المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مجموعة برامج تختص بالاسهم

21-10-2001, Sun 2:38 PM
في هذا الرابط مجموعة برامج وجدتها بالصدفه اثناء البحث عن برنامج ذكره لنا لاخ مافي مثله


وارجوا من الاخوان الي عنده فكره عن احد هذه البرامج ان يعطينا نبذه او فكره عنه
مع الشكر وجزاكم الله خير


Active Stock Analysis
This free software uses 19 intelligent and classic technical analysis methods, new Quotes (delayed 15 minutes) and historical Quotes to analyze stock, displays 18 charts in a window and marks buy/sell signals last 30 days on charts. It can also display Dow's real time intraday charts, stock intraday chart indicators and many good articles on Market Update, Stocks on the Move, News Index, Market Analysis and Forecast, Stock Analysis and Picks, IPO Research, Stock News, Message Boards, Stock Price Forecast, Stock Evaluator and Company Profile.
Advanced Stock Analyzer
Models Stock Prices using Neural Network Technology
BigEasy Investor
Free stock screening, charting, and research application for Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
Duke - The Portfolio Watchdog
Let Duke recommend when to buy and sell your stocks.
Historical stock quotes downloader
Profit Maker
Stock tracking software with tecnichal analysis and portfolio management
Quotelinks Ticker Scrollbar
Displays scrolling stock quotes across your screen with a just 20-min delay.
A utility for researching stock picks
unlimited real-time Quotes, real-time ECN Quotes, real-time intraday microcharts, real-time technical indicator charts, technical analysis and buy/sell signals
StockVue 2001
StockVue2001 is an intelligent online stock, portfolio management and investment planning application.
Create a portfolio with this spreadsheet for Excel 97 or better. Enter your past and present stock holdings. See your gains and losses at a glance. Get on-line quotes.
The Elliott Wave Analyzer II
Free Elliott Wave Analysis Trading Software. Able to pick tops and bottoms of both stocks and commodities with uncanny accuracy.
TradingSolutions is a financial analysis software package that combines traditional technical analysis with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies. Use any combination of financial indicators in conjunction with advanced neural networks and genetic algorithms to create trading models that are remarkably effective, especially in today's volatile markets. TradingSolutions' user-friendly interface allows you to perform complex financial forecasting without leaving you lost in the technology. Simple wizards guide you step-by-step through each task, while optional advanced panels give you the flexibility to adjust parameters behind the scenes.

21-10-2001, Sun 2:50 PM
وهذا ايضا برنامج اخر الظاهر يعطي بيانات اسهم حسب طلبك او حسب البيانات الي تطلبها من مواقع اخرى
اسمه Stock Updater 1.5.1
وحجمه 5.9 MB

22-10-2001, Mon 12:29 AM
شكراً يالحربي فعلا مجموعه ممتازه

ياشباب برنامج ممتاز هذا البرنامج وفيه مميزات عديدة منها تحليل فني كامل وبكل الأدوات stockanalysis


22-10-2001, Mon 1:02 AM
ايضا لمتابعى البرامج هذا-
