing wherewithal of Mr. Hawatmeh here in the U.S., also with Charles Ho, who heads CirTran operations in China," he said. "We look forward to a successful relationship and taking the Hot Dog Express to market in America this Spring."


31-01-2005, Mon 10:57 PM
CirTran Corporation Completes Compromise Settlement with IRS

January 31, 2005 09:30:00 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan 31, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corporation (CIRT, Trade) said today it has completed a compromise settlement with the Internal Revenue Service, taking what it called "a major step forward" in restructuring its balance sheet.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh, founder, president and CEO of CirTran, an international full-service contract manufacturer of IT, consumer and consumer electronics products, said the agreed-to $500,000 was sent to the IRS "on-schedule and in accordance" with a the settlement reached late last year (see "CirTran's Offers in Compromise Accepted by the Internal Revenue Service," Business Wire, Nov. 22, 2004).

"CirTran has now satisfied all of its outstanding federal tax liabilities, thus taking a major step forward in restructuring our balance sheet," he said.

The IRS said it was owed $2.3 million by CirTran as of September 30, 2004, when the company began the appeals process. In November 2004, it notified CirTran that its offer in compromise had been accepted.

Concurrent with announcing its settlement with the IRS in November, CirTran also said it had reached agreement with Utah State Tax Commission, allowing it to pay its liability in equal monthly installments through December 2005. Mr. Hawatmeh said CirTran is "on-schedule " with these payments as well.

"The difficult times endured by the IT industry worldwide took their toll on CirTran as well," said Mr. Hawatmeh. "Now we see light at the end of the tunnel, and believe that all these problems will soon be behind us. CirTran had a strong second half of fiscal 2004 (see "CirTran Sites New Consumer Manufacturing Business for 'Dramatic Increases' in Q4 and 2004 Year-end Results," Business Wire, Jan. 14, 2004) and are about the progress made in the early days of 2005."
خبر جيد
السهم للمتابعة ان شاء الله

abo hamad
23-02-2005, Wed 8:43 PM

22-04-2005, Fri 4:59 PM
للمتابعة الجادة جدا

22-04-2005, Fri 5:25 PM
ومع هذا الخبر الايجابي
Related Quotes
Sym. Price Chg.
CIRT Trade
News 0.039 0
CirTran to Report Record Sales and Increase of 353% for First Quarter

April 22, 2005 08:30:02 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Apr 22, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corp. (CIRT, Trade), an international full-service contract manufacturer of IT, consumer and consumer electronics products, today said that it will report record sales for the first quarter of fiscal 2005 when it files a 10-Q with the SEC next month.

CirTran Founder, President and CEO Iehab J. Hawatmeh said the company will report sales of approximately $2.93 million for the first quarter, up 353% over the $645,612 reported for the same period a year ago.

Hawatmeh said that the $2.93 million represents "the best first quarter in CirTran history," crediting "continued acceptance of our CirTran-Asia subsidiary as a viable entry in the sold-on-TV consumer products industry, and ongoing growth of our core manufacturing business in Salt Lake."

He said that during the first quarter, CirTran-Asia received contracts for more than $30 million (annualized) in new business to be the exclusive manufacturer of consumer and consumer electronics products for the infomercial industry.

"CirTran's record start to 2005 followed a very strong fourth quarter of 2004," said Hawatmeh. "It also continued CirTran's fiscal revival, which was demonstrated in our 10-KSB filing for 2004 a week ago in which we reported a 629% increase in sales and a 77% reduction in losses for the year, as compared with 2003."
توصية شراء

28-04-2005, Thu 4:21 PM
الاخبار الرائعة:

CirTran Wins $30 Million Contract to Build Sold-on-TV New Fitness Machine; New `Exclusive Manufacturer` Contracts Won by CirTran-Asia Now Total $60 Million

April 28, 2005 08:30:04 (ET)

SALT LAKE CITY, Apr 28, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- CirTran Corp. (CIRT, Trade) announced today that it has been awarded a $30 million contract to be the exclusive manufacturer of a new fitness machine for the sold-on-TV direct response industry.

Trevor M. Saliba, CirTran's executive vice president for worldwide sales, said the agreement is the "third major new exclusive manufacturer contract" for CirTran-Asia, the company's wholly owned subsidiary based in China, in the first four months of 2005.

Saliba said that the total of the new manufacturing contracts won by CirTran is approximately $60 million (annualized).

In January, CirTran-Asia received a contract from E. Mishan & Sons Inc., of New York, to be the exclusive manufacturer of the Hot Dog Express, and in February it contracted with Advanced Beauty Solutions, LLC, of Los Angeles, to be the exclusive manufacturer of the "True Ceramic Pro - Flat Iron Traveling Kit." Both products are currently being sold on nationwide TV via infomercials.

Saliba said that by mid-summer the manufacturing of the new fitness machine, the Hot Dog Express and the True Ceramic Pro - Flat Iron Traveling Kit could generate as much as $6 million per month in revenue to CirTran.

Recognition Direct Response Business

"Winning business from major direct response TV marketers is great validation of the quality products manufactured by the CirTran organization," he said.

"These companies from whom CirTran has won business are world-class and worldwide," said Saliba. "They have a choice -- in fact many choices -- when it comes to finding manufacturing partners. We have won business because we have demonstrated that at CirTran and CirTran-Asia quality and quantity go hand-in-hand. Our CirTran-Asia operations, headed by Charles Ho, have turned prospects into customers when they've traveled to China to see our production line turning out quality products, 24 hours a day, seven days a week."

Leading to a Record Quarter

Saliba credited the new business won by CirTran-Asia and a steady increase in contracts won by the company's Salt Lake City facility for a record first quarter.

