المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مجانا ... بيتر ليدز

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10-11-2003, Mon 7:26 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم جميعا اخواني في منتدانا الغالي .. وكل زوارنا الكرام.

انطلاقا من روح الاخوه اللي شفتها بهالمنتدى وردا للجميل حبيت أشارككم بـ "PETER LEEDS" و آخر توصياته و أخباره وهو موقع غني عن التعريف..

سويت دراسه خفيفه للأسهم الموصيين عليها و لقيت نسبه الربح في معدل 90% على الأقل ( الحق أكثر) .

ولقيت حوالي 10% لم يحققوا الهدف المنشود (مع العلم أن الوقت المتوقع لم يحن بعد)

بشكل عام - أو على الأقل خلال هالسنه- لقيت أن الهدف المحدد من قبل الموقع يتم الوصول اليه في مده لا تزيد عن 3 شهور من تاريخ التوصيه ..

وطبعا أولا وأخيرا التوصيه المطروحه لا تعني بالضروره الشراء..

سأقوم بنقل التوصيه ووضعها بين يديكم مع تاريخ التوصيه و مدى السعر المقترح للشراء و سعر البيع المقترح للمدى القصير ..

" علما أن المدى القصير - حسب تعريف الموقع- يتراوح ما بين ساعات الى 8 أشهر كحد أقصى"

كما سأقوم بنقل الأخبار و التحديثات اليوميه من الموقع..

و خلي الفائده تعم الجميع ..

أسأل الله أن يرزقنا جميعا من لدنه و يمن علينا بالخير والبركات في الدنيا والآخره انه سميع مجيب الدعاء
والله ولي التوفيق



10-11-2003, Mon 7:30 PM
راح أبدأ من الأقدم الى الأحدث .. الرجاء متابعه تاريخ التوصيه والتقيد بالأسعار - بعد الدراسه- لمن أراد الأخذ بالوصيه ..


Unigene Laboratories, Inc.
March 25th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.26
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.20 - 0.30
Short-term Sell: 0.45 - 0.95

10-11-2003, Mon 7:31 PM
امر ليس بغريب على احد اعضاء هذا المنتدى المعطاء

جزاك الله الف خير وجعلها في ميزان اعمالك

10-11-2003, Mon 7:32 PM
April 15th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.40
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.35 - 1.45
Short-term Sell: 2.90

10-11-2003, Mon 7:32 PM
الله يعطيك الصحة والعافيه اخ Sniper وانا شخصيا طلبت من الموقع ان اشترك معاه بالفتره التجريبه لكنهم ما عطوني اي خبر لحد الان وشكرا لانك سوف تغنينا عن الاشتراك معاهم:D
شكرا جدا لاني انا مهتم بتوصيات هذا الرجل

10-11-2003, Mon 7:33 PM
هلا أخوي Lebiral

LJ International Inc.
April 22nd Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.20
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.15 - 1.25
Short-term Sell: 4.55

10-11-2003, Mon 7:34 PM
Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
May 6th Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $1.90
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.65 - 1.75
Short-term Sell: 2.95 - 3.80

10-11-2003, Mon 7:35 PM
Digital Impact
May 13th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.52
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.50 - 1.60
Short-term Sell: 2.65 - 4.40

10-11-2003, Mon 7:36 PM
Viewpoint Corp.
May 20th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $0.82
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.90 - 1.00
Short-term Sell: 1.95 - 3.10

10-11-2003, Mon 7:38 PM
May 28th Market: TSX
Profile Price: $1.50
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.50 - 1.60
Short-term Sell: 2.45 - 3.80

10-11-2003, Mon 7:39 PM
Senetek PLC
June 3rd Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $0.46
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.45 - 0.55
Short-term Sell: 1.35 - 1.90

10-11-2003, Mon 7:41 PM
بوناصر الله لا يهينك رجاء حار بتثبيت الموضوع ولمدة دام اخونا العزيز Sniper عنده الامكانية ان يزودنا باخر التوصيات .

10-11-2003, Mon 7:42 PM
Visual Networks
June 10th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.37
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.30 - 1.45
Short-term Sell: 2.35 - 3.70

10-11-2003, Mon 7:44 PM
Edison Schools
June 17th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.48
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.40 - 1.50
Short-term Sell: 2.05 - 3.80

10-11-2003, Mon 7:45 PM
Communication Intelligence Corp.
June 24th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.31
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.30 - 0.35
Short-term Sell: 0.85 - 0.95

10-11-2003, Mon 7:46 PM
Attunity Ltd.
July 1st Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.08
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.05 - 1.15
Short-term Sell: 2.40 - 2.75

10-11-2003, Mon 7:48 PM
Zamba Solutions
July 8th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.20
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.20 - 0.25
Short-term Sell: 0.40 - 0.45

10-11-2003, Mon 7:49 PM
U.S. Plastic Lumber Corp.
July 15th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.19
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.18 - 0.23
Short-term Sell: 0.35 - 0.42

10-11-2003, Mon 7:50 PM
Xybernaut Corp.
July 22nd Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $0.69
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.64 - 0.74
Short-term Sell: 1.35 - 1.95

10-11-2003, Mon 7:51 PM
AutoImmune Inc.
July 24th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.61
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.45 - 1.65
Short-term Sell: 2.95 - 3.25

10-11-2003, Mon 7:53 PM
Synagro Technologies Inc.
July 29th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.31
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 2.20 - 2.55
Short-term Sell: 4.80 - 5.40

10-11-2003, Mon 7:54 PM
Firearms Training Systems Inc.
July 31st Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.42
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 0.35 - 0.55
Short-term Sell: 0.80 - 1.10

10-11-2003, Mon 7:55 PM
DG Systems.
August 5th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.97
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.90 - 2.25
Short-term Sell: 3.70 - 4.10

10-11-2003, Mon 7:56 PM
TST Impreso
August 7th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.86
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.75 - 2.00
Short-term Sell: 3.10 - 3.45

10-11-2003, Mon 7:57 PM
DRAXIS Health Inc.
August 12th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.67
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.70 - 1.85
Short-term Sell: 2.65 - 2.90

10-11-2003, Mon 7:59 PM
PermaFix Environmental Services
August 14th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.74
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.65 - 1.90
Short-term Sell: 2.25 - 2.50

10-11-2003, Mon 8:00 PM
JMAR Technologies, Inc.
August 26th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.35
Web | Quote | Chart | News Buy Opinion: 1.25 - 1.45
Short-term Sell: 1.90 - 2.30

10-11-2003, Mon 8:01 PM
Rentech, Inc.
August 28th Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $0.56
Buy Opinion: 0.45 - 0.65
Short-term Sell: 1.25 - 1.60

10-11-2003, Mon 8:02 PM
Mitek Systems Inc.
September 3rd Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.10
Buy Opinion: 1.00 - 1.20
Short-term Sell: 1.60 - 2.10

10-11-2003, Mon 8:04 PM
Trimedyne Inc.
September 9th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.55
Buy Opinion: 0.50 - 0.70
Short-term Sell: 1.25 - 1.70

10-11-2003, Mon 8:05 PM
Applied Digital Solutions
September 11th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $0.39
Buy Opinion: 0.35 - 0.45
Short-term Sell: 0.90 - 0.95

10-11-2003, Mon 8:06 PM
FiberNet Telecom Group, Inc.
September 16th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.39
Buy Opinion: 0.90 - 1.10
Short-term Sell: 1.25 - 1.35

10-11-2003, Mon 8:07 PM
Innodata Corp.
September 18th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.06
Buy Opinion: 2.00 - 2.20
Short-term Sell: 3.20 - 3.65

10-11-2003, Mon 8:09 PM
September 23th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.39
Buy Opinion: 0.75 - 0.95
Short-term Sell: 1.10 - 1.35

10-11-2003, Mon 8:13 PM
Stockgroup Information Systems Inc.
September 25th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.31
Buy Opinion: 0.30 - 0.40
Short-term Sell: 0.75 - 0.99

10-11-2003, Mon 8:17 PM
Datatec Systems, Inc.
September 30th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.15
Buy Opinion: 1.15 - 1.35
Short-term Sell: 1.75 - 1.95

10-11-2003, Mon 8:18 PM
New West Asia Dragon Corp.
October 2nd Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $0.82
Buy Opinion: 0.75 - 1.00
Short-term Sell: 1.40 - 1.65

10-11-2003, Mon 8:19 PM
American Bio Medica Corp.
October 7th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $1.16
Buy Opinion: 1.00 - 1.20
Short-term Sell: 1.50 - 2.30

10-11-2003, Mon 8:21 PM
ADB Systems International Ltd.
October 9th Market: OTC-BB
Profile Price: $0.26
Buy Opinion: 0.20 - 0.35
Short-term Sell: 0.50 - 0.75

10-11-2003, Mon 8:23 PM
Stonepath Group Inc.
October 14th Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $2.84
Buy Opinion: 2.50 - 2.75
Short-term Sell: 5.40 - 5.80

10-11-2003, Mon 8:24 PM
Memry Corp.
October 16th Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $1.35
Buy Opinion: 1.20 - 1.45
Short-term Sell: 2.25 - 2.50

10-11-2003, Mon 8:26 PM
Covalent Group Inc.
October 21st Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.50
Buy Opinion: 2.50 - 2.75
Short-term Sell: 4.00 - 5.50

10-11-2003, Mon 8:27 PM
Aeterna Laboratoires Inc.
October 28th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $3.13
Buy Opinion: 3.25 - 3.75
Short-term Sell: 6.50 - 7.00

10-11-2003, Mon 8:28 PM
Liquidmetal Techs Inc.
October 30th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.70
Buy Opinion: 2.50 - 2.75
Short-term Sell: 4.40 - 4.90

10-11-2003, Mon 8:30 PM
PolyOne Corp.
November 4th Market: NYSE
Profile Price: $5.07
Buy Opinion: 4.80 - 5.25
Short-term Sell: 6.00 - 7.50

10-11-2003, Mon 8:32 PM
Sitel Corp.
November 6th Market: NYSE
Profile Price: $1.94
Buy Opinion: 1.50 - 1.80
Short-term Sell: 3.00 - 3.50

10-11-2003, Mon 8:34 PM
ورزقك من فضله يا اخ Sniper

10-11-2003, Mon 8:44 PM
أنت قدوه في حب الخير للآخرين ..

خيرك سابق أخوي الشامي

نفعنا الله جميعا ورزقنا من عنه ..

شاكر مرورك أخي العزيز


10-11-2003, Mon 9:26 PM
Before the markets opened today, HP announced their fiscal results for the second quarter ended September 30, 2003.

Second Quarter Highlights
Second quarter sales rose 19%

Net earnings increased 39%

Sales for the company's publishing division increased by over 106%

Sales of Hip Gear accessories increased by over 158%
Sales for the second fiscal quarter were $96.2 million compared to $80.6 million for the same quarter last year, an increase of 19%. Net earnings for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 were $2.4 million compared to $1.7 million for the same period last year, an increase of 39%.

Sales for the Company's Hip Games Publishing division increased by over 106% to $6.8 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2003, compared to $3.3 million for the same period last year.

Sales of Hip Gear accessories increased by over 158% to $3.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2003, compared to $1.2 million for the same period last year. Growth in this division was boosted by agreements with both Zellers, announced during the first fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2003, and CompUSA, announced during the quarter ended December 31, 2002.

"We are very pleased with our results for the second quarter," said Arindra Singh, President and CEO of HP, "We are particularly encouraged with the performance of our strategic higher margin businesses of Hip Gear and Hip Games as both businesses continued to deliver significant growth over the comparable quarter last year. We are now heading into our busy season and are looking forward to announcing continued growth throughout the rest of our fiscal year."

10-11-2003, Mon 9:28 PM
early trading today INOD’s share price rose 36% to a new 52-week high of $4.54. This significant ramp up is being supported by speculation on the company’s third quarter fiscal results which will be released before the market opens on Tuesday, November 11, 2003.

A news release will be available in the News section as well as the Investor Relations section of the INOD Web site, www.innodata-isogen.com, as well as on Business Wire, www.businesswire.com.

Today’s new high represents a gain of 120% over our initial profile price of $2.06. The company is currently trading for $3.77 on 122,200 shares.

10-11-2003, Mon 9:30 PM
Acclaim Entertainment International, a wholly owned subsidiary of AKLM, and inXile Entertainment announced today a European publishing agreement for inXile's first game in 2004, The Bard's Tale. Under terms of the agreement, AKLM will publish inXile's new original role-playing game on multiple console platforms and the PC.

"The game released in the 1980's, also called The Bard's Tale, is considered to be one of the great forefathers of the genre -- a true classic with a fan base who has been eagerly awaiting a revival of the concept for almost two decades." commented Larry Sparks, Vice President, Marketing (International).
"I am very pleased to be working with Acclaim's International division on our first project at inXile, as I've worked well with them in the past," said Brian Fargo, founder and CEO of inXile Entertainment. "They will be an important partner for us in these territories because they have excellent marketing and distribution capabilities and a proven track record for delivering successful launches."

In early trading AKLM’s share price rose 11% to a high of 79 cents. The company is currently trading for 75 cents on 3,610,000 shares.

10-11-2003, Mon 9:32 PM
STG announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement to acquire a majority interest in Shanghai-based Shaanxi Sunshine Express Int'l Co., Ltd. (Shaanxi). Established in 1993, the business is one of the leading integrated logistics companies in the People’s Republic of China.

Once completed, the acquisition will facilitate STG’s expansion into the vital greater China region where many of STG’s clients have significant supplier relationships and where extraordinary economic growth is driving demand for logistics services. Shaanxi reported revenues in excess of $50 million for 2002.

STG’s Chairman of the Board and CEO, Dennis Pelino, remarked, "Shaanxi is one of the strongest and best known logistics companies in Greater China, consistently ranked as one of the top 10 providers in the region. As an "A-Class" international forwarder with a strong executive team, we will be gaining a superb partner that will add an important geographic region to our international network and will provide a solid foundation for the growth of our company throughout Greater China."
Pelino continued: "China's economy is surging. U.S. corporations continue outsourcing more of their manufacturing to the region and China's extraordinary internal growth is creating a huge demand for raw materials needed to build infrastructure, supply manufacturing sectors and satisfy a growing consumer market. Shaanxi will establish Stonepath as a leading transportation provider positioned to take advantage of these trends."

10-11-2003, Mon 9:33 PM
On Friday, MRY announced their financial results for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2003.

The company reported revenue of $8,159,000 in the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2003, a decrease of 8% from $8,896,000 in the comparable quarter a year ago. Net income was $497,000 compared with net income of $798,000 in the comparable period last year. Manufacturing costs decreased by 18%.

The company said the quarter's revenues were adversely affected by lower shipments of both wire-based and tube-based medical stent components used in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) procedures. MRY reported increases in shipments of arch wire, high pressure sealing plugs, semi-finished materials and superelastic tube during the quarter.

James G. Binch, Chairman and CEO of MRY said, "Although we anticipated the weakness in AAA component shipments, the financial results of the quarter were better than we had anticipated due to productivity improvements represented by higher manufacturing yields. As a result, gross profit increased to 42% compared with 35% in the comparable quarter a year ago."
He continued, "We are encouraged that the efforts of our operations and process engineering teams during the past nine months are having a positive effect on customer service levels and product quality and have dramatically reduced lead times and produced improved gross margins. The latest quarter represents our best operating performance in over a year. We reported a significant improvement in gross profit in spite of both customer and competitor pricing pressures. These improvements are expected to add measurably to our ability to gain new accounts and programs."

MRY is currently trading down 16% at $1.66 on 141,000 shares.

ولد السوق
10-11-2003, Mon 10:19 PM
الله يجزاك ألف ألف خير أخي Sniper

والله هذا المنتدى أكثر من رائع. كل يوم طالع لنا واحد بمفاجأة حلوة.

ياليت ألاقي أي شيء ينفعكم عشان أرد جزء من أفضالكم.

عمل جماعي أكثر من ممتاز...

10-11-2003, Mon 10:24 PM
الله يحييك يالغالي ...

أنا بس خايف اخلص عليكم أوراق المنتدى :p

شكرا لمرورك

والله يوفق الجميع

11-11-2003, Tue 2:51 AM
كثرالله من امثالك اخى العزيز وماقصرت وانشاللة انك من اليحبون لاخوانهم المسلمين كمايحب لنفسة

انت اتيت بالواجب الله يوفقة

نريد من اخوانا ابوناصر ولاخ وجة السعد وممدوح وبقية الاخوان لاهانو ان يختارو الاسهم السرعية والتى هى اقرب لاتوقعات الله يجزاهم خير لان انحن لانستغنى عن هم وخبراتهم التى بكل سراحة كانت لنا عون بعد الله فى اكثر مشترياتنا

ونرجو من ابو ناصر تثبيت الموضوع

والسلام ختام

11-11-2003, Tue 9:58 PM
هلا والله أخوي sa41sa41

شاكر لمرورك والله يوفق الجميع..

تحديثات يوم الثلاثاء نزلت الآن ..

بسم الله

Before the markets opened today INOD announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company announced a net income of $1,490,000 for the third quarter of 2003, versus a net loss of $2,521,000, for the same period in 2002.

Revenues for the third quarter are up approximately 54% to $11,184,000 versus revenues of $7,278,000 for the comparable period of 2002. Furthermore, revenues are up approximately 39% this quarter over last, when the company reported a net loss of $636,000. This represents the third straight quarter of improved quarter-over-quarter financial performance.

INOD’s cash position remained solid, approximating $5.8 million at September 30, 2003. The company generated approximately $700,000 cash from operating activities and working capital climbed to approximately $10 million.

"Of course, we're pleased to be in the black again," said company Chairman and CEO Jack Abuhoff. "But frankly, one profitable quarter is not the whole game. Strong, sustainable growth is what we're working to achieve."
"To accomplish this, we repositioned and refocused the entire company on a competitive platform that I'm confident will help get us to the next level of growth," Abuhoff asserted. "Today, we deliver our clients more value and are looking at more opportunity than ever before. That's what excites me."

Shortly after the markets opened today INOD’s share price surged 23.8% to a high of $4.15. The company is currently trading for $3.99 on 324,300 shares.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:07 PM
TRAC also announced their third quarter financial results before the markets opened today.

Revenues for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003 were $9,872,000 compared to $14,765,000 for the same period in 2002, a decrease of 33%. Net income for the third quarter of 2003 was $793,000, or $.02 per share, compared to $708,000, or $.01 per share in 2002.

Revenues for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 were $30,891,000 compared to $41,140,000 for the same period in 2002, a decrease of 25%. Net income for the 2003 period was $1,457,000, or $.03 per share, compared to $1,225,000, or $.02 per share in 2002.

Commenting on the results, Barry Hertz, Chairman and CEO, commented, "We continue to achieve profitable operations by reducing expenses, without jeopardizing our ability to handle growth in the business. In an effort to increase revenues, we are ramping up marketing expenditures for television, print and internet ads."
In response to the less than stellar quarterly results, TRAC opened the day at $1.55; a 12% drop over yesterday’s closing price of $1.76. The company is currently trading for $1.47 on 771,300 shares.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:10 PM
NWD today reported financial results for its third quarter ended September 25, 2003, reflecting an increase in net income and improved gross margins.

Net income for quarter increased 8.4% to $786,000, from $725,000, a year earlier. Net sales decreased slightly to $8.2 million from $8.4 million a year earlier, reflecting the lingering impact of SARS and the effect on consumer demand and retail sales.

Net income for the nine-month period was $514,000, compared with $2.1 million, a year ago. Sales during the nine months declined to $20.2 million from $23.0 million a year earlier -- reflecting the full impact of SARS during the March through June period.

"Results for the quarter reflect a significant improvement in business, especially given the effect of SARS on operations during the previous six months. As we enter the holiday season, a period which is historically the company's strongest, management is focused on leveraging New Dragon Asia's strength in production, distribution, brand name awareness and quality recognition within retail and commercial markets,'' said company CEO, Xue Jun Song.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:13 PM

الف شكر لك مجهود طيب واتمنى يستمر العطاء
بيتر ليد توصياته ممتازه وتستحق المتابعه

ولكن عندي سؤال ..
على ايش يعتمد بيتر ليد بتوصياته .. هل يعتمد التحليل الاساسي بالدرجه الاولى ؟؟
اذا كان يعتمد التحليل الاساسي هذا افضل

استمر الله يجزاك خير .. متابعين لكل ما تكتب

11-11-2003, Tue 10:15 PM
AIMM today released their financial results for the third fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company reported a net loss of $0.16 million, for the three months ended September 30, 2003, compared with a net loss of $0.25 million, for the three months ended September 30, 2002.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, net income was $0.74 million, compared with a net loss of $0.64 million, for the nine months ended September 30, 2002. Results for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 reflect receipt of the final payment in March 2003 from a subsidiary of Elan Corporation plc for its purchase of AIMM’s rights to certain patent applications.

This past quarter Colloral LLC, AIMM’s joint venture with Deseret Laboratories International, began market testing in geographically limited areas several approaches to increase the sales of Colloral®, its product for nutritional support of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

BioMS has confirmed that it expects to begin an advanced phase clinical trial of a novel treatment for chronic progressive multiple sclerosis, which utilizes intellectual property rights exclusively licensed from AIMM, within the next several months. BioMS makes monthly diligence payments to AIMM and has a royalty obligation on sales of the product should it reach the market.

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. reports that during the first quarter of 2004 it hopes to begin the next human clinical studies on an oral formulation of COPAXONE®, a product for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, which utilizes intellectual property rights exclusively licensed from AIMM. If Teva is successful in bringing this product to market, AIMM will receive both a milestone payment and a royalty on sales.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:20 PM
هلا والله آينشتاين وشكرا لمرورك ...

أنا والله جديد على بيتر ، أعتقد انه يعتمد على الخبر بدرجه أولى بالاضافه للتحليل ، لكنه مش مثل لاري سوينغ اعتماده فقط على التحليل ، فأنا أشوفه يورد اخبار عن الشركات مع متابعه لتاريخ الشركه والتنويه اذا كانت الشركه مسويه هاي أو ما الى ذلك .. لكن الخبر على ما رأيت للآن طاغي على التحليل و مع الوقت حتما راح تضح لنا الرؤيا جميعا ..

AF today announced that it has closed its fiscal year with record annual new alarm installations of 9,500 new subscribers, bringing the total monitored account base to over 42,000 subscribers.
Joel Matlin, President & CEO, announced the record numbers, adding, "In the home alarm industry the account base is the key driver of recurring revenues and profit performance. We created record new accounts in the major market centres in Canada during 2003, all through organic growth and increasing our monthly recurring revenues to the highest level since the inception of our company fifteen years ago."

"Our financial results for 2003 will be impressive, reflecting the record growth in the numbers. At the beginning of this year we predicted to our shareholders that 2003 would be the best year ever in our history, and I am happy to say that indeed we are on track."
With respect to future outlook, Mr. Matlin added, "I am convinced that what lies ahead for the company will be phenomenal, given our success in reaching new customers."

In early morning trading AF’s share price rose 8.4% to an intra-day high of $3.09. The company is currently trading up 13 cents over yesterday’s close at $2.98 on 24,000 shares.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:22 PM
Yesterday ADSX announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, VeriChip Corporation, has received a purchase order for 400 VeriChips and 34 handheld scanners from its exclusive distributor for Russia and Switzerland. These VeriChip sales represent the first to countries in the European region.

The Swiss Russian distributor, RussGPS, has offices in Moscow and Zurich and operates throughout the GUS (former Soviet Union) region. Under the terms of the distribution agreement, the distributor has agreed to purchase a total of 1,000 VeriChips and 100 proprietary scanners in 2003. Over the five years covered by the agreement, the minimum purchase requirement is 51,000 VeriChips and 2,600 proprietary scanners in order to maintain exclusive distribution rights in the stipulated countries.

Before the press release ADSX was trading for 43 cents; after the press release the company’s share price rose 10.4% to an intra-day high of 48 cents. ADSX closed the day trading at 47 cents on over 40,000,000 shares; more than 4 times the daily average.

The company is currently trading for 42 cents on 15,800,000 shares.

11-11-2003, Tue 10:27 PM
بيتر ليدز - مثل ما أشار في الموقع- يرشح اسبوعيا سهمين : واحد الثلاثاء وواحد ثاني الخميس.

الترشيح يتم بين 7 الى 10 مساءا EST ..

انشاء الله سيتم طرحهم في أقرب وقت ..

وفق الله الجميع

12-11-2003, Wed 5:41 PM
PainCare Holdings, Inc.
November 11th Market: AMEX
Profile Price: $2.40
Buy Opinion: 2.40 - 2.50
Short-term Sell: 3.00 - 3.20

PRZ is a global leader in an industry that generated $100 billion in 2002.

In the third quarter PRZ realized revenue growth of 154%

In August PRZ reported second quarter revenue growth of 111.2%

PRZ just recently welcomed their 22nd Med-X rehab partner

Outlook- PainCare Holdings Inc. (PRZ) is a young, innovative, profitable company that is quickly establishing itself as the pioneering leaders in the lucrative Pain Management market – a market segment that collectively generated $100 billion dollars last year. Their revenues are skyrocketing, their distribution base is expanding and they have an aggressive acquisition strategy.

