المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : SONS والنزول الرهيب؟

12-02-2004, Thu 2:42 PM
السلام عليكم
تحية معطرة لكم

لفت انتباهي امس نزول شركة سونس نتورك نزول رهيب والله فاحش وخصوصا بعد اغلاق السوق
واكيد عليه اخبار سيئة جدا
يا ترى ما هي؟
ما هي توقعاتكم لها بعد هذا النزول فهل سوف ترتد او لا
وما هي نقاط الدعم القوية لهذا السهم
نشتري او لا دون اي مسؤلية ؟

وبالتوفيق لكم

12-02-2004, Thu 3:44 PM
"We are deeply concerned and disappointed to have discovered that certain employees at Sonus Networks were engaged in behavior that violated our code of conduct and may have compromised the integrity of our financial reporting," said Hassan Ahmed, president and CEO, Sonus Networks. "The Company responded promptly by taking appropriate measures to address these matters. We assure our shareholders, customers and employees that our management and Board of Directors are committed to taking all necessary steps to complete our review in an expeditious and comprehensive manner, and to prevent such problems from occurring in the future."

At this time, Sonus Networks cannot provide an anticipated date for the completion of its review or the year-end audit, or for the rescheduling of the release of its fourth quarter and fiscal year results for the year ended December 31, 2003.
