المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : قواعد تجارة البني ستوك

21-05-2002, Tue 5:06 AM
السلام عليكم
ارجو ان تكون هذة الارشادات في مجال البني ستوك مفيدة لكم ، وعذرا على عدم الترجمة ، وافترض ان اللغة المكتوبة مفهومة بشكل كبير للاكثرية في المنتدي :

ماهو البني ستوك :WHAT ARE PENNY STOCKS

Also known as micro-cap and junior issues, penny stocks generally trade for values less than $2.00, and as low as a fraction of a cent. Penny stocks are highly speculative, and their prices are subject to great volatility, which frightens away some investors, while providing others with the potential of making large gains on their investments

لماذا يقوم البعض بشراء البني ستوك : WHY BUY PENNY STOCKS

The penny stock markets have made more overnight millionaires than any other investment vehicle. Even small investments can turn into fortunes, and that is what draws most traders towards the micro-cap markets.

ماهي مخاطر شراء البني ستوك ( تعتبر خطرة ) : WHAT RISKS ARE INVOLVED

Penny stocks are more volatile than other types of investments, so you will see larger price movements in shorter time frames. At most, you can lose 100% of your investment

قواعد وارشادات مفيدة عند شراء وبيع البني ستوك : RULES ABOUT PENNY STOCK TRADING

Rule # 1 - Generally you shouldn't invest more than $2000 into any one penny stock. These issues are speculative, and thus contain some degree of risk. Besides, even a small investment can pay off significantly due to the large price movements of micro-cap stocks.

Rule # 2 - Don't buy stocks if you feel rushed. Don't chase after a rising price. There are always other options on the penny stock markets, and a superior investment strategy involves acquiring shares before price rises begin.

Rule # 3 - Keep a portion of your portfolio in cash. A 25% to 40% cash position enables you to respond to price movements and news with strategies such as averaging down or diversification. A dynamic portfolio can greatly improve your returns.

Rule # 4 - Sell when you've made good profits. Too often investors hold on to a stock that has multiplied five or six times in value, hoping for an even greater rise. If you must hold on to shares for the long haul, then it is a good strategy to sell half your holdings when the price has doubled, and let the rest ride for the longer term.

Rule # 5 - Don't sell from panic. Penny stocks are very volatile, and can rise or fall greatly within days or hours. Also understand that if you are adverse to any degree of risk or volatility, then more conventional investments such as bonds may be more appropriate for you. However, with professional guidance risk levels may not be greater than those found on the conventional stock markets.

Rule # 6 - Use a broker that charges low commissions. Trading frequency will generally be greater and trade values less with penny stocks, so a discount broker will help you avoid high commissions.

Rule # 7 - Check your stock prices at least once a day.

Rule # 8 - Never buy stocks because you heard a hot tip from a friend or associate. Only trust a proven recommendation service, or your own research.

اتمني ان تكون مفيدة لكم .

21-05-2002, Tue 9:30 PM
تدري وش مشكلة هالشركات؟ اقول لك وش مشكلتها!!! مشكلتها مشكلة.

الصراحة مشكلتها انك ما تلقاها في الفلاتر الاسلامية. وصعبة تشتغل فيها وانت ما تدري حلال و الا حرام اذا تقدر تفيدنا يا سلام عليك وجزاك الله خيرا

22-05-2002, Wed 9:59 AM
الاخ الكريم ، لقد فكرت انا في نفس الشيء .
طبعا الاصل في استبعاد الشركات هو طبيعة العمل والذي يضعها داخل دائرة المحرمات
( كما افهم ) وارجو تصحيحي اذا كانت فكرتي خطأ .

سوف احاول انشااللة من خلال هذة الفكرة ، بايجاد الاجابة لاي شركة .
ولا نستغني عن تعاون وجهد اعضاء المنتدى المحترميين.

سيف الخيال
23-05-2002, Thu 2:52 AM

القواعد كثيرة ، ولكن من الذي يمشي على القاعدة ، نحن مشكلتنا للاسف عدم الالتزام بالقواعد .

اشكرك اخي العزيز على هذا الموضوع .