A 1999 report by the investment firm Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. reported that back pain is the #1 reason for doctor office visits in the United States and the #1 ailment in worker’s compensation claims. About 35% of all orthopedic hospital admissions are spine related and more than 220 spinal conditions, indications, and pathologies afflict patients.

PRZ’s minimally invasive surgery and innovative approach to pain management creates a unique trading opportunity for investors. The minimally invasive surgery is a less traumatic, cost effective alternative for patients; it reduces the cost for insurance companies by up to 40% versus traditional therapies; and it has the potential to significantly increase the net income of participating physicians.

In their report, Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. state, "Clearly the market is moving towards minimally invasive procedures and technologies... We believe that in order to be successful in the future, companies will have to employ minimally invasive concepts..."

A company with excellent long-term growth potential,
PRZ is uniquely positioned to succeed.

Business Profile - PRZ is a high-tech healthcare services company that owns, manages and operates a network of pain management, rehabilitation centers across North America.

The company has developed a "Three Pillar" business approach to provide an integrated combination of products and services to patients seeking pain relief. These "Three Pillars" include, Pain Management, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MIS) and, Orthopedic Rehabilitation.

MIS or "band-aid" surgery is a specialized surgical technique based on currently available endoscopic technologies, which allows physicians to provide the most technically advanced treatment of back and neck pain in an outpatient environment.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation is a comprehensive program that advances functional restoration of the musculoskeletal system utilizing the company’s proprietary, state of the art computerized Med-X medical exercise machines.

To date, PRZ has deployed or is in the process of deploying nearly two-dozen Med-X Direct Programs throughout North America. Moreover, PRZ is in active discussions and negotiations with nearly 100 additional practices that have expressed interest in integrating the Med-X Direct Rehabilitation Program into their practices.

Fundamental Analysis - On Tuesday, November 11, 2003 PRZ announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Revenues for the third quarter increased 154% to $4,376,417 from $1,720,419 reported in the same period last year. The company's gross profits nearly doubled (177%) to $3,010,754 from $1,086,939; this was due in large part to increases in gross profit margins which rose to 69% from 63%.

Randy Lubinsky, CEO of PRZ, stated, "PainCare continues to successfully build upon the framework we established three years ago when we founded the Company. We believe that our ability to consistently demonstrate successive quarter-over-quarter growth in all operational areas is a direct reflection of our strict adherence to set business principles and the consistent execution of our business plan."
And back in August the company announced their fiscal results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2003. Revenues for the quarter increased 111.2% to $3,774,487 over the comparable period in 2002, while the company’s gross profits increased 131% to $2,727,671. This increase was primarily due to the acquisitions of Pain and Rehabilitation Network and Medical Rehabilitation Specialists, along with the opening of new Med-X Direct rehabilitation centers.

Based on the financial performance of the company to date and the successful execution of its growth plan, management believes that PRZ could achieve annual revenues of $62 million and net income of $13 million by the end of fiscal year 2005.

Recent News - On November 6 the company announced that Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, LLC, based in Bedford, Indiana, has contracted with PRZ to offer the company’s proprietary MedX-Direct on-site orthopedic rehabilitation program to patients in Southern Indiana.

The founder of the practice, Harlen C. Hunter, D.O., is industry renowned for his pioneering work in orthopedic surgery and is one of a limited number of surgeons trained and certified to perform cartilage regeneration surgery and a special, new alternative to total knee replacement.

Ronald Riewold, President of PRZ, stated, "We are very pleased to welcome Dr. Hunter to our growing network of MedX-Direct partners, one who many in the Midwest refer to as 'the Father of Sports Medicine.' In consideration of Dr. Hunter's noted reputation as a leader in orthopedic and sports medicine, his decision to deploy MedX-Direct onsite at his private practice reinforces that medical specialists recognize that MedX is indeed the gold standard in muscular-skeletal rehabilitation."
On September 22 PRZ announced that in response to strong and growing demand from its national network of pain management practices and MedX-Direct rehabilitation program partners, the company has formed PainCare Surgical Centers, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary established for the purpose of acquiring, developing and operating high-tech, outpatient surgical centers dedicated to performing minimally invasive spine surgery and associated pain management procedures.

Randy Lubinsky, CEO of PRZ, stated, "The prospect of adding outpatient surgery centers to our business mix is being driven by unrelenting demand from our physicians, the tens of thousands of patients that we serve directly or indirectly through our MedX-Direct programs…We fully expect that this business expansion will result in notable revenue and earnings growth for PainCare as we deploy each new center."
And on September 15, PRZ welcomed Vero Beach, Florida’s ProSports, the 22nd medical practice in the country to partner with PRZ to directly avail comprehensive musculoskeletal rehabilitation to its patients.

Conclusion - PRZ is a young, innovative, profitable company that is rapidly becoming established as the pioneering leaders in the lucrative Pain Management market. Their revenues are skyrocketing, their distribution base is expanding and they have an aggressive acquisition strategy.

PRX also has enviable assets: a highly regarded brand name in MedX-Direct; a hard-earned reputation for integrity and reliability; a growing North American network of well-established, highly profitable medical practices; and a dedicated team of knowledgeable, experienced medical, financial and business professionals.

To ensure continued growth PRZ will persist in acquiring targeted Pain Medicine and Orthopedic practices; introduce a comprehensive selection of MIS and other techniques through affiliated health centers; and integrate and capitalize on the demographics of the target market.

PRZ remains committed to implementing a business strategy that will position the company as the world leader in pain management, minimally invasive spine surgery and orthopedic rehabilitation. A company with excellent long-term growth potential, PRZ is uniquely positioned to produce superior returns to their shareholders.



13-11-2003, Thu 12:33 AM
PRZ ارتفعت اليوم 8% ...

هذي ماهي توصيه شراء .. أتمنى التبرع بالتحليل من قبل الزملاء

13-11-2003, Thu 12:34 AM
STG today reported financial results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003.

Third quarter revenue rose 76.3%

For the nine months, revenue increased 97.6%
For the third quarter of 2003, STG reported revenues of $77.3 million, up from $43.9 million for the same prior year period, an increase of $33.4 million or 76.3%. For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, STG reported revenues of $177.1 million, up from $89.6 million for the same prior year period, an increase of $87.5 million or 97.6%.

"It remains a busy and productive time for Stonepath", said Dennis Pelino, the company's CEO. "We continue to make good strides in delivering top-line growth as we build our network. Our 2003 revenue target of $210 million appears to be well within reach…Our acquisition strategy, coupled with a focus on organic growth, technology, integration, cost control and EBITDA growth is working, creating value for our shareholders and our customers."
Pelino continued: "Overall, I remain very bullish on the direction of the Company. Having started from zero a little over two years ago, we should deliver well over $200 million in revenues in 2003 and continue to expand the footprint of our service delivery platform…We look forward to reporting our continued progress."

In early trading today STG rose 11 cents to an intra-day high of $2.90; the company is currently trading for $2.87 on 172,300 shares.

13-11-2003, Thu 12:36 AM
Before the markets opened today FTGX announced its fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company's performance was highlighted by the acceleration of revenue growth in the third quarter of 2003 compared to the second quarter of 2003. FTGX has now produced increases in revenues in the last four consecutive quarters. The company also generated positive cash flow from operations for the first nine months of 2003.

Revenues for the third quarter of 2003 increased to $6.7 million, up 4% from $6.5 million for the second quarter of 2003 and up 14% from $5.9 million for the third quarter of 2002. In its core product offerings of transport and colocation services, FTGX experienced even greater revenue growth. For the third quarter of 2003, revenues from transport and colocation grew by 5% over the second quarter of 2003 and by 20% over the third quarter of last year.

Michael S. Liss, President and CEO, remarked, "The tone of our business is improving with the industry. The top-line growth that we are experiencing is coming from delivering our core transport and colocation product offerings to Tier 1 domestic and international carriers. Our overall results support our optimism for telecommunications in general, but more specifically for the metro segment of the marketplace."

In early trading FTGX’s share price rose 21% to an intra-day high of $1.63. The company is currently trading for $1.48 on 1,227,000 shares.

13-11-2003, Thu 12:37 AM
PRZ today announced that the company has contracted with Vissman Therapeutics, a Pittsburgh-based group of physical therapy centers, to deploy PainCare's MedX-Direct Rehabilitation Program on-site at one of its facilities located in Canonburg, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Shannon Vissman stated, "We are very pleased to be partnering with PainCare to deliver state-of-the-art musculoskeletal rehabilitation using what we believe is the very best equipment on the market today. Although we will be deploying PainCare's MedX- Direct program in only one of our facilities initially, it is our intent to universally replace all existing ortho rehab equipment in each of our facilities with nothing but MedX machines."

13-11-2003, Thu 12:38 AM
TTP announced today positive preclinical results demonstrating that continuous drug delivery using the company's ProNeura technology reduced the risk of motor symptoms in a validated primate model of Parkinson's disease. The study results were presented today in New Orleans at the Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting.

TTP's ProNeura technology is a copolymer based implant into which a therapeutic drug is incorporated. The implant is placed under the skin, allowing the drug to be delivered appropriately at a consistent level over an extended period.

"These results suggest that this delivery system can overcome the potential side effects of standard dosing regimens to provide a better treatment for Parkinson's disease," said Dr. Thomas N. Chase, principal investigator for the study. "This method of releasing a steady and constant amount of dopamine agonists is the first of its kind and represents an important step towards improving the quality of life of Parkinson's patients."
"These results are encouraging," stated Louis R. Bucalo, M.D., Chairman, President and CEO of TTP, "and provide a potential expansion of Titan's continued commitment to improved treatment of Parkinson's disease. Our next steps are to evaluate the possible suitability of various dopamine agonists for incorporation into our ProNeura technology."

In trading today TTP’s share price rose 14 cents to an intra-day high of $2.94; the company is currently trading for $2.90 on 69,400 shares.

13-11-2003, Thu 12:40 AM
JADE announced today that it will be one of the featured companies in BusinessWeek's Equity Investor's 26-Week Micro-Cap Review, to be published in the magazine's December 15th issue.

Companies were chosen for the semi-annual Micro-Cap Review on the basis of their percentage gain in stock price for the six-month period ending September 30, 2003. JADE ranked in the top 7% of BusinessWeek's Micro-Cap survey. During the period covered by the survey, the company’s share price rose over 320%, from $1.25 to $4.00.

''The fact that investors have raised the price of LJ International shares more than three-fold in the latest six-month period is a reflection of the investment community's increased interest in LJ International and, perhaps more importantly, our potential for future growth,'' said Yu Chuan Yih, Chairman and CEO of JADE.
We first introduced you to JADE back on April 22 when the company was trading for $1.20. Since then JADE’s share price has risen 337.5% to a high of $5.25. The company is currently trading up 23 cents over yesterday’s close at $4.44 on 45,400 shares.

13-11-2003, Thu 12:42 AM
Market acceptance and penetration efforts continue as DPAC announces two more design wins today for the new line of 802.11b wireless modules called Airborne. The first of these is an application of wireless 802.11b technology into medical instrumentation that measures and monitors physiological responses; the second is an industrial application for a Homeland Security "First-response" system.

"This added success into two more of our target vertical markets is indicative of the strong interest we are experiencing with prospective customers", said Brett Trowbridge, VP for DPAC. "Both the medical and the industrial markets provide significant opportunities for the Airborne product that DPAC will continue to pursue aggressively."

بن فهد
13-11-2003, Thu 4:42 AM
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب

الله يجزاك الف خير يارب

الله يجزاك الف خير يارب

الله يجزاك الف خير يارب

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الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
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الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب
الله يجزاك الف خير يارب

13-11-2003, Thu 4:49 AM
هلا والله بالغالي حنوووووووون :)

شكرا على مرورك أخوي

وما سويت شي يذكر مقارنه فيك و باقي اخواننا في المنتدى ...

خيركم ساق يالغالي .

تحياتي :)

المحيط العميق
13-11-2003, Thu 11:55 PM
أخي سنيبر مجهود أكثر من رائع.

بالنسبة للتوصيات هل تشتري مباشرة بعد التوصية بمعنى هل يرتفع السهم مباشرة بعد التوصية أم ماذا؟
وهل من الممكن وضع عنوان الموقع. وشكرا لك.

14-11-2003, Fri 3:44 AM
شكرا على مرورك أخوي ..

هم عاده يحطون مدى يعني يحطون توصيه اشتر من كذا لكذا ونتوقع الوصول من كذا لكذا..

الوصول للهدف حقهم - حسب ما رأيت للآن- يتراوح من شهرين الى 3 شهور حتى يحقق الهدف الموضوع و أحيانا أقل من شهر .

يعني يعتمد بس يبغاله واحد صبور شوي مش مضارب يومي....

و عنوان موقعهم هو :


وشكرا مره أخرى على مرورك أخوي

14-11-2003, Fri 3:53 AM
November 13, 2003.

CYRO is a leading provider of broadcast graphics hardware and software

Their graphics products make up over 70% of the live broadcast tools in the U.S.

For the first six months of 2003 net sales rose 3%, while net loss fell 82%

CYRO’s products are used by ABC, CBC, FOX, CBS, CNN, ESPN, and BBC

ABC uses CYRO's HDTV Graphics for the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, and Stanley Cup

Outlook- A streamlined, focused company with an excellent future, Chyron Corporation (CYRO) is the unrivaled leader of broadcast graphics used in digital TV. CYRO develops, manufactures, markets and supports hardware and software products that enhance the production values of live and pre-recorded video, audio and other data.

With a strong presence in the broadcast TV media industry, CYRO’s graphics products specialize in the real time arena and make up over 70% of the installed base of such tools for live broadcast in the U.S.

And with their pulse on the future of the communication age, CYRO continues to sustain its role of market leadership by maintaining a focus on Enhanced and Interactive TV, which could develop rapidly along side the advent of Digital TV.

Business Profile - If you’ve ever watched TV…you’ve seen CYRO’s products in action. CYRO develops products that create, store and manipulate text, logo and other graphics images using special effects such as 3D transforming, compositing and painting for use in digital television.

CYRO’s graphics products are used by most broadcasters in the US and many around the world including ABC, FOX, CBS, ESPN, CNN, CBC, and the BBC to display such information as sports scores, logos, news flashes, weather flashes, election results and stock market quotes.

CYRO graphics products specialize in the real time arena and make up over 70% of the installed base of tools for live broadcast in the U.S.
Even though CYRO’s graphics products have cornered the broadcast market in the U.S., there is still plenty of room to grow in the ever evolving world of television. To keep abreast of the competition CYRO has been focusing on what they believe to be the future of the communication age: Enhanced and Interactive TV.

Interactive TV merges traditional television with Interactive graphics and information, allowing consumers to interact with programming. Whether they're matching wits with contestants on game shows, voting in live polls, accessing entertainment/sports/news headlines, chatting live with other viewers, or accessing e-mail - all will be done through television.

And CYRO hopes to corner this inevitable market with iTV. iTV offers opportunity for significant revenue from Interactive advertising, t-commerce and increased viewer retention; and that’s something that every production team will want a piece of.

Fundamental Analysis - On August 7 CYRO announced their fiscal results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2003. Total revenue for the second quarter ended June 30, 2003 was $10.0 million, a decrease of $0.3 million or 3%, as compared to $10.3 million for the same quarter last year. For the first six months of 2003, total revenue was $20.9 million, an increase of $0.5 million or 3% as compared to $20.4 million for the first six months of last year.

CYRO reported a net loss for the second quarter of $0.4 million, as compared to a net loss of $1.0 million for the second quarter of 2002. For the first six months of 2003 the company reported a net loss of $0.3 million, as compared to a net loss of $1.8 million for the first six months of last year.

Michael Wellesley-Wesley, CYRO’s President and CEO, commented: "Chyron's second quarter performance was satisfactory. I am pleased with the year over year improvement in gross margins and the fact that our continued emphasis on tight cost control resulted in lower operating expenses compared with the prior year period."

"The Company is now consistently generating cash from operations and any improvement over first half revenue levels through the balance of 2003 will directly benefit the bottom line. We continue to believe that we are in the early stages of a recovery in broadcast

Recent News - On November 11 CYRO announced the appointment of Bill Hendler as VP, Chief Products Officer. In his new role, Hendler will be responsible for overseeing product management for CYRO’s hardware and software products.

Commenting on the appointment, CYRO's CEO Michael Wellesley-Wesley said, “Bill…has been instrumental in directing and implementing Chyron’s innovative technology through the years. He has an exceptional depth of understanding of both the television market and the products necessary for Chyron to continue its leadership role.”

On November 6, 2003 CYRO announced the sale of all of the stock in its wholly-owned subsidiary Chyron UK Holdings Limited and its operating subsidiary Pro-Bel Limited which constituted all of the company's signal distribution and automation business.

Gross proceeds were approximately $15.6 million before the required settlement of Pro-Bel bank obligations of approximately $2.8 million, resulting in net proceeds to the company of approximately $12.8 million before transaction related costs. The company's preliminary estimate of gain on the sale is approximately $2.5 million and will be recorded in the fourth quarter.

Michael Wellesley-Wesley, CYRO’s CEO commented "The proceeds from the sale of Pro-Bel will enable us to significantly reduce our debt. Chyron is now able to focus 100% on our core competency, the development of real-time graphics solutions for our professional video and TV broadcast customers around the world."

Conclusion - A streamlined, focused leader of broadcast graphics used in digital TV, CYRO has an insurmountable edge over their competition. With a strong presence in the broadcast TV media industry, CYRO’s graphics products specialize in the real time arena and make up over 70% of the installed base of such tools for live broadcast in the U.S.

Not content with their current market domination, the company continues to sustain its role of market leadership by maintaining a focus on Enhanced and Interactive TV, which the company believes will develop with the advent of Digital TV.

Our cultures undying love of electronics and technology will inevitably usher in the wide spread acceptance of Digital TV. It is not science fiction to think that in the near future we will interact with others on our TV’s, choose the news we want to see, and vote for our “favorite” politician. And it could be CYRO that pilots this interactive revolution of the communication age.

But for now, a recovery in broadcast capital spending coupled with the insatiable need for innovative graphic products for use on the Internet virtually assures CYRO of ongoing revenue growth.


ننتقل الى أخبار يوم الخميس

14-11-2003, Fri 4:02 AM
JADE today announced continuing strong growth in sales and a sharp rise in net income for the third quarter, ending September 30, 2003.

Third Quarter Highlights
Revenues exceed guidance; year-over-year acceleration continues

Net income triples

Nine-month revenue up 22% over 2002

Q4 results to be bolstered by new customer orders
Revenues for the third quarter of 2003 were $16.9 million, up 37% from $12.4 million in the same quarter a year earlier. This was 9% over the high end of earlier guidance of $15.5 million and it marked the third quarter in which year-over-year revenue growth exceeded 20%.

For the third quarter, the company achieved net income of $701,000, or $0.07 per diluted share, up from $232,000, or $0.03 per diluted share, in the third quarter of 2002. For the first nine months of 2003, net income was $1.2 million, or $0.12 per diluted share, up from a loss of ($7.5 million), or ($0.87) per diluted share in the comparable period of 2002.

JADE’s Chairman and CEO Yu Chuan Yih said, "LJ International's third quarter results show the continuing successful progress of our strategy to return the company to its high historic growth rates. Following the cost-cutting and organizational improvements in the prior two years, the company in 2003 has been aggressively working to expand distribution channels and capture new markets with new product lines. Toward that end, we booked substantial new orders with two of the largest TV shopping channels in the U.S., and we opened a new U.S. office for both sales and investor relations."

"At the same time," Mr. Yih continued "we have begun to establish our retail presence in the vast and growing Chinese consumer market. Our aim is to eventually recreate or exceed the growth there that we have experienced in the U.S. With a worldwide sales effort now under way, we expect our revenue growth going forward to stay well into the double-digit levels we have seen this year."

14-11-2003, Fri 4:02 AM
XYBR today announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Total revenue for the third quarter of 2003 was $2.7 million, a 6% increase from the same period in 2002. These results represent the second highest levels of both U.S. revenues as well as worldwide consulting revenues in the company's history.

At September 30, the company had no long-term debt, record
quarter-end cash of over $13 million and record
stockholders' equity of over $17 million.
The net loss for the third quarter of 2003 decreased 41% to $4.7 million from the third quarter of 2002. The net loss per share also decreased to $0.03 per share from $0.10 per share in the prior year.

Thomas D. Davis, CFO, noted, "Our cash and stockholders equity balances are both at record levels, we have no long term debt and we have successfully cut costs for seven consecutive quarters. I continue to believe that we have the strongest financial position since our IPO."
"Perhaps one of the best measures of our success is our ability to replicate customer wins in strategic markets," stated Steven A. Newman, President of XYBR. "For example, since the Company's inception, we have secured hardware and services contracts in the transportation sector, alone, surpassing more than $10 million. This focused approach is also producing similar strong results in many other targeted industries. Our future has never looked brighter

14-11-2003, Fri 4:13 AM
JMAR today reported their results for the third quarter of 2003 ended September 30. The company reported a net loss for the quarter ended September 30, 2003 of $624,161, compared to a net loss for the quarter ended September 30, 2002 of $2,836,656.

Revenue for the three months ended September 30, 2003 declined 39% to $3,964,930 from revenues of $6,462,633 in the corresponding quarter of 2002. For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, revenues declined 6% to $13,726,298 from $14,656,910 in the comparable period of 2002.

Ronald A. Walrod, JMAR's CEO said, "The anticipated financial consequence of the tough but necessary action we took earlier in the year to sell JPSI and reduce staff is now starting to show up as a significant improvement to our bottom line. Over the past quarter, JMAR has become a leaner, more focused company and management will continue to act aggressively to align JMAR's cost structure to its revenue base."

JMAR CFO, Dennis E. Valentine commented, "The significant improvement in the bottom line for the third quarter of 2003 as compared to both the second quarter of 2003 and the corresponding quarter of 2002, is a strong indicator of the positive actions taken by management in the last year. That this improvement came despite lower revenues is particularly noteworthy."

14-11-2003, Fri 4:26 AM
PDYN's share price has been climbing sharply all day on news that the company has joined an interoperability testing program for voice over Internet protocol (IP) networks and multimedia applications with Nortel Networks.

Nortel has completed interoperability testing with several leading third party vendors, and is either in the process of testing or working towards interoperability testing with several others. The company has initiated testing between PDYN's CPX 1000 voice access gateway and their own softswitch portfolio.

In trading today, PDYN's share price has risen 82 cents to $4.50; trouncing their previous 52-week high of $3.93. Today's new high also represents an increase of 148.6% over our initial profile price of $1.81.

14-11-2003, Fri 4:28 AM
After the markets closed yesterday CVGR announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Net revenue for the quarter was $3.9 million as compared to the $6.0 million reported for the same period last year.

The net loss for the quarter was $392 thousand, compared to net income of $380 thousand, for the same period last year. The results largely reflect the impact of lower than anticipated levels of new business awards in the first nine months of the year, the winding down of several larger studies in the later stages of their development cycles and increases to the estimated costs to complete several studies.

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., President and CEO, commented, "We remain very optimistic regarding the future. The results for the quarter reflect the impact of experiencing a slow period for our Company. We have maintained tight control over operating expenses during this period. At the same time, we have endeavored to position ourselves to take full advantage of opportunities as market conditions improve."
Earlier this morning CVGR announced that the landmark results of the REVERSAL Trial were presented yesterday in Orlando at the 2003 Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association (AHA).

As reported in a front page article in today's New York Times, entitled Study of Two Cholesterol Drugs Finds One Halts Heart Disease, "The first study to compare two powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs head-to- head in coronary artery disease finds one clearly superior. In patients taking Pravachol, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb, atherosclerosis worsened slowly over 18-months. But the disease was halted in those who took the highest dose of Lipitor, the drug made by Pfizer."

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., CVGR’s President and CEO, commented, "Covalent is exceptionally proud of our association with the REVERSAL study. As the clinical research organization for REVERSAL, Covalent was intimately involved with Dr. Nissen in the trial's conceptualization, design and writing, operational management and data flow processes."

14-11-2003, Fri 4:36 AM
EDSN announced yesterday that its shareholders approved a merger agreement to take the company private with a company formed by an affiliate of Liberty Partners, a New York based private equity firm, and H. Christopher Whittle, EDSN’s Founder and CEO.

Over 80% of the roughly 55 million votes cast supported the merger to take the company private. Approximately 14 million votes were not cast. The final percentage of outstanding votes cast in favor of the merger was 65.7%.

"Today's vote is an important step in an exciting new chapter in Edison's history," said Mr. Whittle. "As we return to being a private company, Edison's mission -- to help our partners provide a world-class education to every child we serve -- remains unchanged. We will continue to partner with school districts, charter boards, public school teachers, and community organizations to raise student achievement through schools and programs."

14-11-2003, Fri 11:40 PM
SWEB today announced its third quarter results for the period ending September 30, 2003.