CirTran will report record sales of approximately $2.93 million, up 353% over the $645,612 reported for the first quarter of fiscal 2004, when it files a 10-Q with the SEC next month, he said.

02-05-2005, Mon 4:53 PM
شكل الحفلة قربت

مدور رزق
08-05-2005, Sun 11:20 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الصراحة يااخ ممدوح الله يبيض وجهك....تبي الصدق :

انا وانا اخوك في السوق الامريكي من زمان وماغير اخسر ! ولا كنت اتابع المنتديات بشكل منتظم .....بس طاحت عيني على مواضيعك ( وبدون مجاملة والله ) شدتني....وماشاء الله عليك كل شيء توصي فيه تكون الوصاية في محلها !...

بيني وبينك بديت معاك في smart tire اللي هي (smtr) يوم انك توصي عليها ...صحيح قريشاتي على قدي ! بس صراحة كسبت منها والحمد لله...والفضل كله لله ثم لك ...طلعت 90 % من راس مالي ....الله قل آمين يربحك الربح الحلال دنيا ، ويربحك آخرتك وهي الفوز بالجنة وهذا الربح الحقيقي....

لله دركم...

تتابعون الشركات والشارتات والاخبار ثم تقولون تفضلوا على طبق من ذهب وتوصون بعد....

لله دركم انت والأخوان في هذا المنتدى جميعا ً...

اسجل شكري لكم جميعا وعجابي بكم جميعا ً....

اتصدق يااخ ممدوح اني شريت في هذي الشركة اللي انت موصي عليها وانا مغمض !.خصوصا يوم عرفت نشاطها ......وهذا انا انتظر ....

الله يربحنا واياكم جميعا ً...


09-05-2005, Mon 8:58 AM
كلنا يا عزيزي مدورين رزق ومنتظرين
أكثروا الدعاء
اكثروا الاستغفار

مدور رزق
09-05-2005, Mon 10:14 PM
مساكم اله بالخير...

غريبة هذي الشركة يااخ ممدوح ....حركتها بطيئة جدا ً....على 0.38 تقريبا ً من الاسبوع اللي فات...يعني مو مثل SMTR

ننتظر والله ييسر...

تحياتي للجميع...

09-05-2005, Mon 10:59 PM
الصبر ان شاء الله زين

17-05-2005, Tue 10:51 PM
كثرة الطرق تفك اللحااام

19-05-2005, Thu 5:40 PM
توصية شراء بهذا السعر
الترند على الويكلي مكسور

20-05-2005, Fri 5:16 PM
الفرص الطيبة قد لا تتكرر
الهدف ابعد مما نتوقع ان شاء الله

23-05-2005, Mon 4:56 PM
السهم على وشك انفجاااااااار

مدور رزق
23-05-2005, Mon 6:38 PM
الله يسمع منك ياممدوووووووووح

23-05-2005, Mon 8:28 PM
CirTran`s 10Q Reports 363% Sales Increase, Positive EBITDA and Positive Shareholder Equity

May 23, 2005 12:00:03 (ET)

CirTran Corporation (CIRT, Trade), an international full-service contract manufacturer of IT, consumer and consumer electronics products, today reported an increase in sales of 352%, positive EBITDA of $26,518, and positive shareholder equity for the first quarter of fiscal 2005 in its 10-Q filing with the SEC.

Iehab J. Hawatmeh, CirTran's founder and president, said the company engineered a swing of nearly $3.5 million in total stockholder equity in the quarter, reporting $1,222,230 as compared with a deficit of $(2,242,033) as of December 31, 2004.

"This is the first time as a public company that CirTran has shown positive EBITDA and total shareholder equity," Mr. Hawatmeh said. "By any and all measures, CirTran is off to its best start ever."

CirTran's revenues were $2,920,465, up 352% over the $645,612 for the same period a year ago, while the company also achieved an 84% reduction in loss from operations, reporting $(59,199) as compared with $(366,965) for the first quarter a year ago.

Growing in the U.S. and China

"CirTran is growing on two continents," said Mr. Hawatmeh. "In the first quarter, we won more than $30 million (annualized) in new contracts for our less-than-a-year-old CirTran-Asia subsidiary, which manufactures products for the sold-on-TV consumer products industry, and grew here at home at our newly ISO 9001:2000-certified factory in Salt Lake."

Mr. Hawatmeh said CirTran's record start to 2005 followed what he called "a very strong fourth quarter and an overall fiscal revival in 2004." In its 10-KSB filing, CirTran reported a 629% increase in sales and a 77% reduction in losses for 2004 as compared with 2003

توصية شراء
الحقوا ياشباب

عليمي الأسهم
04-06-2005, Sat 11:28 AM
هل فيه أي اخبـــــــــــــار جديدة على هذه الشركة

وهل لا زالت التوصية قائمة

كاتب عدل
01-07-2005, Fri 5:25 AM
هل فيه أي اخبـــــــــــــار جديدة على هذه الشركة

وهل لا زالت التوصية قائمة

كاتب عدل
12-07-2005, Tue 9:55 PM
خبر وفوليوم

مدور رزق
30-07-2005, Sat 3:30 AM
ميزتها انها ثابتة طول هالفترة....رغم انها سهم بني....

الفرج ان شاء الله...

اللهم الرزق الحلال للجميع يارب...

مدور رزق
03-08-2005, Wed 1:29 AM
وهذا عنوان خبر نازل أمس :

Subsidiary Continues to Build Government Business With New Order for Fiber Optics Products From Texas Appraisal District
Monday August 1, 8:30 am ET

المصدر :


abo hamad
12-01-2006, Thu 11:52 PM
ايضا للرفع

13-01-2006, Fri 5:08 AM
The first reccomendation for this company from penny stocks doctor Mamdooh but, we miss him in the site i hope he is ok ,and we are waiting for him.