Third Quarter Highlights
Revenue increased 32%

Gross profit increased 74%

Paid off all outstanding notes to become debt free

Fourth consecutive quarter of increasing revenues and gross profits

2003 third quarter revenues were $745,801, up 32% from the same quarter in 2002. Third quarter gross profit is $595,272, up 74% from the same quarter in 2002. For the nine months ended Sept 30, 2003 revenues increased 44% to $2,036,042, and the nine-month's period gross profit is up 81% to $1,551,827.

As of September 30, 2003 the company had cash and cash equivalents of $860,064, compared to $553,358 on June 30, 2003. The company has no debt, compared to $1,764,862 of debt at September 30, 2002.

"During Q3 Stockgroup became debt free, institutional investors started buying our shares again, and we began seeing the results of our partnership with Associated Press", said Marcus New, Chairman and CEO of SWEB. "The Company's results for Q3 represent a continuing trend for Stockgroup as revenues continue to increase incrementally and profitability remains a core focus."

14-11-2003, Fri 11:45 PM
ADSX today announced its fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The consolidated net loss for the three-month period was $1.2 million, a sharp reduction from the net loss of $5.9 million, for the year-ago quarter.

Revenue for the third quarter was $23.8 million, compared with $24.2 million for the year-ago quarter. On a sequential basis, revenue increased 14%, or $2.9 million, and net worth rose $5.3 million since the second quarter of 2003.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, the company reported revenue of $69.8 million and net income of $28.3 million. In comparison, the company reported revenue for the nine months ended September 30, 2002, of $78.4 million, and a net loss of $49.8 million.

Commenting on the third-quarter results, Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and CEO, said: "We believe these results represent an important milestone for the Company. Exclusive of Digital Angel Corporation's operating results, the Company achieved net income of over $750,000. The work of restructuring our balance sheet has played an important role in this turn-around."

14-11-2003, Fri 11:47 PM
Before the markets opened today TTP reported its financial results for the third quarter and first nine months of 2003.

Operating expenses for the third quarter of 2003 decreased approximately 24% to $6.5 million compared with operating expenses of $8.5 million for the third quarter of 2002. For the first nine months of 2003, operating expenses were approximately $20.5 million, a reduction of $5.0 million compared with operating expenses of $25.5 million for the first nine months of 2002.

Revenues for the first nine months of 2003 were $28,000, compared to approximately $2.7 million for the same nine-month period in 2002. The difference in revenue is primarily due to a milestone payment TTP received from Schering AG for Spheramine in the first quarter of 2002.

"Our reduction in operating expenses on a quarter-over-quarter basis is in line with our strategic focus for the reporting period," stated Dr. Louis R. Bucalo, Chairman, President and CEO, "and has enabled the Company to maximize its cash position, while advancing progress in our core development programs."

14-11-2003, Fri 11:49 PM
USPL also announced its operating results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003. Revenues for the third quarter of 2003 were $8.0 million compared with $10.6 million for the same quarter in 2002, a decrease of 25%. The decrease was mainly due to lower sales of the company's building products and the sale of the Cornerboard packaging division in May of 2003.

Revenues for the first nine months of 2003 were $28.9 million compared with $39.8 million for the same period in 2002, a decrease of 27%. The company attributed part of this decrease to not having sufficient inventory to meet the demand for its building products during the first nine months of 2003, mainly due to cash constraints and slower production rates of some of its newly formulated decking products.

Mark Alsentzer, Chairman, CEO and President of USPL said, "We are pleased to see the improvements as a result of the cost reduction initiatives that we implemented at the end of last year. The company is aggressively pursuing opportunities to further improve its balance sheet and its access to capital to enable it to meet the growing product demand and improve its overall operating performance."

He concluded, "We believe that the demand for alternative wood products has never been stronger and reductions in costs position the Company well to re-gain profitability with increasing sales."
In addition, the company today announced that it has recently re-opened the Ocala facility on a limited production basis; which the company announced in August was temporarily shut down due to an explosion outside the plant. USPL anticipates the facility to be at full production by the end of January 2004

14-11-2003, Fri 11:51 PM
We first introduced you to MITK back on September 3 when the company was trading for $1.10; by November 6, the company’s share price had risen 201% to $3.32.

On October 31 it was reported that The Wachovia Bank, using MITK technology, was bringing a new security fraud system onto the market. Before the press release the company was trading for as low as $1.40; within a few days the company’s share price had climbed 192% to $3.32.

After sustaining those highs for a week the company’s share price gave up some ground to profit taking, falling to a low of $2.11.

On Tuesday though, MITK reported that they will be announcing their financial results for the fiscal fourth quarter and year end September 30, 2003 on Tuesday, November 18, 2003. Speculating strong results, investors have sent MITK’s share price up 43% since yesterday to a high today of $3.02.


14-11-2003, Fri 11:55 PM
After the markets close yesterday ZONS announced its results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003.

Total net sales rose 10% to $112.7 million in the third quarter of 2003 compared to $102.4 million in the third quarter of 2002. The company reported net income of $134,000, for the third quarter of 2003 compared with net income of $124,000, for the same quarter a year ago.

Net sales for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 were $330.4 million compared to $310.0 million for the corresponding period of the prior year. The net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2003 was $636,000 or $.05 per share compared to net earnings in the first nine months of 2002 of $577,000, or $0.04 per share.


18-11-2003, Tue 12:42 AM
On Friday afternoon SNTK released their fiscal results for the third quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2003.

Revenues for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003 were approximately $2.2 million, 5.5% higher than the quarter ended September 30, 2002. SNTK also announced a net loss for the third quarter of $1,102,000 or $ .02 per fully diluted share, compared to net income of $207,000 and $0.00 per share in the third quarter of 2002.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, SNTK reported revenue of $5.8 million compared to $7.8 million in the period ended September 30, 2002. For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, the company incurred a net loss of $2,042,000 or $.03 per fully diluted share, compared to net income and fully diluted earnings per share of $1,881,000 and $.03 in the nine months ended September 30, 2002.

The decline in net income and earnings per share in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003 is primarily due to reduced Kinetin royalty revenue, higher administrative, sales and marketing expenses, higher research and development expenses, and non-recurring interest expense related to the debt refinancing in September 2003.

Product sales for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003 were $455,000 and $549,000 higher than the comparable periods in 2002. The majority of SNTK's product sales are from Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. The increase in Valeant's revenue is the result of a recently signed expanded license agreement with Valeant that will add five new products to its existing Kinerase product line.

18-11-2003, Tue 12:43 AM
Just before the markets closed on Friday CYRO announced its financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003.

Revenue from continuing operations for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003 was $3.7 million, a decrease of $1.1 million or 22%, as compared to $4.8 million for the same quarter last year, and a decrease of $1.3 million or 25% from second quarter 2003 revenue of $5.0 million.

For the first nine months of 2003, revenue from continuing operations was $14.0 million, a decrease of $1.5 million or 10% as compared to $15.5 million for the first nine months of last year.

Michael Wellesley-Wesley, CYRO’s President and CEO commented, "The performance of Chyron's graphics business in the third quarter was lower than expected, in part due to what we believe to have been lower spending by the broadcast industry in the U.S. in the third quarter. While we expect demand to pick up in the U.S. market, the near-term outlook for our international business remains challenging due to depressed economic conditions in the major European economies.

"Our gross profit margins and results of operations continue to benefit from our continued emphasis on controlling costs and expenses, and any increased revenues will greatly benefit our bottom line. As a result of our sale of our signal distribution and automation business, we will now focus completely on our core competency, the development of real-time graphics solutions for our worldwide professional video and TV broadcast customers."

18-11-2003, Tue 12:50 AM
Late Friday afternoon EDSN announced that it has completed its merger to take the company private with a company formed by H. Christopher Whittle, Edison's Founder and CEO, and an affiliate of Liberty Partners, a New York based private equity fund.

Edison will be privately held and Edison's shares will no longer be listed on NASDAQ. Edison's stockholders are entitled to receive $1.76 for each share of Edison common stock they owned as of the closing merger. A letter of transmittal will be mailed to each shareholder soon after the merger becomes effective.

We first introduced subscribers of PeterLeeds.com to EDSN back on June 17 when they were trading for $1.50. Friday’s announced entitlement of $1.76 represents an overall gain of 17.3%.

If you have any questions with regards to this merger please feel free to contact the company’s I.R. department at 212-419-1600.

18-11-2003, Tue 12:51 AM
On an otherwise shaky day of trading, RTK’s share price seems to be out performing the markets moving averages. In early trading RTK share price rose 21.3% to a new 52-week high of $1.08. RTK entered November trading for as low as 71 cents; today’s new high represents a three week gain of 52% and an increase of 92.8% over our initial profile price.

There has been no news or events that could have explained the trading activity. We have contacted the company’s Investor Relations department and will post their comments here as soon as they reply.

RTK is currently trading for $1.02 on 420,000 shares.

18-11-2003, Tue 10:43 PM
Before the markets opened today MITK announced their fiscal results for the fourth quarter and year ended September 30, 2003.

Net sales for the fiscal fourth quarter of 2003 were $1.7 million, compared with $3.9 million in the same quarter last year, and $3.0 million in the third quarter of fiscal 2003. MITK reported a fiscal fourth quarter 2003 net loss of $1.6 million, or $0.15 per basic and diluted share, compared with a net loss of $15,000, or breakeven per basic and diluted share, for the same fiscal quarter of last year.

For the twelve months ended September 30, 2003, net sales were $11.6 million, a decrease of 11% from net sales of $13.1 million reported for fiscal 2002. Fiscal year 2003 net loss was $2.5 million, or $0.22 per basic and diluted share, compared with a net income of $397,000, or $0.04 per basic and diluted share, for fiscal year 2002.

Commenting on the fourth quarter results, MITK’s President and CEO James B. DeBello said, "Despite our aggressive sales efforts, many customers we pursued during the quarter were reluctant to commit to capital equipment purchases and chose to prolong their decision-making due, we believe, to persistent economic uncertainties. As a result, we experienced a revenue shortfall in the fourth quarter."

"Fiscal 2003 was a challenging year, but we believe that our targeting of the fraud protection market segment, as well as the steps taken to strengthen our sales and marketing infrastructure, will position us to regain sales momentum. We are committed to the long-term success of Mitek Systems," concluded DeBello.
News of the disappointing year-end results has sent MITK’s share price tumbling; the company is currently trading down 20% over yesterday’s close at $2.06 on 382,000 shares.

18-11-2003, Tue 10:45 PM
RTK continues to build upon strong gains hitting another new 52-week high today of $1.25. Since the beginning of November RTK’s share price has risen 67%; over the last two days alone RTK’s share price has jumped 40.4%. Today’s new high also represents an overall increase of 123% over our initial profile price.

What’s making the company’s share price move? An IR rep from RTK told PeterLeeds.com that there has been a build up of interest over the last few weeks in companies involved in gas-to-liquid projects.

In late October Shell announced that they are investing $5 billion in a gas-to-liquid project in Qatar, which involves building the largest gas-to-liquid plant in the world. Shell also announced that they would be initiating additional research in North America in the Athabasca region of Alberta, Canada.

Additionally, the U.S. government is in the process of trying to pass a new energy bill; if the bill passes, it adds an $8-16/bbl tax credit for domestically produced coal-to-liquids fuels, and requires the use of domestic technology. RTK is currently the only domestic company with such a capacity.

And finally, in a recent interview, former head of the CIA James Woolsey said that the U.S. has to switch from imported petroleum to home-grown alternative fuels in an effort to decrease its dependency on sourcing foreign oil. He went on to say that one way to help cure the U.S.’s energy dependency is through clean fuels made from coal, bio-mass, and waste material.

18-11-2003, Tue 10:46 PM
TTP today announced new preclinical study results demonstrating that Pivanex, TTP's novel chemotherapeutic agent in development, inhibits key enzymes and related cancer promoting genes in lung cancer cells. The data were presented today in Boston at the AACR-NCI-EORTC Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics.

"These results provide further important data regarding mechanisms underlying Pivanex's anticancer activity," said Dr. Elzbieta Izbicka, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Texas - Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas. "The unique mechanistic profile and beneficial effect of Pivanex in this study on validated, cancer related targets strongly support the possible utility of Pivanex in treatment of lung cancer and other cancers."
After the markets opened today TTP’s share price rose 10% to an intra-day high of $3.19. The company is currently trading for $2.97 on 106,000 shares.

18-11-2003, Tue 10:47 PM
FATS today announced receipt of a contract award from an Arab State in excess of $2,000,000 to provide multiple Small Arms Training Systems, simulated weapons, scenarios and auxiliary components for use in training the country's military and security forces. This award marks the first order from this Arab State.

CEO Ron Mohling remarked that, "This order, coming on the heels of another major order announced last week from the Middle East, demonstrates the growing recognition of FATS by the Middle Eastern countries as the global leader in providing small and supporting arms training through simulation."

18-11-2003, Tue 10:49 PM
XYBR today announced an order for approximately $2 million from a leading telecommunications provider related to the company’s Atigo hardware and mobile/wearable computing solution services. The company expects to record initial revenue related to this contract in the fourth quarter of 2003 and in 2004.

"Our ability to extend and replicate success in various market sectors -- telecomm in this instance -- is a tangible corporate objective that we identified for 2003 and beyond," said Steven A. Newman, President of XYBR. "This purchase represents strong momentum for Xybernaut as it adds another Fortune 50 company to our customer family."

18-11-2003, Tue 10:51 PM
Yesterday CVGR announced the awarding of multiple new business contracts with an aggregate value of $2.3 million. The contracts represent a mix of new projects and expansion of current studies with several different clients. The scope and therapeutic areas covered by the studies include diabetes, vaccines and cardiovascular diseases. The terms of the contracts extend over the next 12 months.

On the year-to-date basis, CVGR has announced new business awards totaling approximately $13.6 million.

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., President and CEO, commented, "We are encouraged by recent signs that we are emerging from a slow period with respect to market conditions and new business production. We have some very exciting opportunities in front of us and hope to convert these and announce them over the next several months."

20-11-2003, Thu 5:15 PM
Yesterday ATTU and Attachmate Corporation announced the signing of an Original Equipment Manufacturing agreement to market a comprehensive set of data access solutions. Both ATTU and Attachmate develop products that reduce the complexity of legacy integration, using standards-based interfaces and easy-to-use development tools for rapid development.

"This is an ideal partnership, especially from our customer standpoint, because Attunity's expertise in the data access arena is unparalleled and Attachmate is the long-time leader in host access solutions," said Markus Nitschke, Attachmate VP of Marketing and Product Management.
"Attachmate has been delivering mainframe and legacy access solutions to Global 2000 enterprises for over 20 years and has established an outstanding reputation in our industry. With the expanded range of connectivity provided under this agreement, Attachmate is in a unique position to meet the growing demands of large enterprise customers," said Dan Potter, VP of Marketing at ATTU.

After the press release ATTU’s share price rose 11 cents on eight times the daily volume; tying their 52-week high of $1.59. ATTU’s share price has risen 34% since October 29th, when the company released encouraging third quarter results. Yesterday’s high also represents a gain of 47.2% over our original profile price of $1.08.

20-11-2003, Thu 5:40 PM
DGIT announced yesterday the appointment of Scott K. Ginsburg, 51, as the company's new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Ginsburg replaces Matthew E. Devine, 55, who resigned to spend more time with his family.

Mr. Ginsburg joined DGIT in 1998 as CEO and Chairman of the Board, following several significant private placement and open market equity investments in DGIT. He presently owns or controls more than 24 million DGIT shares representing approximately 35% of the total outstanding shares.

Scott Ginsburg stated, "Since I first invested in and joined DG Systems over five years ago, we have elevated the company from a money losing entity focused on audio deliveries to a consistently profitable company with the largest video delivery platform in the industry and a suite of well-received, value-added media asset management tools.
"I see tremendous value and potential in DG's market leading digital delivery network. Our challenge now is to generate growth both organically and through prudent acquisitions to deliver even greater value to our customers and our shareholders. We have the people, industry knowledge and financial resources required to further build on this platform and I am committed to achieving this growth."

20-11-2003, Thu 5:58 PM
RTK once again climbed into uncharted territory today with a new one year high of $1.47; their highest trading range in over two years. Today’s new high represents a three week gain of 107% and an increase of 162.5% over our initial Hot List price.

20-11-2003, Thu 11:06 PM
Before the markets opened today INOD announced that it has signed a three-year business process outsourcing contract with a document and information management company. The contract gives INOD the right to supply the client's requirements for outsourced digital document and record management services.

INOD estimates that the contract could initially generate approximately $2.5 million in revenues in the first year, given the client's current requirements projections. The client expects these baseline requirements to increase thereafter with the successful execution of its business and marketing plans.
Commenting on the contract, company President and CEO, Jack Abuhoff stated, "We're pleased to announce another business process outsourcing agreement. It's an indication that Innodata Isogen's message and our unique value are gaining increased traction in the market."

By mid-day, INOD’s share price had jumped 24% to a new 52-week high of $4.96; for an increase of 140.7% over our initial Hot List price. The company is currently trading for $4.63 on 281,000 shares.

20-11-2003, Thu 11:13 PM
Shares in BLD have been trading strongly today. By mid-day the company's share price had surged 20% to a high of $2.25. Today's new 52-week high also represents a gain of 837% over our initial profile price.

On November 5, BLD announced strong first quarter results, and recently the company announced that Queensland Newspapers, which is part of the Australian News Corporation Limited, is the latest News company to order IMPACT Global automatic blanket cylinder cleaning systems.

20-11-2003, Thu 11:17 PM
Late yesterday afternoon DRAX announced that the University of Toronto and the University's Innovation Foundation have mutually agreed to dismiss, without payment, the lawsuits between them with respect to Anipryl, a tablet for the treatment of cognitive disorders in dogs, including Canine Cushing's Disease.

As reported in July 2000, the University of Toronto contested the validity of the assignment of certain Anipryl-related patents made to Deprenyl Animal Health, a unit of DRAX, in a lawsuit claiming $76 million in damages.

"This brings to an end all of the disputes between the University of Toronto and DRAXIS," said company President and CEO, Dr. Martin Barkin. "It removes uncertainty around the intellectual property related to Anipryl, and allows us to continue to focus on growing the company."
Dr. George Adams, President and CEO of the University of Toronto Innovations Foundation, noted that, "The animal health subsidiary of DRAXIS will continue to license the animal health applications of l-deprenyl technologies owned by UTIF and we look forward to mutual future benefits."

After the press release DRAX’s share price rose to a new 52-week high of $3.64 on seven times the daily volume. Yesterday’s new high also represents an increase of 117.9% over August’s profile price of $1.67.

20-11-2003, Thu 11:18 PM
Shortly before the markets closed yesterday DGIT announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Consolidated revenues for the three months totaled $13.4 million, compared to $16.4 million in the comparable year-ago period.

Commenting on the financial results, Scott K. Ginsburg, Chairman and CEO of DGIT, stated, "DG Systems operated successfully through another challenging quarter marked by weaker-than-anticipated television advertising and tough year-over- year political business comparisons."

"...we once again made significant progress on debt reduction, moving DG Systems one step closer to being net debt free. Our goal is to use these strengths to grow our revenues organically and through new acquisitions."
Mr. Ginsburg concluded, "DG is extremely well positioned to participate in the benefits of the expected improvements in the advertising market in 2004, which will be driven by growth in the economy, the cyclical return of some political revenues and a growing customer base. These factors, when combined with our continued efforts to expand our network and customer base, should be positive factors in DG's 2004 operating results."

In trading today DGIT’s share price rose 18% to an intra-day high of $1.97. The company is currently trading for $1.87 on 428,000 shares.

21-11-2003, Fri 11:12 PM
ADSX announced that the company's CEO, Scott R. Silverman, in his speech today at the ID World 2003 in Paris, France, revealed the company's newest subdermal RFID (radio frequency identification) solution called VeriPay. VeriPay is intended to be a secure, subdermal RFID payment technology for cash and credit transactions.

About the size of a grain of rice, VeriChip is the world's first subdermal, radio frequency identification microchip that can be used in a variety of security, financial, emergency identification and other applications.

The VeriPay announcement came just a few days after a USA Today article (November 17, 2003) about emerging technologies highlighted one of the major limitations of using RFID technology for payment and credit transactions. The USA Today article stated: "Still, experts note that one big hurdle remains for RFID systems: security. Lose your RFID-enabled card or earring, and someone else could easily use it to run up charges - especially if no signature is required."

In that same article, an executive with a major credit card company said this about his company's RFID payment technology: "Ultimately, it could be embedded in anything - someday, maybe even under the skin."

VeriPay's unique, under-the-skin format offers a much more secure, tamper-proof, and loss-proof solution. VeriPay brings to consumers the benefits of fast and reliable RFID technology along with the security of a subdermal format.

21-11-2003, Fri 11:17 PM
USPL recently announced that it has joined up with the contract carpet market, Solutia Inc. in Solutia's "Partners for Renewal" program; a unique initiative designed to facilitate the recovery and reuse of valuable natural resources embodied in post consumer carpet.

USPL has signed a letter of intent to test and incorporate post consumer carpet as a key ingredient for use in its DuraTie composite railroad crossties, Trimax dimensional lumber and marine timbers.

"… our results show the use of post consumer carpet feedstock will provide a major advantage in terms of product performance and costs," said Mark Alsentzer, Chairman, CEO and President of USPL.
"Our primary objective is to find new ways to divert carpet from the landfill via new process and product technology. It's a way of reusing the oil originally consumed to create these products. The use of post consumer carpet in composite crossties will be a win-win for the railroads, US Plastic Lumber, the carpet industry, and the environment." stated Dr. Robert Peoples, Ph.D, Director of Carpet Sustainability & Business Development, Solutia, Inc.

21-11-2003, Fri 11:30 PM
Since the beginning of November, FATS share price has been gaining some well deserved ground. The company entered the month trading for $0.39 and in trading today hit an intra-day high of $0.50; for a three week gain of 28%.

On Tuesday FATS announced receipt of a contract award from an Arab State in excess of $2,000,000. And on November 13 the company reported a major multi-million dollar long-term contract award from a Middle Eastern country.

Both of these orders mark significant penetration in the Middle East and Arab State markets which continue to affirm the company’s role as a leader in the global simulation industry.

24-11-2003, Mon 9:58 PM
SWW announced this morning the signing of a contract with XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. the #1 subscriber-based satellite radio service in the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, SWW will deliver support for subscriber management, billing-related customer service and back office functions.

Jim Lynch, Chairman and CEO of SWW commented, "This is a very significant contract for SITEL. XM is an exciting company with a highly innovative product and business model, and they are experiencing unprecedented growth. We look forward to providing XM's subscribers with the highest possible levels of service and responsiveness."
After the announcement SWW’s share price jumped 28 cents to a new high of $2.25. The company is currently trading for $2.22 on 278,600 shares. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 16% over our November 6 profile price of $1.96.

24-11-2003, Mon 10:00 PM
ADSX today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Pacific Decision Sciences Corporation (PDSC), has won a five-year extension on its existing three-year contract with Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G), a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group.

Under the contract, which has an estimated value of $6 million, PDSC will provide maintenance and support for the PSE&G Gas Division's Service Management System. ADSXs’ PDSC unit is in the business of selling, maintaining and enhancing a suite of proprietary service automation software.

24-11-2003, Mon 10:23 PM
AF today announced that it has entered into a bought deal financing with Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, 1,000,000 common shares will be issued on a private placement basis at a price of $2.50 per common share for gross proceeds of $2,500,000.
The net proceeds from the offering will be used for general working capital purposes. Closing is targeted for December 2, 2003 and is subject to normal conditions, including obtaining required regulatory approvals.

Despite a strong day of trading, AF's share price fell 11.9% to an intra-day low of $2.50. The company is currently trading for $2.66 on 2,400,000 shares.

24-11-2003, Mon 10:34 PM
BLD on the other hand is again inching its way into new territory. The company is currently trading up 5.5% at $2.30; their highest trading range in over three years. Since the beginning of November BLD’s share price has jumped 96.5%; today’s new high also represents an increase of 858% over our initial profile price.

26-11-2003, Wed 1:46 AM
Since the markets opened today XYBR has been trending steadily higher. The company is currently trading up 11% over yesterday’s close at $1.76 on 4,100,000 shares.

XYBR and the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang) today announced that they will conduct joint research and development of mobile/wearable computing, and its application to the commercial and government sectors in the People's Republic of China.

XYBR will provide technologies, know-how and access to intellectual property, while Beihang's relationships with various governmental agencies, ministries and commercial companies will provide access to funding for both developmental activities and pilot programs targeting commercial industries and governmental aviation/aerospace sectors.

"This joint program helps China develop extensive mobile/wearable computing solutions and allows us to deploy products and know-how to the key industries in the largest country in the world," said Ed Newman, Chairman and CEO of XYBR. "We are pleased to be able to work with Beihang to find ways to effectively realize the economic advantages of their extensive research programs, as well as to apply our patented technologies, products and international relationships to their ongoing programs."

26-11-2003, Wed 1:48 AM
SWW continues to ramp higher after announcing yesterday the signing of a contract with XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. the #1 subscriber-based satellite radio service in the United States.

In trading today SWW has climbed 14% to a new 52-week high of $2.63. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 35% over our initial profile price.

26-11-2003, Wed 1:51 AM
MITK’s share price has been rebounding strongly since announcing less than encouraging financial results for the fourth fiscal quarter on November 18. Before the release of their fiscal results the company was trading for $2.58; following the announcement the company’s share price fell 44% to a low of $1.78.

Since the markets one day over-reaction, MITK’s share price has risen 20% to an intra-day high today of $2.22. While the company’s share has yet to regain its pre-announcement sell price, it’s important to remember that between October 29 and November 3 MITK’s share price soared 212% to a high of $3.28; propelled by one positive news item.
The company’s rebounding stock price illustrates the markets ongoing confidence in MITK by helping it find a solid support level.

27-11-2003, Thu 12:41 AM
Atrium Biotechnologies Inc., a subsidiary of AELA, today announced the acquisition of 100% of all issued and outstanding shares of Siricie S.A. for $2 million cash. Based in Paris, this profitable company is focused mainly in the development and marketing of active ingredients drawn from marine life for the cosmetics industry. In 2002, Siricie generated revenues of more than $2.5 million.

"This acquisition, our fourth over the last two years, essentially allows us to offer a dozen additional novel active ingredients to our customers and reinforce our relationships with them," said Luc Dupont, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board at Atrium.

He added, "During the past few years, we have managed to further expand the marketing network for all our products at the international level and position Atrium as a leader in its field. The acquisition of Siricie is part of the second stage of our growth strategy which aims at enhancing our portfolio of novel products in order to broaden our offer to customers."
In early trading, AELA’s share price rose 11 cents to an intra-day high of $3.20. The company is currently trading for $3.19 on light volume of 6,000 shares

27-11-2003, Thu 12:43 AM
Real Media UK, a division of TFSM, today announced that NTL Home, the UK's leading broadband Internet services provider and fourth largest ISP, has signed an agreement to license TFSM's Insight XE Web analytics solution for its new broadband content service, Broadband Plus. Insight XE is TFSM’s proprietary Web analytics solution that helps organizations measure, analyze and understand the behavior of their site visitors in real time.

John Piccone, TFSM Europe's Technology Commercial Director said, "We are delighted to expand our relationship with NTL Home. NTL Home is a powerhouse broadband ISP in the UK and is rapidly becoming recognized as leading the way in delivering premium fast access services. It is both a privilege and an exciting challenge to work with them on the launch of this compelling new product."

27-11-2003, Thu 1:09 AM
EDT has had a strong showing in this shortened week of trading. The company opened Monday trading for 66 cents and today hit a new 52-week high of 89 cents; for a three day gain of 35%. Today's new high also represents a gain of 102% over our initial hot list price.

EDT’s share can be volatile on a week-to-week basis, making significant pops. That said, daily corrections and successive pull backs continue to be higher, showing the markets confidence in EDT’s future growth potential.

27-11-2003, Thu 1:16 AM
The market has also been showing a lot of interest in BLD as of late. The company entered November trading for $1.17 and today hit a new 52-week high of $3.15 for a three week gain of 169%.
Industry growth and strong financial results has been keeping BLD on the radar screens of a lot of investors. Additionally, back on November 17 BLD announced that Queensland Newspapers, part of Australian News Corporation Limited is the latest News company to order IMPACT Global automatic blanket cylinder cleaning systems from BLD. News Limited Group is also currently installing BLD's IMPACT Global cleaning and LithoSpray spray dampening systems at the Gold Coast Bulletin in Southport, Queensland.

Today’s new high also represents a gain of 1212% over our original profile price.

27-11-2003, Thu 1:20 AM
Since the beginning of November RTK’s share price has been on one big roller coaster ride. They entered the month trading for 72 cents and on November 19 hit a new 52-week high of $1.47; for a three week gain of 104%. After some initial profit taking RTK’s share price dropped 66 cents to a low yesterday of 81 cents.

In trading today however the company’s share price has rebounded and is currently up 18% over yesterday’s close at 97 cents on 178,000 shares.


27-11-2003, Thu 1:26 AM

===== New Update November 26, 2003 =====
Real Media UK, a division of TFSM, today announced that NTL Home, the UK's leading broadband Internet services provider and fourth largest ISP, has signed an agreement to license TFSM's Insight XE Web analytics solution for its new broadband content service, Broadband Plus. Insight XE is TFSM’s proprietary Web analytics solution that helps organizations measure, analyze and understand the behavior of their site visitors in real time.

John Piccone, TFSM Europe's Technology Commercial Director said, "We are delighted to expand our relationship with NTL Home. NTL Home is a powerhouse broadband ISP in the UK and is rapidly becoming recognized as leading the way in delivering premium fast access services. It is both a privilege and an exciting challenge to work with them on the launch of this compelling new product."


November 25, 2003.

TFSM is a leading provider of marketing tools to the digital advertising industry

In the third quarter TFSM’s revenue rose 24%

TFSM has over 1,500 clients serving more than 200 billion ads a month

TFSM has recently signed and renewed a number of major contracts

Their client list includes: Coca-Cola, Ford, McDonald’s, Nasdaq.com, and NBC

Outlook - A leader of interactive marketing and technology solutions for online marketers and publishers, 24/7 Real Media Inc. (TFSM) is a young, focused, profitable company with exclusive products, growing revenues, and an expanding customer base.

Over the last decade the Internet has evolved from being an entertaining curiosity to being one of the most important avenues of communication. To survive in today’s competitive online marketplace, companies need to establish themselves up front and center. It’s the way marketing is today. You have to be interactive. You have to be targeted. And you have to make every dollar count.

Whatever the objectives for taking a message to the Web, TFSM can help make it happen. That’s why industry giants such as Coca-Cola, Ford, Golf Digest, the NHL, and Playboy entrust their brand names with TFSM.

Business Profile - TFSM provides strategic, innovative, proprietary tools to Web publishers, online advertisers, advertising agencies, e-marketers and e-commerce merchants.

TFSM works closely with its customers to implement integrated solutions to manage virtually every aspect of Internet marketing, from ad sales and media representation to campaign planning, execution and optimization, as well as audience measurement and analysis.

The company operates through two primary divisions: Integrated Media solutions and Technology solutions. TFSM’s Integrated Media solutions segment connects advertisers with audiences via Web-based advertising, banner ads, sponsorships, targeted search traffic delivery and promotions. TFSM’s Technology solutions (Open AdStream) helps clients target, convert and retain their best online customers and manage and protect customer relationships.

TFSM has designed and managed customized media programs for more than 1,500 client Web sites worldwide, delivering more than 200 billion ads a month.
A global business that operates in 11 countries in North America and Europe, TFSM's client list includes: askjeeves.com, Coca-Cola, Discovery online, eMedecine, Forbes.com, Ford, McDonald’s, Nasdaq.com, NBC, the NHL, USA Today, and WomensForum
Fundamental Analysis - On November 13 TFSM reported their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company recorded $145,000 in EBITDA on revenue of $12.0 million. Revenue jumped 24% from the $9.7 million reported in the third quarter a year ago.

For the nine months ended September 30, 2003, revenue rose 16% to $36 million from $31 million in the first nine months of 2002.

"Achieving positive EBITDA is one of the most significant developments in the company’s five year history," said David J. Moore, Chairman and CEO. “Our relentless efforts to cut costs and refocus our business has resulted in vastly lower operating expenses and higher revenue, thereby accentuating the company’s significant operating leverage."
In the sector’s traditionally seasonally robust fourth quarter, TFSM anticipates revenue in the range of $13 million to $15 million, representing an increase of approximately 13% to 30% from the fourth quarter of 2002. For 2004, the company forecasts a revenue increase of 20% to 25% from full year 2003.

Said company CEO, David Moore. "We have in place the team, the tools and the financial resources to deliver positive bottom line results for our shareholders."

Recent News - On Monday, November 24, Real Media UK, a division of TFSM announced that it is now supporting the larger, higher impact ad formats that recently became part of the Interactive Advertising Bureau's Universal Ad Package. These formats will supplement the existing, traditional ad formats that are already available to advertisers on Real Media's iCover, one of the UK's leading networks.

Richard Foster, Marketing & Sales Director of Real Media UK, said, "The iCover network, which reaches 34% of the audience in the U.K., is pleased to introduce the IAB formats to marketers. With a larger image area, they can more easily communicate the advertiser’s message and get a greater share of the visitor’s attention."
On November 19, Real Media Europe announced that CMXXI, Corporacion de Medios, the network of Web sites of Vocento, one of the largest media companies in Spain, has renewed its agreement to use Open AdStream Local as its exclusive ad serving solution for its network of Web sites.

Miguel Esteban, Managing Director of Real Media Spain, said, "We are delighted to renew our long-standing relationship with Vocento/CMXXI Corporacion de Medios. Its network of Web sites is an essential source of reliable and fresh information in Spain; it has tremendous influence on the entire Spanish online market."

And on November 10 TFSM announced that Court TV Online, which is comprised of Courttv.com, Crime Library and The Smoking Gun, the Web sites of the Court TV cable channel, has signed an agreement to use TFSM’s Open AdStream Central as its exclusive ad serving solution.
Courttv.com switched to Open AdStream Central in order to improve its ad targeting capabilities. Court TV Online sites currently generate an average of over 80 million page views, and almost 3 million unique visitors per month.

Conclusion - Getting, keeping and growing a profitable online audience is the key to success on the Internet. That's why some of the world’s largest companies trust their brand names with TFSM.

A leader of interactive marketing and technology solutions for online marketers and publishers, TFSM is a young, profitable, focused company with proprietary products, growing revenues, and an expanding customer base.

In November they announced strong quarterly results and recently signed and renewed a number of important contracts with major clients. As for the future; in 2004, the company plans to take a close look at investments and acquisition opportunities in the industry’s highest growth segments, and in the fastest growing geographic regions, including Asia.

Unlike stagnant TV commercials, interactive Internet advertising is the wave of the future. And TFSM is riding the crest of that wave. And that may be something subscribers of PeterLeeds.com may want to catch hold of…before it’s too late.


03-12-2003, Wed 10:15 PM
INOD today announced that it was selected by the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum and research complex, to digitally preserve and improve access to an important historical and research record.

The company will provide data conversion and XML services to the Smithsonian Institution Libraries for rare documents encompassing the complete record of The United States Exploring Expedition of 1838 to 1842, the first federally funded mission of exploration in U.S. history. The terms of the project were not disclosed.

"Innodata Isogen's experience with important historical publications and complex library conversion projects will serve the Smithsonian well on this project," said Martin R. Kalfatovic, Head of the New Media Office and Digital Projects Librarian at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries. "Their rapid alignment to our mission befits a true partnership. I'm impressed with their expertise and energy."

03-12-2003, Wed 10:16 PM
Digital Angel Corporation, majority owned by ADSX, today announced that Scott R. Silverman has been named Vice Chairman of the company's Board of Directors. Mr. Silverman currently serves as CEO and Chairman of the Board of ADSX and will continue in those capacities.

Today's announcements follow a number of significant developments at Digital Angel, including the appointment in November of Van Chu as the company's new CEO and the announcement of an agreement to acquire OuterLink Corporation of Concord, MA.

All of these changes are part of the company's strategic evolution from its traditional animal applications and military GPS business lines toward a broader focus on location technology and condition monitoring for a wide range of high-value assets, including: people, pets, livestock, fish/wildlife, commercial/private vehicles, military vehicles, commercial/private aircraft, commercial/private watercraft, military watercraft and stationary assets in remote locations.

03-12-2003, Wed 10:18 PM
Most Important: Site Tour | Hot List Tutorial | Illegal Password Use
2 Weekly Picks: Released Tuesdays between 7pm and 10pm, and Thursdays at 1pm New York time (Eastern Standard Time).

Coming in January:

===== Tuesday, December 2 =====

Before the markets opened today MITK announced that Bank of Marion located in Marion, Virginia and Blue Ridge Bank of Walhalla, South Carolina purchased the company’s CheckQuest check imaging solution. CheckQuest will enable each institution to take full advantage of the recently passed Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, or Check 21 legislation.

Check 21 is expected to dramatically reduce bank operating costs by allowing banks to substitute electronic check images for paper checks in the clearance and settlement process. MITK’s CheckQuest creates these electronic images, then captures and automatically processes information from checks and other items.

"With the installation of CheckQuest, we anticipate a significant reduction in operating costs. We believe it will provide a sizeable productivity gain so our personnel can better focus on assisting customers. For example, with CheckQuest's Web-based research capabilities, we will be able to research an item in seconds versus minutes," said Glenn Buddin, Vice President of Operations at Blue Ridge Bank.
"We are very pleased to have added two new CheckQuest customers in the southeastern U.S. to Mitek's growing roster of clients. We believe the CheckQuest solution will play a critical role in enabling each institution to attain Check 21 compliance and reap the cost-saving benefits of the new imaging environment," said James Graybeal, MITK's VP of Sales.

In early trading today MITK’s share price ramped up 19 cents to an intra-day high of $2.34. The company is currently trading for $2.33 on 27,100 shares.

Real Media Europe, a division of TFSM, today announced that I-Network, the leading company in permission marketing and Web site representation in Spain, signed an agreement to use Open AdStream Central as its exclusive ad serving solution for its network of branded Web sites.

A pioneer in online advertising sales in Spain, I-Network has sold online advertising in that country since 1997, and is one of the leading independent Internet advertising sales companies in Europe. I-Network switched to Real Media Europe's fully hosted Open AdStream Central solution for its network of high-profile Internet sites, which generate traffic of more than 250 million impressions and 2.5 million unique viewers per month.

Joshua Novick, CEO of I-Network, said: "We chose to move our business to Real Media because we were impressed with the new capabilities of the latest version of Open AdStream and the outstanding value they offered."

Over the last 7 trading days AF’s share price has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance. On November 24 the company was trading for as low as $2.50, and in trading today the company hit an intra-day high of $3.24 for a gain of 29.6%.
Back on November 24, AF announced a bought deal financing with Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited for $2,500,000. The net proceeds from the offering will be used for general working capital purposes.

ZONS’s share price has also been experiencing some significant upward momentum. Back on November 13, ZONS announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Before the announcement the company was trading for $1.43; within a few days their share price dropped 22%, to a low of $1.11.

Since the markets over-reaction to their quarterly report, ZONS share price has rebounded and today hit an intra-day high of $1.60, for a three week gain of 44%.


===== Monday, December 1 =====
"I am glad to see that you are going to have more picks each week. I have been very, very happy with the web-site. I started in March with $1000.00 and now have a little over $1700.00."

INOD today announced that it was selected by the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest museum and research complex, to digitally preserve and improve access to an important historical and research record.

The company will provide data conversion and XML services to the Smithsonian Institution Libraries for rare documents encompassing the complete record of The United States Exploring Expedition of 1838 to 1842, the first federally funded mission of exploration in U.S. history. The terms of the project were not disclosed.

"Innodata Isogen's experience with important historical publications and complex library conversion projects will serve the Smithsonian well on this project," said Martin R. Kalfatovic, Head of the New Media Office and Digital Projects Librarian at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries. "Their rapid alignment to our mission befits a true partnership. I'm impressed with their expertise and energy."

Digital Angel Corporation, majority owned by ADSX, today announced that Scott R. Silverman has been named Vice Chairman of the company's Board of Directors. Mr. Silverman currently serves as CEO and Chairman of the Board of ADSX and will continue in those capacities.

Today's announcements follow a number of significant developments at Digital Angel, including the appointment in November of Van Chu as the company's new CEO and the announcement of an agreement to acquire OuterLink Corporation of Concord, MA.

All of these changes are part of the company's strategic evolution from its traditional animal applications and military GPS business lines toward a broader focus on location technology and condition monitoring for a wide range of high-value assets, including: people, pets, livestock, fish/wildlife, commercial/private vehicles, military vehicles, commercial/private aircraft, commercial/private watercraft, military watercraft and stationary assets in remote locations.

EDT has started off the week strongly, rising to a new 52-week high of 95 cents. Over the last five trading days EDT’s share price has risen 39.7%; today’s new high also represents an increase of 116% over our initial profile price

03-12-2003, Wed 10:20 PM
POL’s share price has been showing consistent strength over the last four weeks. We first introduced you to POL back on November 4 when the company was trading for $5.07. On Wednesday the company hit an intra-day high of $6.21 for a one month increase of 22.5%.

POL is currently trading for $6.01 on 73,600 shares

03-12-2003, Wed 10:22 PM
Before the markets opened today MITK announced that Bank of Marion located in Marion, Virginia and Blue Ridge Bank of Walhalla, South Carolina purchased the company’s CheckQuest check imaging solution. CheckQuest will enable each institution to take full advantage of the recently passed Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, or Check 21 legislation.

Check 21 is expected to dramatically reduce bank operating costs by allowing banks to substitute electronic check images for paper checks in the clearance and settlement process. MITK’s CheckQuest creates these electronic images, then captures and automatically processes information from checks and other items.

"With the installation of CheckQuest, we anticipate a significant reduction in operating costs. We believe it will provide a sizeable productivity gain so our personnel can better focus on assisting customers. For example, with CheckQuest's Web-based research capabilities, we will be able to research an item in seconds versus minutes," said Glenn Buddin, Vice President of Operations at Blue Ridge Bank.
"We are very pleased to have added two new CheckQuest customers in the southeastern U.S. to Mitek's growing roster of clients. We believe the CheckQuest solution will play a critical role in enabling each institution to attain Check 21 compliance and reap the cost-saving benefits of the new imaging environment," said James Graybeal, MITK's VP of Sales.

In early trading today MITK’s share price ramped up 19 cents to an intra-day high of $2.34. The company is currently trading for $2.33 on 27,100 shares

03-12-2003, Wed 10:24 PM
Real Media Europe, a division of TFSM, today announced that I-Network, the leading company in permission marketing and Web site representation in Spain, signed an agreement to use Open AdStream Central as its exclusive ad serving solution for its network of branded Web sites.

A pioneer in online advertising sales in Spain, I-Network has sold online advertising in that country since 1997, and is one of the leading independent Internet advertising sales companies in Europe. I-Network switched to Real Media Europe's fully hosted Open AdStream Central solution for its network of high-profile Internet sites, which generate traffic of more than 250 million impressions and 2.5 million unique viewers per month.

Joshua Novick, CEO of I-Network, said: "We chose to move our business to Real Media because we were impressed with the new capabilities of the latest version of Open AdStream and the outstanding value they offered."

03-12-2003, Wed 10:25 PM
Over the last 7 trading days AF’s share price has been experiencing a bit of a renaissance. On November 24 the company was trading for as low as $2.50, and in trading today the company hit an intra-day high of $3.24 for a gain of 29.6%.
Back on November 24, AF announced a bought deal financing with Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited for $2,500,000. The net proceeds from the offering will be used for general working capital purposes

03-12-2003, Wed 10:26 PM
ZONS’s share price has also been experiencing some significant upward momentum. Back on November 13, ZONS announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Before the announcement the company was trading for $1.43; within a few days their share price dropped 22%, to a low of $1.11.

Since the markets over-reaction to their quarterly report, ZONS share price has rebounded and today hit an intra-day high of $1.60, for a three week gain of 44%.

03-12-2003, Wed 11:00 PM
JMAR’s share price has been experiencing some dramatic growth over the last few trading days. On November 26 the company was trading for as low as $1.35 and today their shares hit an intra-day high of $2.37 for a one week gain of 75.5%.

There has been no news or press releases from the company that could explain the recent trading activity. We have contacted the company’s Investor Relations department and will post their comments here as soon as they reply.

That said, later today President Bush is expected to sign into law the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act. Nanotechnology is the manipulation of materials at the atomic scale. The National Science Foundation has estimated that nanotechnology applications may be worth more than $1 trillion in the global economy in little more than a decade.

Funded with $3.7 billion over the next four years, the office is intended to focus national attention and boost funding for research into studies that deal with manipulating matter an atom or molecule at a time. Technology's ultimate miniaturization literally changes all aspects of matter, including its strength, durability and conductivity.

Creation of the nano initiative comes on the eve of NanoCommerce 2003, a national meeting to promote nanotech commercialization that opens in Chicago on Dec. 8.

03-12-2003, Wed 11:34 PM
RTK’s share price has also been surging over the last week of trading. On Tuesday, November 25 the company was trading for as low as 81 cents, and in trading today the company hit an intra-day high of $1.27 for a six day gain of 56.7%. That also represents an increase of 126.8% over our initial profile price.

A few weeks ago we announced that there has recently been a build up of interest in companies involved in gas-to-liquid projects. In late October Shell announced that they are investing $5 billion in a gas-to-liquid project in Qatar, which involves building the largest gas-to-liquid plant in the world. Shell also announced that they would be initiating additional research in North America in the Athabasca region of Alberta, Canada.

Former head of the CIA James Woolsey said that the U.S. has to switch from imported petroleum to home-grown alternative fuels in an effort to decrease its dependency on sourcing foreign oil. He went on to say that one way to help cure the U.S.’s energy dependency is through clean fuels made from coal, bio-mass, and waste material.

04-12-2003, Thu 12:02 AM
Earlier today XYBR and Shenzhen Sunshine Hi-Tech Co., Ltd, announced they have entered into an agreement under which Shenzhen Sunshine will resell and adapt XYBR’s wearable computing solutions to the China and Hong Kong marketplaces.

In another development involving the Far East, XYBR announced last week that the company will work with Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to develop mobile/wearable computing solutions in the People's Republic of China.

As part of the agreement, Sunshine Hi-Tech will port its operating systems to current and future XYBR products, and coordinate the design and manufacture of future XYBR patented products in China for the China marketplace. The companies will also immediately begin working together on designing future architectures for mobile computing and communications operating systems.

"Shenzhen is an ideal partner for Xybernaut both in terms of localizing our products for sale to the billion plus citizens of the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong, as well as for the immediate sale of our products to key industries and vertical markets," said Ed Newman, Chairman and CEO of XYBR. "Their experience in manufacturing high quality, low cost products in China will also prove very valuable to Xybernaut and its shareholders."

04-12-2003, Thu 12:44 AM
In early trading today ADBY’s share price rose 13% to an intra-day high of 34 cents. We first introduced you to ADBY back on October 9 when the company was trading for 26 cents. A week after our Hot List profile the company’s share price was hovering around the 45 cent mark; for a gain of 42%.

ADBY recently issued an activity update on recent customer and operational activities.

"Since our last corporate update, ADB has been very busy on a number of fronts," said Jeff Lymburner, CEO of ADBY. "In addition to our ongoing customer and day-to-day activities, we continue to make significant progress with our GE Asset Manager LLC joint venture, which has received considerable attention in a number of leading industry trade publications, such as 'Industrial Distribution' and Asset Securitization Report' and several others."
ADBY announced that it has extended the terms of its customer agreements with a number of organizations, including the State of Tennessee (Department of General Services) and permanent tsb, Ireland's largest financial services provider, whose agreement has now been extended until the end of 2005.

The company also announced that a number of its customers, including BP, the National Health Service, Europe's largest healthcare provider, and Vesta Insurance, are already taking advantage of the latest technology upgrades to its web-based electronic procurement solution, ProcureMate.

To help shareholders and members of the investment community stay informed of the company's developments, ADBY also announced that it will provide regular corporate updates every four to eight weeks.

"As a commitment to improving our investor relations activities, we will issue corporate activity updates on a regular basis," Mr. Lymburner said. "These updates, which will complement our customer wins announcements and quarterly financial statements, will allow us to inform our shareholders on the progress of previously announced initiatives."

05-12-2003, Fri 2:31 AM
Before the markets opened this morning TFSM announced that it signed a multi-year renewal agreement with weather.com, the Web site of The Weather Channel and the most popular source of online weather information, to use TFSM’s AdStream Local as its exclusive ad serving solution.

weather.com delivers reports of current conditions and forecasts for 98,000 locations worldwide to an average of 20 million users per month. It is consistently ranked the most popular source of online weather information. And according to Nielsen//NetRatings, it is one of the top 15 of all Web domains.

Paul Iaffaldano, Chief Revenue Officer for weather.com, said: "24/7 Real Media's technology after four years continues to fulfill our ad serving, targeting and reporting needs. Weather incidents cause unpredictable traffic spurts, and the scalability of Open AdStream empowers us to meet these demands. We are pleased and excited by the opportunity to continue this strong relationship over the next three years."
In early trading TFSM is up 4 cents over yesterday’s close at $1.53 on 330,000 shares.

05-12-2003, Fri 2:33 AM
SWW has been trading strongly over the last few months and yesterday hit a new 52-week high of $2.70, representing a gain of 39.2% over November 6 profile price.

On November 24 SWW announced the signing of a contract with XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. the #1 subscriber-based satellite radio service in the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, SWW will deliver support for subscriber management, billing-related customer service and back office functions

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05-12-2003, Fri 2:35 AM
SWW has been trading strongly over the last few months and yesterday hit a new 52-week high of $2.70, representing a gain of 39.2% over November 6 profile price.

On November 24 SWW announced the signing of a contract with XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc. the #1 subscriber-based satellite radio service in the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, SWW will deliver support for subscriber management, billing-related customer service and back office functions

05-12-2003, Fri 2:36 AM
We first introduced subscribers of PeterLeeds.com to AELA back on October 28 when they were trading for $3.13; by November 11 they hit a high of $3.68 for a two week gain of 17.5%. The company continues to move in a tight trading range and earlier today hit an intra-day high of $3.17.

As AELA is a biotech company it is important to remember that the company’s share price will move almost exclusively on speculation, press releases and FDA or Canadian regulatory approval.

On November 26, Atrium Biotechnologies Inc., a subsidiary of AELA, announced the acquisition of 100% of all issued and outstanding shares of Siricie S.A. Based in Paris, this profitable company is focused mainly in the development and marketing of active ingredients drawn from marine life for the cosmetics industry. In 2002, Siricie generated revenues of more than $2.5 million.

This, the fourth acquisition over the last two years, allows AELA to expand their pharmaceutical offerings and marketing network. The acquisition of Siricie is part of the second stage of the company’s growth strategy which aims at enhancing their portfolio of novel products.

And back on November 5 the company announced strong financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Revenues increased by 55% and sales increased 22%; for the nine months revenues increased by 61%.

As for the future, the company currently has 12 products in the various stages of development; including three in Phase III trials.

05-12-2003, Fri 2:43 AM
December 4, 2003.

CSV is the fastest growing publicly traded company in a very stable industry

CSV is the fourth largest publicly traded company in the industry

CSV’s common share is currently valued at 54% of its book value

A refocused, rejuvenated company, CSV is well positioned for future growth

Outlook- The fastest growing publicly traded funeral and cemetery service company in the United States, Carriage Services, Inc. (CSV) is an improved, rejuvenated, restructured and realigned company that is focused on improving its corporate and operating leadership and increasing shareholder value.

Between 1996 and 1999 the Death Care industry experienced rapid growth through acquisitions; unfortunately balance sheets were over leveraged and industry conditions became challenging. In late 2000, CSV developed and implemented a two-year program to curtail acquisitions and focus on operations to improve cash flow and reduce debt.

CSV is now a stronger company that has improved its operations and financial position and is focused on increasing market share, operating margins, free cash flow and reducing debt. Additionally, CSV believes that current equity valuations do not accurately reflect the company’s recent accomplishments or the opportunities CSV has for the future. And we happen to agree with them

Business Profile - CSV is a leading provider of Death Care services and products in the United States. As the fastest growing publicly traded funeral and cemetery service company in the United States, CSV currently operates 141 funeral homes and 30 cemeteries in 29 states.

The company’s operations are divided into two segments: funeral operations and cemetery operations. The funeral operation division provides services and products to meet the needs of families of the deceased, including consultation, removal and preparation of cremations. CSV also provides sale of caskets and related funeral merchandise, the use of funeral home facilities for visitation and religious services and transportation services.

The company’s cemetery products and services include interment services, the rights to interment in cemetery sites including gravesites, mausoleum crypts and niches and related cemetery merchandise such as memorials and vaults. The company also markets funeral and cemetery services and products on a pre-need basis.

A Corporate Resurrection - From 1996 -1999 the Death Care industry experienced a period of rapid growth through acquisitions. Unfortunately after the dust settled, CSV, along with their other publicly traded peers, discovered that they were over-leveraged.

2000 was a transitional year for CSV as it developed and began implementing its two-year multi-faceted Fresh Start Program in the fourth fiscal quarter to address its poor operating performance and challenging operating environment.

The five Fresh Start goals CSV set out to achieve were: Restore credibility to its operating and consolidating model; Increase and better align its earnings and free cash flow; Restore market value credibility; Reduce debt; and Re-access the capital markets.

Beginning with the implementation of the Fresh Start Program and through June 30, 2003 CSV sold 34 funeral homes, 12 cemeteries, and 11 parcels of excess real estate for approximately $19.5 million.

While these transactions taken together represent a decline of approximately 20% of the number of business locations, total revenue have only declined by approximately 5% and total gross profits have increased by 34%.

In September of 2003 CSV announced that they have met four of the five Fresh Start goals. However, with its common share current valued at 54% of book value, CSV will continue to focus on the goal of restoring market value credibility to its balance sheet.
While CSV’s “Fresh Start Program” is largely complete, various initiatives are expected to continue to improve operating results gradually over time.

Fundamental Analysis - On October 29 CSV reported their financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. For the quarter the company reported revenue of $35.7 million compared to previous estimates of $34 - $37 million.

Funeral revenues for the third quarter were $26.9 million compared to $27.5 million in the same period last year. Same store funeral revenues increased by 0.5% to $26.5 million and the same store average revenue per contract increased 1.1%. Cemetery revenues increased 2.5% to $8.8 million from $8.6 million and same store cemetery revenue increased by 2.5%.

"We again met or exceeded our published estimates for the quarter. We are pleased with the increase in same-store funeral revenues, the performance of our cemetery operations and the continued decrease in debt for the third quarter," stated Melvin C. Payne, Chairman and CEO.

He continued, "However, we believe our funeral operations have the potential to generate better financial results and this will continue to be our primary focus."

Conclusion - The fastest growing publicly traded funeral and cemetery service company in the United States, CSV is an improved, rejuvenated, restructured and realigned company that is focused on developing its corporate and operating leadership and increasing shareholder value.

With its success in the implementation and execution of the "Fresh Start Program", CSV has stabilized and improved its operations and financial position, and reduced debt. As such, CSV has turned the corner and is repositioned for future growth.
As for the future, CSV believes its current capital structure coupled with its strong cash flow profile, will enable the company to continue to meaningfully pay down debt while offering investors a unique investment opportunity.


05-12-2003, Fri 10:37 PM
Before the markets opened today DATC cut its earnings guidance and said its Chairman and CEO, Issac Gaon, 54 years old, stepped down along with independent board member, Mark Berenblut. The company has appointed Raul Pupo as the new CEO.

The company now expects to post a loss for its fiscal second quarter ended Oct. 31 and all of fiscal 2004, down from a prior earnings forecast of 12 cents a share on revenue of $120 million to $125 million for the year ending April 30. For fiscal 2003, the company earned $1.4 million, or 4 cents a share on revenue of $125.1 million.

The company gave no reason on their decision to cut its outlook, or provide any reason for the departure of Gaon or Berenblut. And without providing a date, the company announced that their new CEO would be commenting on the company’s earnings in the near future.

The uncertainty surrounding DATC’s revised earnings guidance and corporate shake-up hit the company’s share price hard this morning. In early trading DATC's share price dropped 38% to an intra-day low of 72 cents. The company is currently trading for 73 cents on 3,540,000 shares

05-12-2003, Fri 10:38 PM
VWPT is trading strongly on what could otherwise be described as a sluggish Friday. In early trading the company’s share price jumped 16% to an intra-day high of 86 cents on twice the daily volume.

Back in August the company initiated a restructuring that lead to a reduction in headcount and the imposition of a hiring freeze that further reduced headcount costs through attrition. The company expects this restructuring to leverage their resources and create a number of new and exciting opportunities.

Said Jay Amato the company’s CEO, "We believe that Viewpoint is a company with strong assets: superior technology, a widely distributed network and strong partners. Long-term licensing deals, such as the recently announced contract with AOL, represent the type of agreement that we believe will increase the growth of our distribution network and drive adoption of the Viewpoint platform

05-12-2003, Fri 11:18 PM
Over the last two weeks UGNE’s share price has been quietly gaining ground. On November 25 the company closed for 50 cents, and in trading today UGNE hit an intra-day high of 65 cents for a short-term gain of 30%, and an increase of 150% over our initial profile price.

While there have been no recent press releases from the company that could account for the recent turn around in their share price, it’s important to note that they are in the biotech industry and as such their share price can be more susceptible to volatility and speculative jumps than most industries.

05-12-2003, Fri 11:20 PM
AIMM has also been trending higher over the last few weeks. Back on November 14 the company was trading for as low as $1.36 and today they hit an intra-day high of $2.04 for a three week gain of 50%.

Back on November 11 the company released their fiscal results for the third quarter, and an updated progress report on product development. In this past quarter AIMM began market testing Colloral LLC, its product for the nutritional support of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

AIMM also announced that BioMS has confirmed that it expects to begin an advanced phase clinical trial of a novel treatment for chronic progressive multiple sclerosis, which utilizes intellectual property rights exclusively licensed from AIMM.

And Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd. reports that during the first quarter of 2004 it hopes to begin the next human clinical studies on an oral formulation of COPAXONE, a product for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, which also utilizes intellectual property rights exclusively licensed from AIMM.

05-12-2003, Fri 11:38 PM
Again, the biotech industry can often be very volatile; that said, the absence of volatility can also be a good sign of ongoing investor interest and industry strength. Having said that, PRZ has made a number of encouraging press releases that illuminate their future direction and growth potential.

On November 11 the company announced strong third quarter fiscal results for the period ended September 30, 2003: Revenues increased 154%; Gross Profits nearly doubled (177%); Operating Income swelled 319%; and the company’s Net Income increased 152%. For the nine month period Revenues grew 102%; Gross Profits increased 123%; Operating Income jumped 123%; and PRZ’s Net Income improved 135%.

And within the last month PRZ has contracted with Vissman Therapeutics, a Pittsburgh-based group of physical therapy centers, and Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, LLC, based in Bedford, Indiana, to deploy the company’s MedX-Direct Rehabilitation Program.


09-12-2003, Tue 7:16 PM
Before the markets opened today PRZ announced the results of their Annual Shareholder's Meeting, held this past Friday morning (December 5, 2003) in Orlando, Florida.

Randy Lubinsky, CEO, and Mark Szporka, CFO, reflected on the company's corporate progression since its founding in 2000 and provided additional insight into the company's growth expectations for the next two fiscal years.

Specifically, they noted that PRZ has entered into five letters of intent to acquire physician practices located in North Dakota, North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Following the completion of an equity financing transaction, which is expected to occur shortly, PRZ anticipates closing three of these acquisitions by year-end.

Further, Szporka reported that PRZ expects to achieve revenues of approximately $14 million and net income of approximately $1.8 million for the current fiscal year ending December 31, 2003. For fiscal years 2004 and 2005, ending December 31, management expects revenue to reach approximately $36 million and $56 million, respectively, and net income of approximately $9.4 million and $16.5 million, respectively.

These financial forecasts are based on the company's successful execution of its business plan, which provides for PRZ to acquire six profitable practices each year and deploy 15 MedX-Direct programs each year.

09-12-2003, Tue 7:18 PM
XYBR announced today an agreement under which Wheeldon Integration will promote and resell XYBR products and technologies. Under the terms of the agreement, Wheeldon Integration will become a member of “Team Xybernaut”, the company's community of value added resellers and systems integrators, and will collaborate on custom solution sets for distributed secure mobile opportunities initially in the Government, Utilities, Financial and Compliance markets.

"A combination of our products and Wheeldon's expertise in extending traditional desktop security capabilities to mobile field forces and remote end-users will be of great benefit to both government and Fortune 1000 corporations," stated Steven Newman, XYBR President

09-12-2003, Tue 7:22 PM
POL continues to trend higher. In early trading today the company’s share price hit an intra-day high of $6.60; their highest trading range in over 11 months. We first introduced subscribers of PeterLeeds.com to POL back on November 4 when the company was trading for $5.07. Today’s high represents an overall increase of 30% over our initial profile price.
In late October the company released encouraging financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. While POL announced a 3% decrease in revenue over the second quarter, they reported an increase in operating income of 14%.

"We are encouraged that we were able to improve operating margins through our internal efforts to lower costs and cash flow, primarily through a significant reduction in our inventory," said Thomas A. Waltermire, Chairman and CEO of POL. "Our lower cost structure, coupled with improved sales demand toward the end of the quarter, made us profitable in September and is providing some momentum as we move into the fourth quarter."

09-12-2003, Tue 7:23 PM
DATC’s share price continues to slide today in heavy trading. Within the first hour the company’s share price had fallen 15.5% to an intra-day low of 65 cents. The company is currently trading for 67 cents on 2,800,000 shares.

On Friday the company cut its earnings guidance and said its Chairman and CEO, Issac Gaon, 54 years old, stepped down along with independent board member, Mark Berenblut. Raul Pupo has been named the company’s new CEO. Most recently, Pupo was the President and CEO of RP Holdings, an IT investment and advisory services company, which he founded.

Before the markets opened today DATC held a 40 minute conference call introducing their new CEO, who also took time to address investor’s questions and concerns. A spokesperson from DATC told PeterLeeds.com that a review of the conference call will be posted on the company’s website later today or early tomorrow.

09-12-2003, Tue 7:31 PM
MRY today announced the launch of its new website. According to company Chairman and CEO, James G. Binch, "Our new website highlights Memry's competencies as a manufacturer of medical device components and industrial materials for commercial applications using the special properties of shape memory and superelastic alloys."

He concluded, "The launch of our new website also signals the company's dedication to improving our communications with investors. The financial data provided in the investor relations section of the website is easy to navigate and includes level II stock quotes, java charting, SEC filings, historical prices and up-to-the-minute news about the company."

You can take a look at MRY’s new website at www.memry.com

10-12-2003, Wed 10:52 AM
يا اخ Sniper في البداية كانت طريقتك جميله وهي وضع سعر الشراء والبيع والمدة

اما الان فانا ماني عارف وش الطبخة :rolleyes: لان لغتي العنقريزية لك عليها

على العموم مشكووووووووووور وماقصرت

11-12-2003, Thu 12:51 AM
ADSX recently announced that it’s wholly owned subsidiary, VeriChip Corporation, has signed a 5-year exclusive international distribution agreement with AfriTrace Ltd. of South Africa.

AfriTrace's sister company IdentiPet, has purchased over 300,000 animal microchips from ADSX’s majority owned affiliate, Digital Angel Corporation over the past 14 years.

Under the five-year exclusive distribution agreement, AfriTrace must meet annual minimum sales quotas to maintain exclusive distribution rights in South Africa. With years of experience in the mining industry of South Africa, AfriTrace initially intends to use VeriChip technology for mining applications; e.g. identification of miners and location of miners within complex mine labyrinths.

11-12-2003, Thu 12:56 AM
Before the markets opened today NWD provided their business outlook for the fourth fiscal quarter. The company announced that it expects net income for the fourth quarter ending December 25, 2003 to increase between eight and ten percent over the same period in 2002, with revenue climbing between five and ten percent.

NWD said its positive business outlook is based upon a significant improvement in business due to recovery from SARS and organic growth. It also noted that the holiday season is a period which is historically the company's strongest.
The company expects to report results for its fourth quarter and year ending December 25, 2003 on approximately March 25, 2004.

Separately, NWD said it has commenced product shipments valued at approximately $600,000, or one half of the total order value, for a previously announced contract for a variety of instant noodles from a Korean customer, the company's first order outside China and Hong Kong. Delivery of the first half of the order is expected to be completed by fiscal year end December 25, 2003.

11-12-2003, Thu 1:06 AM
TFSM today announced that eMedicine.com, Inc., a publisher of online health information for physicians and consumers, has signed an agreement that makes TFSM 's Open AdStream Central its exclusive ad serving solution for both its eMedicine.com and eMedicineHealth.com Web sites.

The eMedicine.com Clinical Knowledge Base contains over 7,000 articles on medical conditions and over 30,000 multimedia files, making it the largest online repository of continuing medical education courses for physicians, nurses, pharmacists and optometrists. According to Nielsen//NetRatings, eMedicine garnered more than 1 million unique visitors from home and work in October 2003, increasing unique audience levels by 96% from October 2002.

Jonathan Adler, MD, President and Chief Medical Officer of eMedicine.com, said: "The decision to switch to Open AdStream was made after significant analysis. Our increased traffic and more sophisticated advertising requirements demanded this level of scalability and reporting."

11-12-2003, Thu 1:18 AM
PESI today announced a restructuring and reduction in force within its Industrial Services Segment to improve margins and increase this Segment's profitability. These changes are the culmination of five months of business and financial analysis of all aspects of the segment by new management and are necessary to prepare the segment for future profitability and growth. This reduction in force, which was applied at all levels within the Industrial Segment, eliminated approximately 50 jobs.

Additionally, PESI's Industrial Services Segment has changed its strategic direction away from low-margin broker disposal services, to a more customer- direct regional sales and operations strategy. The restructuring will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2003 and will result in a charge of approximately $200,000. PESI expects the workforce reduction will result in annual savings of approximately $3.2 million.

Dr. Louis Centofanti, Chairman and CEO, said, "The decision to reduce our headcount was difficult and painful. However, this reorganization was necessary to facilitate the Industrial Segment's future growth and improved profitability. Additionally, we are striving to eliminate low-margin, high volume services and reduce our dependence on outside broker disposal services in order to focus on higher-quality, higher-margin generator direct disposal revenue."

11-12-2003, Thu 1:23 AM
And AF’s share price continues to trend steadily higher. In today’s trading the company’s share price is up 21 cents to an intra-day high of $3.39. Since October 10th AF’s share price has jumped 51%. Today’s intra-day high also represents an increase of 126% over our initial profile price.

11-12-2003, Thu 10:41 PM
December 9, 2003.

GEOI is a strong, growing company in the oil and gas industry

The U.S. northeast region is the biggest heating oil market in the world

GEOI’s third quarter revenue grew by 14%

In fiscal 2002, GEOI’s net income increased 116%

One of GEOI’s two new wells should be connected to sales before year-end

Outlook- We recently profiled GeoResources Inc. (GEOI) on our Hot List Classics report, so some of you may already be familiar with this company. However, according to the PeterLeeds.com FundTech analysis, GEOI is in an excellent trading range.

A small, privately held oil and gas company, GEOI is a financially solid, diversified business with growing revenues, and a profitable subsidiary. Additionally, the company has a newly drilled well that should impact the company’s bottom line before the end of the fiscal year.

Oil prices edged higher Monday on the prospects of higher demands for heating as the first major winter storm hit the U.S. and as OPEC pressed its case to keep prices high. To add further tension to an already stressed market, one Saudi minister said, there is “a high possibility” that OPEC will cut production early next year.

So, as crude oil prices soar to near $31 per barrel, North American investors may begin looking to increase their interest in secure, resourceful, sustainable, domestic energy sources. And GEOI is one American company that could experience significant growth in the upcoming months.

Business Profile - One of the few privately held oil and gas companies headquartered in North Dakota, GEOI is engaged in three principal business segments: oil and gas exploration, development and production; oil and gas drilling; and leonardite mining and the manufacture of leonardite-based products.

The company’s oil and gas exploration and production efforts are concentrated on oil properties in the North Dakota and Montana portions of the Williston Basin. This business segment has historically constituted in excess of 70% of GEOI’s revenues and earnings.

Due to the shortage of working drilling rigs in some portions of the Williston Basin, GEOI elected to form a subsidiary: Western Star Drilling Company. GEOI acquired a drilling rig for its own use and for contract drilling operations; the rig is currently deployed in the north central region of North Dakota.

In addition to its oil and gas activities, GEOI operates a Leonardite mine and processing plant at Williston, North Dakota. At the Williston facility a distinctive type of oxidized lignite coal called Leonardite is mined from leased reserves and processed into several different specialty products. Those products include drilling mud additives for use in the oil and natural gas drilling industry and applications in metal working factories and in agriculture.

GEOI also owns a non-producing silver property in Arizona and minor amount of geothermal and other mineral rights in Oregon.

Fundamental Analysis - On November 17 GEOI announced their fiscal results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003. The company reported net income for the quarter of $171,153 on revenue of $1,216,015 versus net income of $103,994 on revenue of $1,063,495 in the comparable quarter of 2002.

The company’s improving financial performance is reflected in higher oil and gas sales and lower operating expenses.
Oil and natural gas prices received during the quarter averaged $25.87 per barrel of oil equivalent (BOE), an increase of 8% over the year ago quarter. The company also sold 1,468 tons of leonardite during the quarter at an average price of $88.79 per ton. Drilling revenue was $206,787 during the quarter versus $3,188 a year ago.

For the nine months GEOI reported a net income of $400,328 versus a net loss of $34,789 for the nine months ended September 30, 2002.
Year-to-date sales of 100,516 BOE at an average price of $26.19 per BOE represents an increase in price of 31% from the prior year, contributing to a 26% revenue increase.

During the third quarter, GEOI began drilling a well in the Leonard Field in Bottineau County which should be connected to sales before year-end. A second well planned for the Leonard Field may not commence before year-end because the Western Star drilling rig is currently under contract with another operator.

Conclusion - A financially solid, diversified company with growing revenues, and a profitable subsidiary, GEOI is an excellent business with tremendous long-term growth potential.

In 2002 GEOI’s earnings increased 116% and for the first three quarters of fiscal 2003 the company’s net earnings rose 64.5%. During the third quarter, GEOI began drilling a new well that should be connected to sales before year-end; and the company could commence drilling on a second well in the near future.

GEOI then is an excellent alternative for North Americans wanting to support the development of continental energy supplies. If oil prices remain at current levels we believe the demand for GEOI resources and services could increase considerably. In light of this, the coming of winter could be a period of significant growth for GEOI.


11-12-2003, Thu 10:46 PM
RTK today announced the execution of a Technical Services Agreement with Clean Coal Power Resources Inc. (CCPRI) of Louisville, Kentucky in support of a project to produce up to 190,000 barrels per day of Fischer-Tropsch liquids from coal in Southern Illinois.

CCPRI, intends to implement RTK’s technology to produce ultra low sulfur- and aromatic-free fuels from synthesis gas at its proposed $2.5 billion Phase 1 coal-to-electricity and fuels project to be located in Vandalia, Illinois.

Commenting on the project Dennis L. Yakobson, President and CEO of RTK, stated, "The Clean Coal Power Resources' project provides Rentech with an outstanding opportunity to deploy its GTL technology in the United States. Up to this point most GTL projects have been proposed outside the U.S. due to the need for project developers to acquire cheap natural gas as their feedstock."
In early trading today RTK’s share price rose 17.6% to an intra-day high of $1.40. The company is currently trading at $1.39 on 496,000 shares.

11-12-2003, Thu 10:48 PM
ADBY, through its joint business venture, GE Asset Manager LLC, announced today the signing of its first customer agreement. The company will be providing asset management software to GE Aircraft Engines. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Immediately following the press release ADBY’s share price jumped 18.8% to an intra-day high of 38 cents. The company is currently trading for 33 cents on 264,000 shares.

11-12-2003, Thu 10:50 PM
JMAR reported today that it has realized sub-100nm imaging at its facility in South Burlington, Vermont using its integrated Collimated Plasma Lithography (CPL) X-ray source and wafer exposure system. The work was done under contracts from Army Research Laboratory /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and Naval Air Systems Command.

"This achievement reinforces our belief that CPL offers reduced complexity, and therefore reduced overall cost, at sub-100nm critical dimensions," said Daniel J. Fleming, JMAR's Chief Operating Officer and General Manager, Systems Division.
In today’s trading JMAR shares rose 7.6% to an intra-day high of 1.85; the company is currently trading for $1.83 on 113,000 shares.

11-12-2003, Thu 10:56 PM
POL said today that it will be closing its Burlington, New Jersey manufacturing plant within its Engineered Films business segment in mid-February 2004. The closing of the New Jersey plant will eliminate about 115 jobs or 1.7 percent of its work force, because of higher energy costs and increased competition.

"This business unit has felt the effects of raw material inflation and offshore competition in some of its key markets," said CEO Thomas A. Waltermire. "As in some of our other business units, we are restructuring to bring capacity in line with sales demand and to reduce our cost structure in order to improve our profitability."
On October 21, 2003, POL announced that Engineered Films was among three business operations being considered for divestment. Engineered Films had 2002 sales of nearly $155 million, representing approximately 6 percent of total company sales.

11-12-2003, Thu 10:59 PM
December 11, 2003.

NGA is leading provider of corrosion protection for fabricated steel products

NGA's applications are used in commercial, construction and industrial markets

NGA implemented cost-cutting measures in Q1 2003

For the last three quarters NGA has increased their revenues and net income

NGA is well positioned for an economic upturn

Outlook- North American Galvanizing & Coatings, Inc. (NGA) is a financially solid company with strong levels of assets, cash, and orders, and is in an excellent position for sustained long-term growth.

A leading global provider of corrosion protection for fabricated steel components, NGA has developed a very recognizable, dependable brand name in a highly competitive industry.

As a result of cost-cutting measures implemented during the first quarter of 2003, NGA has remained profitable, reporting sequential, quarter-over-quarter increases in both revenue and net income…in spite of the weak economic forecast.

By discontinuing weaker operations and concentrating on their core strengths NGA has become a stronger, more financially stable and seasoned company. And now, the company is well positioned on all fronts to take advantage of a global market that many economists say is now on the upswing.

Business Profile - NGA is a manufacturing services holding company that provides hot dip galvanizing and coating for fabricated steel products through its wholly owned subsidiary, North American Galvanizing Company.

NGA galvanizes iron and steel products by immersing them in molten zinc. This process produces an alloyed metal surface that can endure for up to 50 years without showing any signs of oxidation or corrosion from exposure to the elements.

The company’s hot dip galvanizing and coating process provides valuable corrosion protection of fabricated steel which is used in a number of markets, including: petrochemical, highway and transportation, energy, utilities, communications, irrigation, pulp and paper, waste water treatment, food processing, recreation and the manufacture of original equipment.

Despite the recently depressed conditions in the capital goods sector, the ongoing construction of new state of the art facilities and the continued addition of complementary corrosion control products have allowed NGA to remain a leader in their industry.

NGA currently conducts its galvanizing and coating business through a network of plants located in Denver, Houston, Hurst (Dallas/Ft. Worth), Kansas City, Nashville, St. Louis, Louisville, and Tulsa.

Fundamental Analysis - On November 5 NGA announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company reported revenue of $8,516,000 for the third quarter compared to revenue of $8,398,000 in the previous quarter.

For the nine months, NGA reported sales dropped 14% to $24,954,000 as compared to sales of $29,235,000 for the first nine months of 2002. This decrease is due in large part to the weak economy impacting construction and fabrication activity requiring galvanizing.

As capital spending recovers, the resultant demand
for galvanizing should be gradually impacted.
NGA’s galvanizing and coating business continued to experience a modest upturn as sales increased 1.4% compared to the second quarter of 2003. Sales for the third quarter of 2003 reflected improved average prices and comparable production volumes for the back-to-back quarters. Despite increased sales the company is still experiencing lower demand for galvanizing compared to last year, a reflection of the economic down-turn that began to impact the company in mid-2002.

Ronald J. Evans, President and CEO, said, "The gradual improvement in order volume experienced in the second quarter held into the company's third quarter ended September 30, 2003. As a direct result of cost- cutting measures implemented earlier in the year, the company maintained profitability under adverse economic conditions."

Conclusion - One of the world’s leading providers of corrosion protection for fabricated steel products, NGA is a financially solid company with strong levels of assets, cash, and orders, and is in an excellent position for sustained long-term growth.

While depressed economic conditions and considerable weakness in capital spending have hurt a number of organizations in the Basic Materials sector, NGA has taken proactive steps to strengthen their bottom line by discontinuing weaker operations and concentrating on their core strengths: hot dip galvanizing and coatings.

As a result of additional cost-cutting measures implemented during the first quarter of 2003, NGA has reported sequential, quarter-over-quarter increases in both revenue and net income…in spite of the weak economic forecast.

A stronger, more financially stable and seasoned company, NGA is well positioned on all fronts to take advantage of a global market that many economists say is now on the upswing.


14-12-2003, Sun 9:36 PM
A transatlantic merger to build a world-wide leading supplier to the printing industry; Germany's Technotrans AG and BLD have signed a non-binding Letter of Intent whereby Technotrans would acquire, through a one-step merger, all outstanding shares of Class A and Class B Common Stock of BLD for a price of $2.50 per share in cash.

"By combining Baldwin's excellent know-how, especially in automated cleaning systems, with Technotrans' successful liquid technology, both companies together could better address customer demands," stated Technotrans CEO Heinz Harling.

BLD Chairman and CEO Gerald A. Nathe said, "While Baldwin has a proud tradition as an independent company and as a leader in the design and manufacture of printing press accessories and controls, we have come to the conclusion that, should

14-12-2003, Sun 9:39 PM
Since the beginning of November RTK has watched their share price soar 118% from a low of 71 cents to yesterday’s new high of $1.55. That also represents an increase of 176.8% over our initial profile price.

On November 7 RTK announced that REN CORPORATION, a company in which RTK holds a majority position, received a new contract from Materials Management Service GovWorks for a Hydraulic Test Stand to be delivered to the U.S. Army Aviation's Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, AL.

And yesterday RTK announced a Technical Services Agreement with Clean Coal Power Resources Inc. (CCPRI) of Louisville, Kentucky. CCPRI, intends to implement RTK’s technology to produce ultra low sulfur fuels from synthesis gas at its proposed $2.5 billion Phase 1 coal-to-electricity and fuels project to be located in Vandalia, Illinois.

RTK is currently trading up 5 cents over yesterdays close at $1.55 on 150,000 shares.

14-12-2003, Sun 9:40 PM
Over the last three weeks AF’s share price has also been climbing steadily higher. They entered the week of November 24 trading for as low as $2.50 and today hit an intra-day high of $3.60; for a gain of 44%. That also represents an increase of 140% over our initial profile price.
Aside from reporting record breaking third quarter results and a record number of new alarm installations, AF also recently announced the closing of a $2.5 million financing deal with Acumen Capital Finance Partners Limited. The net proceeds from the offering will be used for general working capital purposes.

14-12-2003, Sun 9:42 PM
After a one week drop of 48% DATC’s share price is showing signs of life. The company is currently trading up 11.5% over yesterday’s close at 68 cents on 398,000 shares.

Before the markets opened last Friday DATC cut its earnings guidance and said its Chairman and CEO, Issac Gaon, stepped down along with independent board member, Mark Berenblut. Raul Pupo has been named the company’s new CEO.

On Monday DATC held a 40 minute conference call introducing their new CEO, who also took time to address investor’s questions and concerns. A replay of that interview is now available at www.datatec.com on the main page in the “Latest News” section.


17-12-2003, Wed 10:31 PM
CVGR announced today the awarding of multiple studies and contracts worth $8.1 million. Among the new business awards is a consulting and operational support contract with a European pharmaceutical company for a specialized cardiovascular safety study.

The remaining contracts represent expansion of current studies with several different clients as well as a cardiovascular feasibility study and two new vaccine trials. The majority of the revenue for the $8.1 million of new business will be recognized over the next 12 months.

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., CVGR’s President and CEO commented, "The contracts announced today bring our new business for this quarter to $10.4 million. Our year-to-date total of $21.7 million is 17% higher than the amount signed in 2002. We are very encouraged that our new business pipeline and subsequent backlog will continue to grow as we move into 2004."
By mid-day CVGR’s share price had climbed 18% to an intra-day high of $2.79. The company is currently trading up 32 cents over Friday's close at $2.68 on 166,000 shares.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:33 PM
Real Media Europe, a division of TFSM, today announced that Vaybee.com AG, the leading internet media company in Germany that targets Turkish users, has renewed its agreement to use Open AdStream Local as the exclusive ad serving solution for its Web site, Vaybee.com.

Vaybee.com offers e-commerce services and interactive community services as well as news, entertainment, lifestyle, education, business and travel content in the German and Turkish languages that addresses the needs of the Turkish community living in Europe.

Harald Fortmann, managing Director of Real Media Germany, said: "Vaybee.com is the meeting point and top information source for the new generation of Turkish people living in Europe and we are delighted to renew our relationship with it."
In trading today TFSM’s share price popped 9% to an intra-day high of $1.53; the company is currently trading for $1.46 on 410,200 shares.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:35 PM
Before the markets opened today SNTK and Uwe Thieme, a Senetek Director, and his brother, Heiko Thieme, announced that they have settled their legal claims against each other.

SNTK CEO Frank J. Massino commented: "We are pleased that we were able to reach a negotiated resolution of the parties' disputes, and look forward to the upcoming Annual General Meeting and to continuing our efforts to enhance shareholder value."
Heiko Thieme, who manages The American Heritage Fund, Inc., a major Senetek shareholder, responded: "We are pleased to see an end to this expensive litigation and hope that shareholders will benefit."

Under the terms of the settlement, SNTK agreed to dismiss its claims against the Thieme Brothers, and Uwe Thieme agreed to dismiss his counterclaim against SNTK for defense costs, expense indemnification and insurance coverage.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:36 PM
CVGR and iLiFEdata pty ltd, (Australia) the commercial affiliate of the Institute for International Health today announced the signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two parties. iLiFEdata and the Institute for International Health (IIH) are medical and clinical research organizations affiliated with the University of Sydney.

The terms of the Strategic Partnership Agreement provide for an exclusive regional relationship between the parties for the marketing and delivery of clinical development services on a global basis. The agreement also recognizes the intentions of each party to continue to further integrate work processes in the near future, and makes provision for this evolution.

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., CVGR’s President and CEO commented, "We stated that a major goal for Covalent this year was to significantly increase our market visibility and operational capabilities globally. The agreement we are announcing today is a major step in that direction."

17-12-2003, Wed 10:38 PM
In a recent study on the World Signature Verification Biometrics Market, international marketing consultants Frost & Sullivan recognized the highly effective growth strategies of CICI that helped it not only survive, but also significantly expand in a slowing market.

Even as enterprises collectively tightened their belts in 2002 -- including its main customer, the financial services industry -- CICI successfully designed and implemented growth strategies to not only meet these challenges but also substantially increase revenues in the first two quarters of 2003.

For its superior growth-oriented strategies, CICI has been named the recipient of the 2003 Frost & Sullivan Growth Strategy Leadership Award for the global signature verification biometrics market. Frost & Sullivan presents this award every year to the company that has demonstrated outstanding ability to expand despite difficult market conditions.

CICI has shown great foresight in initiating strategic mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures with the aim of penetrating new markets. CICI allied itself with a local partner in China to leverage the country's large IT expenditure. This move formed part of its aggressive strategy to maximize the immense potential offered by the Asia Pacific region.

"Over the next few years, Asia Pacific is expected to become the leading region in the signature verification biometrics market," notes Deep Mehra, research analyst with Frost & Sullivan. "CICI's strong position in this region would make it a dominant player in the market."
"With an expanding customer base, increasing revenues, and a growth-oriented strategy, CICI is well positioned to lead the market into a high growth stage," says Mehra.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:39 PM
TMED and Lumenis Ltd. today announced they have agreed to a settlement of the litigation between them.

Under the terms of the settlement, TMED and Lumenis have agreed to enter into a long-term commercial agreement covering the manufacture by TMED and sale by Lumenis of certain side-firing and angled-firing fibers, to be used with Lumenis' lasers particularly in orthopedics, urology and spinal surgery.

Under the agreement, TMED will supply the products; Lumenis will market and sell them globally. The settlement includes certain other confidential terms.

The arrangement will give Lumenis immediate entry into the market for side-firing laser devices for use in the spine, one of the fastest growing segments of the healthcare field. TMED's side-firing Laser Needles, which are only one-twelfth of an inch in diameter, are the leading laser devices used in the outpatient treatment of herniated or ruptured lumbar discs in the spine.

TMED is currently trading up 3.88% over yesterday’s close at $1.07 on 5,600 shares.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:40 PM
SWEB announced today that they have signed a licensing agreement with Dundee Securities Corp. SWEB will license Dundee Securities financial content for their website, provided through Stockgroup's Financial Content Software System.

Dundee Securities Corporation is a full service investment dealer engaged in wealth management & financial advisory services, retail brokerage, institutional sales & trading, equity research and investment banking with over 250 investment advisors servicing over $4 billion of client assets under administration.

"We selected Stockgroup's solution because it allows us to maintain the best service for our clients and advisors. Stockgroup's solution allows us to deliver additional/enhanced services to offer our customers a more complete service. Our clients can be assured the Stockgroup Solution will enhance their experience when dealing with Dundee,'' said Paul Stapleton, Vice President Information Technology, Dundee Securities Corp.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:43 PM

December 16, 2003.

EDGR’s proprietary technology makes complex financial information easy-to-use

EDGR can give you access to over 18,000 companies in 45 countries

EDGR has a positive cash flow of $1 million

Since inception EDGR’s subscription revenues have grown each quarter

In November EDGR announced an alliance with Microsoft

Outlook - A refocused, streamlined company, EDGAR Online Inc., (EDGR) has implemented cost cutting controls, enhanced their product offering, and diversified their customer base. And even though the depressed economy has negatively impacted the financial industry, EDGR recently reported a positive cash flow of $1.0 million.

The best way to get objective information about any publicly traded company is by reading the quarterly and annual reports that they must all file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Arguably the most valuable reports you can read, these filings are the same sources that analysts and financial reporters turn to.

You can access these reports from the SEC’s website (www.sec.gov). By searching EDGAR (Electronic Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system) you can find companies’ balance sheets, income statements, and other related information. All of this information can help you obtain a fuller picture of what each company is doing; and its financial condition.

Unfortunately, these reports are not for the faint of heart; they are long, wordy and confusing. That’s where EDGR comes in. With their proprietary software, EDGR can save you countless hours of fruitless reading by turning complex regulatory information into easy-to-use files and reports.

EDGR’s proprietary technology makes
day-to-day investment strategies easier.

Business Profile - Based in Norwalk, Connecticut EDGR is a financial information company that helps provide customers with business, financial and competitive information about public companies. EDGR also provides Internet-based information and technology solutions to the financial services industry.

EDGR obtains the information sold primarily from the SEC's EDGAR filing system and provides it to corporations, Websites and individuals on a real-time basis. EDGR enhances raw SEC filings by organizing and processing them into accessible, easy-to-use, searchable formats and uses proprietary software (including their flagship product EDGAR Online Pro) to extract specific information requested by customers.

Customers can view financial performance, liquidity, profitability, insider activity, and institutional ownership for any one of 15,000 publicly traded U.S. companies.
The company’s primary sources of revenue are contracts with corporate customers, seat-based subscriptions to Website services, sale of technical services and data from other sources into their products and services, as well as advertising and other e-commerce based revenues.

These services are provided through the web sites www.edgar-online.com, www.ipo-express.com, www.fd-express.com, and www.freeedgar.com.

Fundamental Analysis - On October 28 EDGR announced their financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company reported revenue of $3.3 million, a decrease of 19% compared to the same period last year. This decrease resulted from the loss of approximately $2.2 million in annual consulting revenues from NASDAQ.

At the end of the third quarter, cash totaled $4.3 million, current assets $5.9 million and total assets $19.7 million. In the nine months ended September 30, 2003, the company generated $1.0 million in operating cash flow.

Seat-based subscription revenue increased 9% from last year primarily due to the sale of over 2,500 seats to its professional EDGAR Online Pro services. At September 30, 2003, the company had over 27,250 total subscribers.

Since inception, the company's subscription revenues
have grown each quarter.
"During the third quarter, we made substantial progress in shifting our focus toward growing annual subscriptions to professionals in the financial services market," said Susan Strausberg, CEO and President of EDGR.

"Our focus on the financial services market has streamlined the company's operations, increased product development efficiencies and allowed for more targeted sales and marketing," said Greg D. Adams, COO and CFO of EDGR.
He concluded, "During the fourth quarter, we will be adding staff to our existing subscription sales force and will continue to demonstrate the ongoing success we have experienced in driving customers to our EDGAR Online Pro service. We are positioned to execute the key business and financial objectives we have laid out for the company."

Recent News - On November 5 it was announced that EDGR was teaming up with Microsoft to facilitate financial analysis on both Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Office 2003 applications using the Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting

"The Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for XBRL will allow people to more easily author and analyze financial documents using Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Excel 2003," said Peter Rinearson, a Microsoft VP. "We expect that many companies will deploy the Microsoft Office Solution Accelerators as a foundation for business solutions."

"This planned collaboration between EDGAR Online and Microsoft will enable our subscribers to leverage vast quantities of financial information in new and powerful ways," said Susan Strausberg, President and CEO of EDGR. "Financial information has never been so easy to work with. This announcement is exciting news for anyone analyzing financial performance of publicly traded companies."
And, on October 14 EDGR outlined their new strategic focus on selling EDGAR Online Pro to clients in financial services companies, including investment bankers, asset managers, credit risk managers, compliance officers, hedge fund managers, market data professionals and others.

Complex fundamental, ownership, initial public offering and advanced search tools -- all of which EDGR previously offered only to large enterprises as part of its EDGAR Online Explorer product -- are now available to more than 8,000 subscribers to the company's existing EDGAR Online Pro service.

"We are now even more focused on driving value for our core customers -- professionals in the financial services market. By combining meaningful historical and time-series data with easy-to-use analysis tools, we are taking the first steps to put our new strategy in action," said Susan Strausberg, CEO and President of EDGR.
Strausberg said the new focus on the financial services market will streamline the company's operations, increase product development efficiencies and allow for more targeted marketing.

Conclusion - Faced with the challenges in the financial industry and ongoing economic weakness, EDGR implemented a number of cost cutting controls and lessened their dependence on a few large customers by generating sales and marketing programs focusing on a broader number of smaller sales.

As a result, EDGR has diversified their customer base and delivered on their expectation of maintaining positive cash flow; which has been the company’s primary objective ever since the financial information industry ran into difficult times.

What does this mean for EDGR’s long-term growth potential? Even though the company reported a 19% decrease in their quarterly revenue, it’s important to note that they also generated positive cash flow of $1.0 million. In spite of the challenging economic conditions, EDGR can re-invest in the future growth and expansion of the business.

Over the past quarter EDGR has also made extensive additions to their premium EDGAR Online Pro service which the company believes will enable them to increase customer acquisition and retention.

Additionally, the company is very optimistic that growing this recurring revenue stream is key to their future; as they remain focused on their long-term objective of consistent and sustainable growth with high profitability.


17-12-2003, Wed 10:46 PM
CVGR and Geny Research Corp. today announced the signing of a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the two parties. Geny Research is a clinical research organization with an operational base in Moscow and corporate headquarters in Newton, Massachusetts. It has a strong presence in Russia, the Ukraine, and the former Soviet Republics.

The terms of the Strategic Partnership Agreement provide for a well defined regional relationship between the parties for the marketing and delivery of clinical development services on a global basis.

Company President and CEO Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., commented, "The Agreement with Geny Research significantly strengthens our capabilities to provide services in Russia and neighboring countries."
Today’s announcement closely follows CVGR’s recent announcement of a similar Strategic Partnership Agreement with iLiFEdata/ Institute for International Health based in Sydney Australia.

These two very strong strategic partnerships now extend CVGR’s reach from North America and Western Europe to Russia, the Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific Region.

Since Friday CVGR’s share price has popped 21%. In trading today CVGR is up 3 cents at $2.58 on light volume of 1,500 shares.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:50 PM
TFSM today announced a definitive agreement to acquire privately held Real Media Korea Ltd. Based in Seoul, Korea, Real Media Korea is a leader in interactive marketing and sells advertising on behalf of Web sites. RMK also sells and supports TFSM's Open AdSystem suite of Internet ad delivery, analytics, and management products.

The acquisition gives TFSM a leadership position in the South Korean marketplace as the first step in its expansion into Asia. With approximately 26.3 million Internet users, South Korea is one of the largest online populations in the Asia-Pacific region and in the world. International Data Corp. recently projected that online advertising in the Asia-Pacific region will grow more than 400% by 2007, with South Korea one of the nations leading this increase.

"We have worked closely with Jae Woo Chung and his team for several years as they developed RMK into the leading interactive business in South Korea," said David J. Moore, TFSM’s Chairman and CEO. "RMK has an impressive record of growth and profitability, an outstanding reputation, and an experienced management team. Together, 24/7 and RMK will cement a leading position in South Korea, and commence expansion throughout Asia."

17-12-2003, Wed 10:51 PM
SWEB announced that through a number of new initiatives including the implementation of expanded financial software and content offering to Credential Direct, Credential Direct today jumped from 10th place to 2nd place in Gomez Canada's ranking on discount brokerage firms in Canada.

"We wanted to improve our Gomez Canada ranking by focusing on improving the depth and breadth of the financial content we provide and offer a large improvement in the financial applications for our customers. As a result of these initiatives that Stockgroup built with Credential Direct, we have created a significant competitive advantage and the new Gomez ratings have confirmed our success,'' said Lothar Fabian, VP of Operations for Credential Direct.

"We love to see our products contribute to our partners' success. This is significant on so many levels for Stockgroup because it shows how companies can measure the benefit that our products provide to them and the impact that is has for their customers. We're thrilled that our relationship with Credential Direct continues to expand and that we have made a significant contribution to their enormous improvement in the Gomez rankings,'' said Marcus New, SWEB’s CEO

17-12-2003, Wed 10:52 PM
DATC today announced that it expects the loss for the fiscal quarter ended October 31, 2003 to be approximately $10 million. The company also intends to take a restructuring charge of approximately $4.5 million in the following fiscal quarter in connection with its decision to eliminate the commercialization of certain software applications and to refocus the business on its core strengths of configuration and deployment.

The company also announced that it will delay the filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended October 31, 2003 and has decided, through its Audit Committee, to hire outside counsel to conduct an independent review of the valuation of long-term contracts.

The company reported a year-ago second-quarter profit of $1.6 million, or 5 cents a share, on revenue of $33.2 million. In the year-ago third quarter, DATC earned $201,000, or 1 cent a share, on $35.3 million in revenue.

DATC is currently trading down 13% at 59 cents on 1,700,000 shares.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:56 PM
ZCOM today announced their fiscal results for the fourth quarter and year ended August 31, 2003.

Net sales for the fiscal year ended August 31, 2003, decreased approximately 2%, to $120.5 million, compared with net sales of $123.1 million in the previous fiscal year. Net income declined 63% to approximately $617,800, while gross profits increased approximately 1% to $12.7 million.

For the three months ended August 31, 2003, ZCOM lost $228,000, or $0.04 per share, on net sales of $28.1 million. These results compared with net income of $233,800, or $0.04 per share, and net sales of $38.3 million, in the corresponding period of the prior year.

"I am pleased that this is our fifth year of positive earnings," commented Marshall Sorokwasz, President and CEO of ZCOM. "This is especially significant since the current economic climate has put many other businesses in a loss position or out of business altogether.
"In September, the company implemented numerous cost-savings measures such as a 15% reduction in our workforce and reductions of various benefits. We believe these actions, combined with our in-progress reconfiguration and consolidation of operations will have a significant effect on income and profitability in the future".

He concluded, "In addition, we are expanding our Itasca, Illinois, plant by 34,800 square feet. We expect this construction to be completed in March 2004. Once completed, the company will have reduced the number of manufacturing locations the company operates from six to four, with square footage increasing from approximately 420,000 to 690,000."

17-12-2003, Wed 10:57 PM
Gilles Gagnon, President and CEO of AELA today presented the company's updated plan on the clinical development of Neovastat. This plan includes the continuation of the Phase III trial in non-small cell lung cancer sponsored by the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI). Also, for strategic considerations, AELA ceases all activities related to renal cell carcinoma, resulting in the layoff of 63 employees; 20% of its total workforce.

"This strategic decision will allow us to focus Neovastat efforts in lung cancer only, even though, as reported by our committee of experts, our product has shown potential for a sub-group of patients in our Phase III kidney cancer trial," stated Mr. Gagnon.

Indeed, that trial did show an excellent safety profile and a more than 100% increase in median survival time for a specific sub-group of healthier patients with a single metastatic site and clear-cell histology. Despite this fact, another Phase III trial in kidney cancer would be required.
"Since this additional study would require major investments over a four-year period, a time-frame that would not allow us to meet our main investment criteria, we have decided not to pursue our activities in kidney cancer. However, the ongoing Phase III trial in lung cancer with Neovastat does meet our evaluation and clinical development criteria for an angiogenesis inhibitor and justifies pursuing this trial," explained Gilles Gagnon.

While pursuing the lung cancer trial, AELA is also looking into other business opportunities to enhance Neovastat's full commercial potential.

"Measures announced today, combined with our other corporate activities, are part of our goals to be cash flow positive in 2004 and to tend towards profitability, while maintaining R&D investment levels. I am convinced that these measures, along with our solid financial position which includes $75 million in cash at September 30, 2003, will greatly contribute in pursuing AEterna's growth strategy based on maximizing the value of our 12-product portfolio and on acquisitions," concluded Mr. Gagnon.

17-12-2003, Wed 10:59 PM
NWD announced that it has received an initial order valued at approximately $700,000 for flour from the purchasing agents of KFC in China. The company said it expects to complete delivery of the flour order by its fiscal year end, December 25, 2003.

"The initial order from KFC purchasing agents represents a significant opportunity and we are gratified to have been selected by one of China's leading quick-service restaurant chains,'' said Xue Jun Song, CEO.
"International companies, such as KFC, require rigorous quality control standards. New Dragon's selection as a flour supplier highlights the brand reputation of Long Feng for its quality and recognition of the company's commitment to international standards,'' he added.

KFC, a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, is located in approximately 150 cities in China. The company opened its first restaurant in Beijing in 1987. In September 2002 KFC opened its 700th KFC restaurant in Shenzhen.


22-12-2003, Mon 10:13 PM
Live geo-coded location view images that allow a viewer to "see" images as if he or she were actually in a vehicle being tracked is now available for both commercial and military use, thanks to the solution developed by XYBR that features Tokyo-based AOS Technologies, Inc. Location View System (LVS) technology.

The LVS is a unique multi-headed and fully automated 360-degree panoramic image capture and mapping system that rapidly produces geo-coded location view imagery as it moves or is moved throughout a city, military or industrial complex, recreational area, building or campus environment of any type -- either indoors and outdoors.

Under terms of the agreement between the two companies, XYBR has been granted an exclusive license to market and integrate the LVS technology for all levels of U.S. government agencies and organizations -- local, state and federal -- for both civilian and military use.

Ed Newman, Chairman and CEO of XYBR, commented, "LVS, when combined with our own homeland security solutions, allows us to provide more current, richer and more realistic information to first responders. If there is anything worse than inadequate intelligence during a response, it is incorrect information. LVS addresses that problem by allowing far more frequent updates to all databases of information."
Newman noted that the joint security solution would have particular appeal for first response/homeland security applications, such as the program XYBR is working on with first responders at the Port of Charleston.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:14 PM
Speculation and strength in the Healthcare sector continues to give UGNE ongoing momentum. Back on November 26 UGNE was trading for as low as 49 cents. In trading yesterday the company hit an intra-day high of 72 cents for a three week gain of 47%. That also represents an increase of 177% over our initial profile price.

While there have been no recent press releases from the company that could account for the recent turn around in their share price, it’s important to note that they are in the biotech industry and as such their share price can be more susceptible to volatility and speculative jumps than most industries.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:16 PM
ATTU’s share price has been quietly trending higher over the last three months. We first introduced you to ATTU back on July 1 when they were trading for $1.08. On November 20 the company hit a new 52-week high of $1.60; representing a gain of 48% over our initial profile price.

On November 18 ATTU announced the signing of an Original Equipment Manufacturing agreement with Attachmate Corporation to market a comprehensive set of data access solutions.

In late October the company announced encouraging third quarter financial results and corporate highlights. During the quarter ATTU signed an OEM licensing agreement with Oracle and extended its relationship with IBM and BEA WebLogic. Additionally ATTU welcomed a number of new customers, including: Cypress Communications, State of Kansas, AccuWeather, Kettering Medical Center, ITS, University College London Hospital and Queensland Press.

"We continue to invest in developing our channel partnerships and forecast significant growth in 2004 through these relationships."
And on September 22 the company announced the general availability of the Attunity Web Services Gateway, a powerful solution to easily expose legacy applications as reusable and standard Web Services.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:17 PM
And FATS’s share price has been quite active over the last six weeks. The company entered November trading for 39 cents, and on November 13 hit an intra-day high of 54 cents; for a two week gain of 38%.

On November 13 the company announced the receipt of a major multi-million dollar long-term contract award from a Middle Eastern country to provide multiple Small Arms Training Systems, simulated weapons, scenarios and auxiliary components for use in training the country's military forces.

On November 18 FATS announced a $2,000,000 contract award from an Arab State to provide multiple Small Arms Training Systems, simulated weapons, scenarios and auxiliary components for use in training the country's military and security forces.

CEO Ron Mohling remarked that, "This order, coming on the heels of another major order announced last week from the Middle East, demonstrates the growing recognition of FATS by the Middle Eastern countries as the global leader in providing small and supporting arms training through simulation."
Since then, there have been no new press releases from FATS. As a result, the market could not sustain those gains long term and the company's share price has since lost its initial momentum. FATS is currently trading for 41 cents on 24,000 shares.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:19 PM
USPL announced today that it has completed the sale of its slipsheet business to Illinois Tool Works Inc. ("ITW") for a net purchase price of $8.4 million. Proceeds will be used for debt reduction and working capital.

Mark Alsentzer, CEO of USPL, stated, "We are pleased that we have been able to close the sale of our slipsheet business to ITW. Although we had developed a strong slipsheet business, the company determined that the business was not an integral part of the future growth plans of USPL. As a result of the transaction, the company plans to reduce debt, and further strengthening our balance sheet."
He added, "In addition, the sale provides the company with working capital to allow USPL to continue to focus on what it believes offers the greatest growth opportunity for the foreseeable future."

After the announcement USPL's share price rose 15% to an intra-day high of 22 cents. The company is currently trading up 5% over yesterday's close at 20 cents.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:20 PM
Before the markets opened today PRZ announced that it has completed a $10 million Private Placement with a group of institutional investors. Net proceeds from the financing will provide funds for working capital purposes and the company's ongoing expansion program, including the anticipated near term acquisition of four physician practices.

PRZ is currently trading up 9 cents over yesterday’s close at $2.54 on 26,900 shares.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:21 PM
Strong economic data and a strong week on the international markets helped propel a number of stocks into uncharted territory. We first profiled NGA only last Thursday when the company was trading for $1.16; since then the company has been trending steadily higher.

Yesterday NGA’s share price rose 22% to a new 52-week high of $1.83. That also represents a gain of 57.7% over last Thursday’s profile price. NGA is currently trading for $1.71 on 5,600 shares.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:23 PM
ATTU’s share price has also been trending significantly higher. The company entered December trading for $1.38, and today hit a new 52-week high of $1.68 for a three week gain of 21.7%. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 55.5% over our initial profile price.

Over the last few months ATTU has released encouraging financial news, new products, announced a number of new customers, the signing of new agreements, and extended their relationship with IBM and BEA WebLogic.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:25 PM
East Tennessee Materials & Energy Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of PESI has been awarded a contract with the potential value of several million dollars by Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for Low Level Radioactive Waste processing and shipping from the Oak Ridge Reservation.

Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC, the U.S. Department of Energy's Closure Contractor for the Oak Ridge Reservation, estimates that approximately 22,000 cubic meters of Low Level Radioactive Waste currently in storage will require processing and shipping for disposal between October 2003 and June 2005.

Dr. Louis F. Centofanti, PESI’s Chairman and CEO, said: "We are gratified that Bechtel Jacobs has selected our company to perform work for this key cleanup project. The contracts we receive to provide waste management services for Low Level Radioactive and Low Level Mixed Radioactive Wastes allow us to enhance the value that our treatment facilities provide to the Department of Energy and its prime contractors."
In response to this morning’s press release, PESI’s share price rose 14.5% to a new 52-week high of $2.84; for an increase of 63% over our initial profile price. The company is currently trading up 28 cents over yesterday’s close at $2.76 on 391,000 shares.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:26 PM
As part of its globalization strategy, CVGR recently announced a strategic realignment of its senior management team in order to provide more balanced responsibilities between U.S. and internationally based personnel.

Effective immediately, Dr. John Hall has been appointed Chief Medical Officer of the company. Alison O'Neill, VP of Global Project Management, has been appointed to the newly created position of Senior VP, Clinical Operations.

Kenneth M. Borow, M.D., CVGR’s President and CEO commented, "The new responsibilities assigned to Dr. Hall and Mrs. O'Neill reflect the growing importance of global operations to Covalent's future. This is particularly evident from our two recently announced strategic partnerships with iLiFEdata/Institute for International Health (based in Sydney, Australia) and Geny Research Corp. (based internationally in Moscow, Russia)."

22-12-2003, Mon 10:27 PM
ABMC’s share price has also been flexing its muscles. The company entered December trading for as low as $1.28 and yesterday hit a new 52-week high of $1.66 for a three week gain of 30% and an increase of 43% over October’s initial profile price.

In late October ABMC released strong financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company reported their second consecutive record quarter with an increase in net sales of 31%, quarterly new income growth of 20%, and sequential revenue growth of 25%.

Company CEO, Donal V. Carroll commented, "The changes made to our organization over the last few months have strengthened our team and further improved our infrastructure." Carroll added, "We are well-positioned to continue to perform well within our markets and to achieve profitable growth."

22-12-2003, Mon 10:29 PM
Strong economic earnings and relative strength in the tech sector have also helped VNWK trend higher over the last few weeks. The company entered December trading for as low as $1.63 and today hit an intra-day high of $2.22 for a gain of 36%.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:30 PM
AF announced today that it has been singled out in the Special-situation Buy review of this month's The MoneyLetter magazine. Based on independent research, the magazine's contributing editor awarded AF's stock an unequivocal and resounding endorsement. The company was commended for having added new customers and controlled debt, bucking the industry trend of trying to survive by acquisition with higher debt.
AF is also on the editor's short list of companies whose CEO has successfully played the role of chief company pitchman, something rarely done successfully, and is highly commended for building brand name and advertising effectively. The complete details of the review are provided on the fourth page of the December 2003 edition of The MoneyLetter, a news vehicle on strategies for successful investing.

AF's President and CEO, Joel Matlin, expressed his strong enthusiasm saying: "We have been getting more attention from institutional investors and analysts. We have been successful in breaking new records year after year, generating growth rates consistently in excess of 20% per annum. This year we added 9,500 new accounts, an increase of 29% annually, and we expect continued increases in revenues, operating cash flow and profit."

22-12-2003, Mon 10:31 PM
In the typically quiet, holiday shortened week ZONS continues to trend stealthily higher. We first introduced you to ZONS back on September 25 when the company was trading for 91 cents. In early trading today the company’s share price rose 14% to an intra-day high of $1.60; their highest trading range in almost three months. Today's intra-day high also represents an increase of 75.8% over our initial profile price.

Back on November 13 ZONS announced strong fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. Total net sales for the quarter rose 10% to $112.7 million and the company reported net income of $134,000. Net sales for the nine months rose 6.5% to $330.4 million compared to $310.0 million for the corresponding period of the prior year.

And before the markets opened today the company announced the addition of William Keiper to the company’s Board of Directors. "Will's skills and experience ideally complement those of our other Board members," said Firoz Lalji, President and CEO, ZONS. "I believe Will's leadership, financial expertise and extensive experience will provide an invaluable contribution to Zones."

22-12-2003, Mon 10:33 PM
GEOI is also starting the week off on a strong leg. Since the markets open today GEOI has been trending steadily higher, climbing 9.76% over Friday’s close to a new high of $2.14. We first profiled GEOI on December 9 when the company was trading for $1.83; today’s new 52-week high represents a two week gain of 17%.

After bracing for a downturn in crude oil prices all year, investors are flocking to oil company stocks amid a growing consensus that high prices can be sustained well into 2004.

Oil prices held near nine-month highs on Friday ($33.93), as colder-than-normal weather in the US. Northeast -- the world's biggest consumer of heating oil -- eats into fuel inventories.

Earlier this month OPEC decided to keep output limits unchanged and to meet again on February 10.

22-12-2003, Mon 10:36 PM
And PESI’s share price continues to press higher; over the last two trading days PESI’s share price has risen 14.5% to a new one year high today of $2.85.

On Friday PESI announced that East Tennessee Materials & Energy Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary has been awarded a contract with the potential value of several million dollars.


24-12-2003, Wed 8:34 PM
VNWK today announced that Technology Marketing Corporation's INTERNET TELEPHONY magazine, named Visual UpTime Select as a Product of the Year winner for 2003. INTERNET TELEPHONY is the premier publication in the burgeoning IP telephony industry.

"Receiving the INTERNET TELEPHONY Product of the Year award for the second year in a row reflects our long-term commitment to delivering the industry's most innovative IP performance management solutions." said Larry Barker, President and CEO of VNWK.
"Visual UpTime Select is clearly deserving of leadership status in the IP performance management sector of the IP telephony industry. We're proud to reward their hard work and innovation with a Product of the Year Award for 2003," said Rich Tehrani, President of TMC and group editor-in-chief of INTERNET TELEPHONY.

24-12-2003, Wed 8:37 PM
PRZ today said that they have formally executed a Definitive Merger Agreement and a Definitive Management Agreement with the Spine & Pain Center, a private pain management practice based in Bismarck, North Dakota.

As of the closing, which is scheduled to occur today, PRZ will merge with the business corporation owning the non-medical assets of Spine & Pain Center and will provide ongoing management and administrative services to a newly formed successor of Spine & Pain Center's medical practice.

Founded by Michael P. Martire, M.D., a board certified physiatrist, Spine & Pain Center has administered over 6,000 patient visits each year. Following closing, Dr. Martire's newly formed Spine, Orthopedic and Pain Center will be managed by PRZ and is expected to contribute a minimum of $1.2 million in annual revenue and $500,000 in annual cash flow to PainCare.
Spine & Pain Center will mark the seventh acquisition transaction completed by PRZ since it's founding in 2000. Currently, the company has four additional physician practices under Letters of Intent that PainCare's management team expects to acquire in succession in December 2003 and January 2004.

24-12-2003, Wed 8:41 PM
And PESI continues to climb higher on the heels of Friday’s new multi-million dollar contract award. In today’s trading, PESI’s share price rose 34 cents to a new one year high of $3.19.

Since Friday the company’s share price has risen 28.6%. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 83% over our initial profile price.

24-12-2003, Wed 8:43 PM
High oil prices, low domestic reserves, and the cold weather are all factors that are helping North American energy stocks trend higher.

In early trading today GEOI’s share price rose 10% to a new 52 week high of $2.34; representing a 28% increase over our December 9th profile price. GEOI is currently trading up 8 cents over yesterday’s close at $2.20 on 50,000 shares

24-12-2003, Wed 9:06 PM
آسف على التأخير يا حبايب
December 23, 2003.

RCOM was the first company to compete in the domain name market

The company’s net income for the third quarter was $2.4 million

The company also has over $90 million in cash

RCOM currently manages over 3 million domain names

RCOM is named among the top 100 websites by PC Magazine

Outlook - A leading provider of domain name registration and services, Register.com (RCOM) is a strong, healthy, diversified company with expanded products, solid revenues, positive cash flow, and growing customer demand.

Domain names are part of the foundation of the Internet, serving as addresses and identities on the Web. Domain names, for example www.peterleeds.com, are integral to the use of e-mail (peter@peterleeds.com), websites (www.peterleeds.com) and other types of Internet communication.

During the late 90’s and the early part of the new millennium there was an unprecedented gold rush for domain names. The Internet was at the time an untapped…and unproven method of commerce and communication. Speculation abounded…and so too did the number of companies peddling domain names.

Over the past two years the domain name gold rush has cooled and companies that continue to rely on domain name registrations as their sole method of revenue are languishing. To survive in this competitive industry, a company has to diversify and expand their offerings. And the one company leading the pack is RCOM.

Business Profile - A leading provider of global domain name registration, RCOM was the first registrar to compete in the domain name registration market after the U.S. government deregulated the industry in 1999.

Today, the company directly registers, renews and transfers domain names across the .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, and .name domains and in over 400 country code domains, including: .co.uk (Great Britain), .de (Germany), and .jp (Japan).

RCOM also offers a range of value-added products and services targeted to assist its customers in developing and maintaining their Web presence, including: web building, hosting, promotions, email, domain name forwarding and advertising.

RCOM offers its products and services indirectly through Global Partner Network of companies, which include Internet Service Providers, web-hosting companies, telecom carriers, web portals and other e-businesses.

Fundamental Analysis - On November 10 RCOM announced their fiscal results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2003. The company reported net income for the third quarter of $2.4 million, compared to a net loss of $14.6 million, for the third quarter of 2002; and compared to a net loss of $3.0 million, for the second quarter of 2003.

Net revenues for the third quarter of 2003 were $25.8 million, compared to net revenues of $25.5 million for the third quarter of 2002, and $26.2 million for the second quarter of 2003.

At the end of the third quarter of 2003, RCOM had $90.2 million in cash, short-term investments and marketable securities.

"Our results this quarter demonstrate Register.com's commitment to its two key areas of focus: our ongoing investment to rebuild our infrastructure and efforts to diversify our revenue with sales of additional products and services," said Peter A. Forman, President and CEO of RCOM.
"We continue to press ahead with the systems improvements that are essential to increasing operating efficiencies in the long-term. These upgrades will also enhance our ability to sell more value-added services and deepen the relationships we have with over one million customers. I am particularly pleased with the continued strength in sales of other products and services in the third quarter."

During the third quarter RCOM registered, transferred and renewed approximately 501,000 domain names. Of the total registrations in the third quarter of 2003, approximately 215,000 were new and transferred registrations, and approximately 286,000 were renewals.

Conclusion - A leading provider of domain name registration and services, RCOM is a strong, healthy, diversified company with expanded products, solid revenues, positive cash flow, and growing customer demand.

Over the last few years the domain name gold rush has cooled significantly. Additionally, the retention rate of domain name holders has also dropped dramatically; only half of the domains registered at RCOM are renewed. And, over the past year, the company’s domain registration business has fallen from 93% to 86% of total revenue.

However, the company is starting to capitalize on those users who plan on designing, building and launching sites on their acquired names. For RCOM, monthly fees of up to $42.40 to build and host a site, and as much as $3,399 to design a site are much more significant than the rock bottom annual fee of $35.00 to simply register a domain name.

With a growing list of expanded services, and cash on hand of $90.2 million, RCOM has everything it needs to meet the day-to-day demands of their customers and their investors. While the frenetic crush to find domain names has faded, our need for the Internet as a primary marketing and communication tool has not. As such, RCOM is solidly positioned to lead and capitalize the domain name industry for a long, long time.


25-12-2003, Thu 12:19 AM
XYBR recently announced it has been granted a U.S. patent that will give mobile users a greater ability to manage the power source and power usage of their computing devices.

The patent, called "Core Computer with 'Clock-down' Features," provides greater power management and battery life in heavy usage environments. "Clock-down" refers to the ability to manage the power source of a device.

"A key feature or application related to this patent includes the ability to 'clock-down' the combined system," stated Edward G. Newman, chairman and CEO of XYBR. "This managing of the power source and usage is important for many types of technologies, such as wearable, wireless, or transportable computing systems, because power management and battery life are typically critical elements of performance and user productivity."
The ability to 'clock-down' translates into greater flexibility and adaptability in strategic and tactical applications, such as military operations. Systems described under this patent have the potential of being programmed with generic data (such as safety instructions or inspection/maintenance/repair procedures) or programmed with mission-specific information or performance parameters that are tailored to each operator.

25-12-2003, Thu 12:23 AM
After two stellar weeks of gains NGA’s share price has been giving back some ground. We first profiled NGA on December 11 when the company was trading for $1.16, by December 18 NGA’s share price had jumped 57.8% to a new 52-week high of $1.83.

Over the last four trading days though, NGA’s share price has been trending lower. The company is currently trading for $1.50 on 1,000 shares.

While NGA has made some impressive gains over a very short time frame, it is important to remember that this kind of momentum can often result in short-term profit taking. Time will tell.

25-12-2003, Thu 12:25 AM
At the other end of the spectrum is DRAX. On this otherwise quiet, holiday shortened day DRAX’s shares are showing renewed energy. After six days of flat trading DRAX's share price rose 17.5% this morning to an intra-day high of $3.50 on heavy volume.

There have been no new press releases or announcements from the company that could account for today’s trading activity. We will keep a close eye on DRAX and see if this momentum can carry over into next week.

DRAX is currently trading up 26 cents over yesterday’s close at $3.24 on 316,000 shares

25-12-2003, Thu 1:41 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركانه ..

لقيت نفسي مصحصح شوي و كانت قريبه مني الآله الحاسبه و توني ما جاني النوم قلت ياولد ،، ورى ما تحسب أسعار الأسهم اللي وصى عليها في الموقع و تشوف كم النتيجه على المدى القصير؟؟

طلعت النتيجه كما يلي :

توصيه23 ديسمبر صعودها 7 %

توصيه 18 "" صعودها 19 %

توصيه 17"" صعودها 5 %

توصيه 11 "" صعودها 28 %

توصيه 9 "" صعودها 56 %

توصيه 4 "" صعودها 6 %

توصيه 2 "" صعودها 10 %

بأخذ المتوسط تبع النتايج هذي .. يطلع المتوسط تقريبا 18 %..
أعتقد هذا رقم كبير لكن غير مستحيل .. يكفي الواحد 5 % مرتين في الأسبوع .. أعتقد أن هذي نتيجه مبهره.

طبعا هذي ثاني مره أسوي الحسابات على عينه ثانيه .. و هذي قطعا ماهي توصيه التزام بالتوصيات أبدا لكن خلوني أطبقها عمليا و لا تستعجلوا..

راح أبدأ بنفسي و أشارككم نتايج التجربه الشخصيه

خليكم على تواصل ..

تحياتي للجميع

25-12-2003, Thu 11:00 PM
Thursday's Hot List Pick - The U.S. markets will be closed on Thursday, December 25 to celebrate Christmas, as such, there will be no Hot List report released that day. Additionally there will be no posted Daily Update on the 25th or the 26th.

هذي مشكلتهم ...

الجايات انشالله أكثرمن الرايحات .

نراكم على خير

28-12-2003, Sun 3:21 AM
اخ سنايبر ليش ماكنت تسوي مثل اول

تحط التوصيه وسعر الشراء وسعر البيع


29-12-2003, Mon 6:45 PM
هلا أخوي المحاسب ..

عدم وضع سعرهم المقترح للدخول والخروج راح انقله لكم كما هو موضوع من الموقع... كانت وجهه نظري ان التقرير عن الشركه الموصى عليها يكفي و حبيت اترك حريه الدخول في السهم والخروج منه للقارئ العزيز...

لكن أبشر يالغالي من اليوم ورايح راح ادرج اسعارهم المقترحه :)

تحياتي لك وللجميع على التواصل

29-12-2003, Mon 6:48 PM
Register.com Inc.
December 23rd Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $5.06
Buy Opinion: 4.75 - 5.05
Short-term Sell: 6.80 - 7.00
Long-term Sell: 7.50 - 8.35

29-12-2003, Mon 7:24 PM
الله يجزاك خير وماقصرت

30-12-2003, Tue 1:01 AM
Companies that make software and tags that track beef cattle having been benefiting from higher demand brought on by the first case of mad cow disease in the United States.

Shares of Digital Angel soared to close up more than 62% on Friday, backing off from a 52-week high of $5.00. The company sells microchips that are approved by the FDA for implantation in animals. The chips can be used to store and relay information such as body temperature, as well as to trace animals.

Digital Angel was mentioned in a New York Times article published on Christmas Day, and the stock rose almost 20% in Wednesday's session. ADSX, which owns a majority stake in Digital Angel, saw its shares jump almost 20%.

Digital Angel today stated that its proprietary, microchip meat safety systems are specifically designed to completely fulfill the livestock tracking and tracing needs necessary to minimize the human and animal health effects of "mad cow" and other diseases that can threaten the nation's estimated $50 billion beef industry.

Digital Angel's electronic technology, including patented FDA-approved implantable microchips, e.Tags, scanning systems, biosensors and software for automated data collection, allows the animal production industry to capture detailed and reliable information about an animal's origin, location and health status and assemble a biography of every animal as it moves through the various points of its lifecycle ultimately to the processing plant. Within 48 hours, any suspected animal could be isolated and its source of origin and all subsequent movements can be pinpointed.

In today’s trading, ADSX’s share price rose 16% to an intra-day high of 50 cents. Since Friday ADSX’s share price has jumped 39% on 79 million shares.

30-12-2003, Tue 1:03 AM
NWD today announced the appointment of Heng-jing Lu as the company's new CEO and Chairman of the Board, replacing Xue-jun Song who resigned due to health considerations.

The company also said that Li-xia Wang will assume the position of CFO and serve as a board member, replacing Willie Lai who will serve as finance manager and continue as a Director of the company.

Mr. Lu most recently served as director of the Oil and Grain Bureau for the People's Republic of China. He has over thirty years of agricultural and food industry experience, obtained subsequent to earning a degree in accounting from The Shandong Institute of Economics and achieving certification as an accountant in the People's Republic of China.

30-12-2003, Tue 1:04 AM
PRZ’s share price surged 23% to a new 52-week high today of $4.00; smashing their previous high of $3.25. Over the last 6 trading days PRZ’s share price has jumped 63%.

On December 19 PRZ announced that it has completed a $10 million Private Placement with a group of institutional investors. Net proceeds from the financing will be used for working capital purposes and the company's ongoing expansion program.

And on December 23, PRZ announced a Definitive Merger Agreement and a Definitive Management Agreement with the Spine & Pain Center, a private pain management practice based in Bismarck, North Dakota.

PRZ is currently trading up 60 cents over Fridays close at $3.85 on 202,000 shares.

30-12-2003, Tue 1:05 AM
Over the last six trading days PESI has also been trending higher. On December 19, the company announced that their wholly owned subsidiary East Tennessee Materials & Energy Corporation was awarded a multi-million dollar contract by Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for Low Level Radioactive Waste processing and shipping.

In today’s trading PESI’s share price climbed 16 cents to a new 52-week high of $3.56. Today’s new high represents a one week gain of 43% and an increase of 104.6% over our initial profile price.

30-12-2003, Tue 1:06 AM
And ATTU’s share price continues to climb steadily higher. The company entered December trading for $1.38 and today hit a new 52-week high of $1.95; for a one month gain of 21.7%. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 80.5% over our initial profile price.

Over the last few months ATTU has released encouraging financial news, new products, announced a number of new customers, the signing of new agreements, and extended their relationship with IBM and BEA WebLogic.

31-12-2003, Wed 7:34 PM
Companies that make software and tags that track beef cattle having been benefiting from higher demand brought on by the first case of mad cow disease in the United States.

Shares of Digital Angel soared to close up more than 62% on Friday, backing off from a 52-week high of $5.00. The company sells microchips that are approved by the FDA for implantation in animals. The chips can be used to store and relay information such as body temperature, as well as to trace animals.

Digital Angel was mentioned in a New York Times article published on Christmas Day, and the stock rose almost 20% in Wednesday's session. ADSX, which owns a majority stake in Digital Angel, saw its shares jump almost 20%.

Digital Angel today stated that its proprietary, microchip meat safety systems are specifically designed to completely fulfill the livestock tracking and tracing needs necessary to minimize the human and animal health effects of "mad cow" and other diseases that can threaten the nation's estimated $50 billion beef industry.

Digital Angel's electronic technology, including patented FDA-approved implantable microchips, e.Tags, scanning systems, biosensors and software for automated data collection, allows the animal production industry to capture detailed and reliable information about an animal's origin, location and health status and assemble a biography of every animal as it moves through the various points of its lifecycle ultimately to the processing plant. Within 48 hours, any suspected animal could be isolated and its source of origin and all subsequent movements can be pinpointed.

In today’s trading, ADSX’s share price rose 16% to an intra-day high of 50 cents. Since Friday ADSX’s share price has jumped 39% on 79 million shares.

31-12-2003, Wed 7:46 PM
Companies that make software and tags that track beef cattle having been benefiting from higher demand brought on by the first case of mad cow disease in the United States.

Shares of Digital Angel soared to close up more than 62% on Friday, backing off from a 52-week high of $5.00. The company sells microchips that are approved by the FDA for implantation in animals. The chips can be used to store and relay information such as body temperature, as well as to trace animals.

Digital Angel was mentioned in a New York Times article published on Christmas Day, and the stock rose almost 20% in Wednesday's session. ADSX, which owns a majority stake in Digital Angel, saw its shares jump almost 20%.

Digital Angel today stated that its proprietary, microchip meat safety systems are specifically designed to completely fulfill the livestock tracking and tracing needs necessary to minimize the human and animal health effects of "mad cow" and other diseases that can threaten the nation's estimated $50 billion beef industry.

Digital Angel's electronic technology, including patented FDA-approved implantable microchips, e.Tags, scanning systems, biosensors and software for automated data collection, allows the animal production industry to capture detailed and reliable information about an animal's origin, location and health status and assemble a biography of every animal as it moves through the various points of its lifecycle ultimately to the processing plant. Within 48 hours, any suspected animal could be isolated and its source of origin and all subsequent movements can be pinpointed.

In today’s trading, ADSX’s share price rose 16% to an intra-day high of 50 cents. Since Friday ADSX’s share price has jumped 39% on 79 million shares.

31-12-2003, Wed 9:06 PM
NWD today announced the appointment of Heng-jing Lu as the company's new CEO and Chairman of the Board, replacing Xue-jun Song who resigned due to health considerations.

The company also said that Li-xia Wang will assume the position of CFO and serve as a board member, replacing Willie Lai who will serve as finance manager and continue as a Director of the company.

Mr. Lu most recently served as director of the Oil and Grain Bureau for the People's Republic of China. He has over thirty years of agricultural and food industry experience, obtained subsequent to earning a degree in accounting from The Shandong Institute of Economics and achieving certification as an accountant in the People's Republic of China

31-12-2003, Wed 9:09 PM
PRZ’s share price surged 23% to a new 52-week high today of $4.00; smashing their previous high of $3.25. Over the last 6 trading days PRZ’s share price has jumped 63%.

On December 19 PRZ announced that it has completed a $10 million Private Placement with a group of institutional investors. Net proceeds from the financing will be used for working capital purposes and the company's ongoing expansion program.

And on December 23, PRZ announced a Definitive Merger Agreement and a Definitive Management Agreement with the Spine & Pain Center, a private pain management practice based in Bismarck, North Dakota.

PRZ is currently trading up 60 cents over Fridays close at $3.85 on 202,000 shares.

31-12-2003, Wed 9:11 PM
Over the last six trading days PESI has also been trending higher. On December 19, the company announced that their wholly owned subsidiary East Tennessee Materials & Energy Corporation was awarded a multi-million dollar contract by Bechtel Jacobs Company, LLC of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for Low Level Radioactive Waste processing and shipping.

In today’s trading PESI’s share price climbed 16 cents to a new 52-week high of $3.56. Today’s new high represents a one week gain of 43% and an increase of 104.6% over our initial profile price.

31-12-2003, Wed 9:15 PM
And ATTU’s share price continues to climb steadily higher. The company entered December trading for $1.38 and today hit a new 52-week high of $1.95; for a one month gain of 21.7%. Today’s new high also represents an increase of 80.5% over our initial profile price.

Over the last few months ATTU has released encouraging financial news, new products, announced a number of new customers, the signing of new agreements, and extended their relationship with IBM and BEA WebLogic.

31-12-2003, Wed 9:24 PM
December 30, 2003.

NTOL is a leader in the field of alternative/complementary medicine.
Over the last year NTOL has streamlined and reinvented itself.
NTOL is in cash flow heaven with $2 million.
For the last nine months NTOL’s revenues have increased 4% to $55.8 million.
NTOL recently sold the assets of their Multi-Level Marketing division.

Outlook - A leader and innovator in the field of complementary medicine, NTOL has, over the last fiscal year streamlined and enhanced their business strategy. They have developed corporate initiatives, restructured their business alignment, introduced new products and signed exclusive manufacturing agreements.

America's 80 million baby boomers are more focused on their health and longevity than ever before as they turn 50 at a rate of one every seven seconds; creating the largest true growth market in the field of complementary medicine.

A study published by The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the use of alternative therapies in the U.S. is on the rise. According to the report, 42% of adults have used at least one form of alternative medicine, spending more than $33 billion.

With the rising costs of medical insurance, many consumers want to be in charge of their own health and wellness. As a result, we are now seeing the rise of a consumer-driven healthcare.

"We want to help people feel better physically, we want to help people feel better emotionally and we want to help people feel better financially. We call it WELLFULLNESS and we will become the First Choice for Wellfullness".

Business Profile - NTOL is a diversified nutritional company that manufactures and markets branded, dietary supplements, herbal teas, and sports nutrition products under three labels: the Natrol brand, the Laci Le Beau brand of herbal teas and the Prolab sports nutrition brand.

The company also markets nutraceutical ingredients to other manufacturers of supplements or fortified foods through its Essentially Pure Ingredient raw material supply division, which also markets contract manufacturing services to companies within the nutraceutical industry.

NTOL’s Direct-to-consumer business segment was established in 2002 and is managed by a subsidiary, Annasa Inc. to develop a direct-to-consumer multi-level marketing business.

Together, NTOL markets more than 200 nutritional products available at more than 25,000 drug, food, and independent health food stores, catalogues and Internet sites, gyms and specialty stores, including: Albertsons, Costco, Fred Meyer, GNC, Rite Aid, Safeway, Vitamin Shoppe, Vons, USA Drugs, Walgreens, and Wall-Mart.

Fundamental Analysis - On November 14 NTOL announced their fiscal results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2003.

For the three months ended September 30, NTOL’s revenues fell 2.3% to $17.6 million from $18.0 million for the same period in 2002; the company’s gross profits decreased by less than 1% to $6.9 million.

For the nine months NTOL’s revenues rose 4.4% to $55.8 million as compared to $53.4 million for the same nine month period in 2002. The increase was primarily due to a reduction in the cost of returns, damages, and outdates during the nine months as compared to the same period in 2002.

NTOL’s gross profits increased 5.9% to $21.9 million for the nine months from $20.7 million for the same period in 2002.

The company’s balance sheet remains strong; NTOL has a working capital of $18.5 million and a cash balance of $2.0 million.

Recent News - On December 19, NTOL announced the sale of the assets of Annasa, Inc., its multi-level marketing subsidiary, to Annasa International Corporation (AIC). Effective January 1, 2004, AIC will assume the operations of Annasa both domestically and internationally.

"To launch a national MLM business is a major endeavor, one worthy of Hercules," said Elliott Balbert, NTOL's President and CEO when making the announcement. "Annasa's products are the best in the industry and the entire Natrol family is very proud of all that has been accomplished in bringing Annasa to life."
Over the past quarter NTOL’s Founder and CEO Elliott Balbert has made a number of "sweeping changes" with the realignment of the company; changes that provide insight into NTOL’s future direction.

"Natrol is reinventing itself,” said Balbert. “We cannot allow modest revenue growth with break-even earnings to be an acceptable outcome for our company. Now, more than ever, I am driven to deliver revenue and earnings growth as we have achieved in past years."
Mr. Balbert announced that the company would restructure all operational functions before the end of 2003.

"We have spent over 5 months working on our new corporate plans. We have developed our strategic map, our corporate initiatives, a restructuring alignment and much more. We are going to invest in product leadership in a way that will define Natrol as a true innovator in this industry."
At the beginning of the third quarter NTOL also announced that it has finalized a partnership with Larex, Inc. that will provide Essentially Pure Ingredients with exclusive sales and marketing rights for ImmunEnhancer. ImmunEnhancer offers clinically proven immune enhancement, and is superior to Echinacea in boosting the body’s natural immunity.

Larex President, Bo Nickoloff commented, "We are excited to have Natrol become our marketing partner for ImmunEnhancer. We believe Natrol’s marketing and sales strength will provide the impetus to bring ImmunEnhancer to the forefront of immune health ingredients."

Conclusion - A leader and innovator in the field of complementary medicine, NTOL has, over the last fiscal year streamlined and enhanced their business strategy. They have developed corporate initiatives, restructured their business alignment, introduced new products and signed exclusive manufacturing agreements. All of which has been instrumental in increasing shareholder value.

NTOL is now a stronger, more focused company that is poised to capture a larger portion of the billions of dollars spent every year by a growing number of Americans from virtually every age group.

Having spent the last fiscal year realigning their corporate direction it is encouraging to see the company’s trading chart climb with confidence. As we enter the beginning of NTOL’s new fiscal year it will be exciting to see where their new direction leads. If the trading pattern of 2003 is any indication, NTOL is in for a strong year.


تصبح التوصيه كالتالي :-

Natrol Inc.
December 30th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.40
Buy Opinion: 2.30 - 2.50
Short-term Sell: 4.20 - 4.80
Long-term Sell: 5.40 - 5.90

ملاحظه : السهم الآن يتداول على 3.0 $ بارتفاع 25%

الشراء طبعا مسؤوليه شخصيه


01-01-2004, Thu 6:07 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته جميعا....

طبعا ما أحد يقدر يتصور كم كانت -وما زالت- الحاجه كثيره لي و للكثيرين غيري سواءا كانوا حديثين عهد مثلي أو حتى قديمين لخبرات الأساتذه الكبار في هذا المنتدى المعطاء، و كم كنت آمل بالتعاون وتبادل الآراء ووجهات النظر بخصوص الأسهم المرشحه من قبل موقعهم بيترليدز.

لكن للأسف لم تسير الأمور كما كانت الأحلام .. فوجدت نفسي - بخبراتي الضعيفه في عالم الأسهم- مجبرا على العوده والتمل و مقارنه الواقع بالماضي..

لذلك .. خطرت ببالي فكره طرح دراستي الخفيفه اللي قمت فيها مرورا على توصيات هذا الموقع ابتداءا من يوم 25 سبتمبر الى آخر توصيه طرحها يوم قبل أمس بالحد اللي أقدر عليه .. وأترك الباقي لاخواننا وأساتذتنا الكبار ..

الرجاء المناقشه و طرح الأسئله اذا كان أحد عنده أي سؤال ، والله ولي التوفيق

تحياتي للجميع

01-01-2004, Thu 6:24 PM
-يوم 25 سبتمبر .. SWEB تمت التوصيه عليه @0.31 : بعد 3 أيام كان العائد 22%
- يوم 7 اكتوبر .. ABMC تمت التوصيه عليه @1.23 : بعد يومين كان العائد 4 %
- يوم 9 اكتوبر .. ADBY تمت التوصيه عليه @ 0.26 : بعد 6 أيام كان العائد 70%
- يوم 14 اكتوبر STG تمت التوصيه عليه @ 2.5 : بعد 4 أيام 13 % عاد عليه
- 16 اكتوبر.. MRY وصوا عليه @ 1.20 : بعد 4 أيام كان العائد 30%
- 21 اكتوبر .. CVGR وصوا عليه @ 2.25 : 8% عادت خلال يومين
- 28 اكتوبر AELA وصوا عليها@3.35 : 10 % عادت عليها خلال يومين

أما LQMT يوم 30 اكتوبر تمت التوصيه عليه وجاب اليوم اللي بعدها 7 % و دحدر الى أن عادت له الصحوه هالكام يوم اللي راحو .. و كان من أسوأ الاسهم اللي وصى عليه الموقع - باعتقادي الشخصي- خصوصا اني كنت أول مره أدخل فيها مع بيتر بسهم لأني خسرت فيه شوي ..

أما من نوفمبر الى آخر توصيه في ديسمبر فراح ألحقها الآن بالشارتات حقتها بعد

بس يبغالها شويه وقت اللي ما الحق عليه الآن الحقه ذي الليله انشاء الله تدرون فاضي وبرّه بررررررد :D

01-01-2004, Thu 6:26 PM
يوم 4 نوفمبر @ 5 و العائد كان 3% بعد 3 أيام


01-01-2004, Thu 6:31 PM
6 نوفمبر @ 1.85 : 8% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:34 PM
11 نوفمبر @ 2.4 : 6% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:36 PM
13 نوفمبر @ 0.35 : 34% عائد خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:38 PM
20 نوفمبر @ 3.1 : 10 % عائد خلال يومينhttp://chart.bigcharts.com/bc3/quickchart/chart.asp?symb=CNTY&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=2&size=2&state=8&sid=11487&style=320&time=5&freq=1&nosettings=1&rand=7182&mocktick=1&rand=2571

01-01-2004, Thu 6:42 PM
كان صدمه خصوصا مع وجود أخبار كثيره تبشر بالخير عليه .. أتمنى له صحوه عما قريب ..

25 نوفمبر @ 1.47 : 4% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:44 PM
2 ديسمبر @ 2.7 : 8.5 % عائد بعد يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:46 PM
4 ديسمبر @ 3.12 : 9% عائد خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:48 PM
9 ديسمبر @ 1.56 : 15% عائد خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:51 PM
11 ديسمبر @ 1.23 : 24% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 6:57 PM
16 ديسمبر @1.7 :6% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 7:01 PM
الدخول كان @ 2.26 : 23% عائد خلال 5 أيام


01-01-2004, Thu 7:05 PM
التوصيه كانت @ 4.85 .. العائد كان 5% خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 7:13 PM
30 ديسمبر كانت التوصيه كالتالي:
Natrol Inc.
December 30th Market: Nasdaq
Profile Price: $2.40
Buy Opinion: 2.30 - 2.50
Short-term Sell: 4.20 - 4.80
Long-term Sell: 5.40 - 5.90

دخولا @ 2.4 : و خروجا على الأقل @ 2.79 => 16.5% على الأقل خلال يومين


01-01-2004, Thu 7:35 PM
أخذا بالشريحه الطويله من العينات أعلاه ... و بأخذ هذه الأرقام و الأوقات واضعينها بصفحه اكسل بيضاء نقيه ،،:p ....

نخرج بالآتي :

معدل الربح ( خلال الثلاس شهور المنصرمه) : 13 %

معدل مده "مسكان" السهم: 3 أيام

"بعبّاره" أخرى :

بافتراض أننا بدينا بألف دولار قبل 3 شهور كان من الممكن - استنادا على ما توصلنا اليه من الحقائق أعلاه-

مباشره دون محاوله البحث عن اسهم أو مراقبه فوليوم أو أو أو ..

لكان رقم 3,200 مرشحا للظهور " بافتراض 10% اسبوعيا ربح & دخول في السهم التالي بكامل المحصول عليه من السهم اللي قبله " ..

الآن ...

هل هذي الطريقه عمليه ؟؟؟؟!!! و هل كل سهم متوقع له الوصول ل13 % ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ !!??؟؟؟؟ الخ ..

أعتقد أيضا لااع

اذن ايش الخطه يا سنايبر ؟؟؟

الخطه المقترحه يا طوال العمر والسلامه هي كالتالي :

الدخول بالسهم داخل الرينج المحدد منهم و الخروج بمجرد وصول 5% أو 4%

بافتراض نفس المده أعلاه دخولا بنفس المبلغ أيضا 1000$ :

يصبح تقريبا الرقم المتوقع :1,800 $ تقريبا من ال1000$ اللي بدينا فيها تقريبا ضاعفنا راس المال..

السوال : هل هذي النتايج دائما متوقعه ؟؟

الجواب : الله أعلم لكن هذا ما سنراه عما قريب اذا ربنا أعطانا طول العمر ...

أول ما دخلت منتدانا الغالي كانت تعجبني المقوله : Scare Money Never Wins

هل هي حقيقيه ؟؟؟

لنتابع يا حبايب

بالتوفيق للجميع

ابتداءا من

02-01-2004, Fri 5:39 PM
PRZ recently announced the acquisition of Health Care Center of Tampa, Inc. ("HCCT"), a pain management and orthopedic rehabilitation practice based in Lakeland, Florida that administers nearly 10,000 patient visits per year.

Based on its historical financial performance, HCCT is expected to contribute to PRZ approximately $2.3 million in annual revenue.

"I am convinced that PainCare's business strategy represents the wave of the future in the delivery of healthcare services," stated Dr. Khan. "I'm very excited about joining the PainCare team and look forward to participating in the company's long term success."

02-01-2004, Fri 6:18 PM
Before the markets opened yesterday ATTU announced that a strategic investor group has acquired a significant stake in the company. The investors purchased 2,043,146 shares of Attunity common stock plus warrants to purchase 2,208,489 shares at an exercise price of $1.75 and 736,162 shares at an exercise price of $2.25.

ATTU has granted the Group, subject to shareholder approval, a 30-day option to invest an additional $2 million in the company.

"I am very pleased with the investment and look forward to Shimon Alon and Ron Zuckerman contributing substantially to the growth of the company and helping us maximize the company's potential in our space," said Arie Gonen, Chairman and CEO of ATTU.
He added "Shimon Alon and Ron Zuckerman bring with them over twenty years of experience in the software industry with a proven track record of managing growth and creating substantial shareholder value."

ATTU closed Monday trading for $1.92; after the announcement Tuesday morning the company’s share price jumped 15.6% to a new 52-week high of $2.22. Yesterday’s high also represents a gain of 105.5% over our initial profile price. In today’s trading ATTU is up 3 cents over yesterday’s close at $2.05 on 211,000 shares.

02-01-2004, Fri 7:00 PM
Late Monday RTK announced their year end fiscal results for the period ended September 30, 2003. Total revenues decreased approximately 11% to $8,477,001 for the year versus $9,560,335 for the same period in 2002.

Commenting on the 2003 results, Dennis L. Yakobson, President and CEO of RTK stated: "In fiscal year 2003 Rentech saw increases in business at OKON, Inc., our water-based stain and sealer, wholly owned subsidiary, of 12%, and a 77% increase in revenues for the Company's wholly owned oil field service subsidiary Petroleum Mud Logging."
"At the same time, RTK, despite early indications from producers of heavy-duty hydraulic equipment that 2003 should have been an excellent year, saw a continued lack of bids being let for hydraulic test stand equipment which resulted in RTK’s business being off $1,080,885 or 37%.

"Overall, 2004 appears to be a year we can expect continued growth at OKON as they develop the new dealer network. Early indications from PML are that gas drilling should remain strong in 2004 and we look for PML to stay consistent if not improve on its 2003 results."

Mr. Yakobson continued by stating that the company’s core gas-to-liquids business showed no signs of slowing down. RTK recently completed preliminary-front-end engineering and design work on the proposed 10,000 barrel-per-day Bolivia project; and is working with Pertamina, the independent Indonesian oil and gas company, for a 16,500 barrel-per-day plant. RTK is also working on two large potential coal-to-gas liquids projects.

"We believe 2004 will be a time of improvement for the Company and its operations as well as a benchmark year for both ourselves and the industry in general as to gas-to-liquids commercialization."

02-01-2004, Fri 7:41 PM
HAUP also recently announced their fiscal results for the three and twelve months ended September 30, 2003. For the quarter HAUP reported revenue of $11.5 million, an increase of 17.0% over the same period in 2002. For the year HAUP reported revenue of $50.9 million compared to $42.8 million for fiscal 2002, an increase of 19%.

Ken Plotkin, HAUP’s CEO, stated, "After a strong start to the 2003 fiscal year, our financial results in the second half of our fiscal year were negatively affected by the political and economic uncertainties which occurred during and after the war in Iraq, coupled with a decrease in International sales to computer product retailers due to economic softness in Europe."

02-01-2004, Fri 8:03 PM
XYBR and their wholly owned subsidiary, Xybernaut Solutions, Inc. (XSI), today announced that new services contracts awarded during 2003 exceeded $5 million in value, an increase of approximately 50% as compared to the previous year.

The new contracts grew significantly and continued to show consistent levels of growth through both third and fourth quarters. The company has realized a portion of these contracts as revenue during 2003 and expects to record the remaining amounts as revenue during 2004 as the services are performed.

"Xybernaut Solutions continues to be a valuable contributor to XYBR’s overall revenue," said Steven A. Newman, President of XYBR. "Our mobile solutions team continues to develop and partner with industry leading technology providers to deliver world-class solutions to a variety of industries and markets."

04-01-2004, Sun 6:42 PM
اعتقد قول جزاك الله خير افضل رد لك ومعنى حديث الرسول انه من قال جزاك الله خير فقد اوجز افضل الثناء

احنا مستمرين معاك اكلمك عن مجموعه من الشباب تقريبا 7 وانا ثامنهم:) ليسو بالمنتدى هنا وهم معي كل يوم انقل لهم توصياتك وبالفعل تمت جميع الارباح والحمد لله بفضل الله ثم انت

وارسلك شكرهم وتقديرهم لك

لكن الاغلبيه منهم وانا نفضل الاسهم البني او حول ال 1$ سواء فوق او تحته
وياليت تكون شرعيه ايضا:)

سر بنا ونحن وراءك وانشالله التوفيق للجميع:)

05-01-2004, Mon 12:00 AM
أولا جزاك الله خير و اسعدك دنيا وآخره ، كلماتك تجعلني مستعدا لمواصله المشوار 20 سنه لقدام ...

ثانيا م: ماهي توصياتي ... هي مجرد نقل للتوصيات من الموقع وللمره الألف ... الرجاء من الخبراء التبرع والمشاركه بالتحليل حتى تعم الفائده الجميع ..

ومن ناحيه شرعيه السهم أو عدمه : فأبشر ، انشاء الله من اليوم ورايح اذا كان فيه توصيه على سهم محطت والديه و مريت على فلتر أبو هاني الله يوجه له الخير...

على فكره سلامي الحار لك ولربعك الطيبين " جماعه الربع":) .

ترقب توصيات بيتر مرتين بالاسبوع (ثلاثاء و خميس)

والله يوفق الجميع

06-01-2004, Tue 7:36 PM
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Before the markets opened today TFSM announced that its leading search engine marketing unit, 24/7 Search has teamed up with Terra Lycos, the global Internet Group to deploy its Lycos InSite AdBuyer program, continuing 24/7 Search's campaign to augment its coverage of the U.S. search market.

InSite AdBuyer is a performance based marketing program that enables advertisers to bid for placement in response to keyword searches and targeted content across the Lycos Network. The AdBuyer text advertisements appear on leading Internet sites such as Lycos, HotBot, SideSearch, Tripod, Angelfire, and Gamesville.

"With Lycos' AdBuyer we have added another excellent traffic source for our advertisers, allowing us to tap into tier-one quality site visitors," said Mark R. Brown, 24/7 Search's Senior VP. "Our proprietary systems help advertisers enhance returns and increase sales volume."

06-01-2004, Tue 7:39 PM
LQMT recently announced various consolidation measures, including key executive changes, as part of a previously announced shift in the company's operating strategy, as well as the appointment of a lead independent director by its board of directors.

The company announced in October that it is pursuing a revised operating strategy more heavily weighted toward funded, strategic partnerships -- in the form of technology licensing, joint development and product distribution relationships -- as the principal means of advancing its amorphous alloy technology, as opposed to its previous internal-only manufacturing business model.

LQMT announced, as a further advance of this revised strategy and for greater operating efficiency, that it is consolidating all corporate executive and administrative activities into its Lake Forest, California corporate technology center and closing its Tampa, Florida office effective December 31.

Chairman and CEO John Kang noted that the company is proceeding with previously announced cost reduction measures related to the strategy shift that it now expects will produce a quarterly operating expense run rate below $2.5 million in the first quarter of 2004; representing a 71% reduction in quarterly operating expenses versus the first quarter of 2003. These cost improvements are being achieved through a combination of rigorous spending controls, personnel reductions, and the consolidation of facilities.

06-01-2004, Tue 7:41 PM
DAR announced recently that on December 31, 2003 it issued Senior Subordinated Notes in the amount of $35,000,000. Net proceeds of the notes will be used to help reduce the company's outstanding term loan under its Senior Credit Facility.

DAR is currently trading up 10 cents over Friday’s close at $2.92 on 49,500 shares.

06-01-2004, Tue 7:43 PM
Strength in the biotech industry is helping ABMC gain momentum. In trading today the company’s share price rose 12 cents over Friday’s close to a new 52-week high of $1.81. Since early November ABMC’s share price has jumped 52% and over the last three trading days ABMC’s share price has jumped 24.8%.

In their most recent quarterly report ABMC reported their second consecutive record quarter with an increase in net sales of 31%, quarterly new income growth of 20%, and sequential revenue growth of 25%.

Today’s new high also represents a gain of 56% over our initial profile price.