المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Elasbani

04-08-2003, Mon 1:29 PM
SPAL 0.25
مارأيك بمستقبل هذه الشركة الاسبانية ؟
وهل لها أسهم في أسبانيا ؟وكم سعر السهم ان وجد ؟

Established in 1999, Spantel Communications, Inc. is an operator providing telecommunication services throughout Spain. The Company has had uninterrupted growth in its year-to-year results, and has achieved profitability in less than four years in a very competitive marketplace. The Company is headquartered in Fuengirola, Spain employing approximately 120 people and 50 authorized distributors throughout the country. Spantel currently has over 300,000 clients in Spain and continues to keep growing with a goal of becoming one of the major telecommunications operators in the country

Thursday July 31, 7:46 am ET

Press Release Source: Spantel Communications, Inc

Spantel Communications Reports Second Consecutive Profitable Quarter


04-08-2003, Mon 2:21 PM
اخوي كريم كيف حالك ؟
هذة شركة صغيرة ولا يوجد لها اسهم في البورصة الاسبانية

الشركة الاسبانية العالمية العاملة في مجال الاتصالات والوحيدة هي TELEFONICA DE ESPANA وموجودة في الداو جونز ايضا برمز TEF
تستطيع الاطلاع على كافة المعلومات الخاصة بها والتشارت وغيرة كما تبحث عن الاسهم الاخرى المعتادة .
هناك شركة اتصالات صغيرة تعمل في البورصة الاسبانية وكانت في النازداك ولكن عندها مشاكل كثيرة وهي جازتل
ارجو ان تكون الاجابة كافية وان اردت اي ايضاح او استفسار اخر تفضل ياعزيزي
والسلام عليكم

05-08-2003, Tue 3:49 PM
SPAL 0.34

شكرا لك على الرد ،هل تعتقد السهم سيواصل الارتفاع اليوم أم أن الارتفاع وقتي بسبب الأخبار الأخيرة فقط.

can we consider it as uncovered gem or this just over reaction from my side


05-08-2003, Tue 4:22 PM
Dear friend
I have nothing more to tell you about this Co.
Please open their web . and read the information
Again , In our Spanish Market IBEX·% - MERCADO CONTINUO) we have no company called SPAL

05-08-2003, Tue 5:37 PM
Dear friend
You will see following a note from the Co. in English , with the same note in Spanish , but DOESNOT MEAN THE SAME
During the last 60-90 days, our Investor Relations office has been contacted by numberous shareholders inquiring on how to buy additional shares of Spantel Communications, Inc. (Ticker Symbol SPAL) in the open market. Many of you have told us that you do not have a brokerage account that could facilitate such a transaction, therefore preventing you from making an additional investment. Our instruction to you has been to find a brokerage firm on the Internet or through your local banker, but many of you have said the process was difficult as a foreign investor.

In an effort to assist you, we recently contacted brokerage firms in the U.S. and asked them if they would be able to assist our shareholders if they wished to purchase additional shares or required other related information. After careful consideration, we feel Dawson James Securities is aptly qualified to execute transactions and provide assistance to our shareholders. Shareholders who wish to establish an account with this firm can contact them at +1 954 928 0928 or they may contact you offering their services. If you would prefer dealing with someone other than Dawson James Securities, we will gladly help you obtain contact information for another brokerage firm capable of dealing in U.S. securities.

We hope this information is useful to you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

in Spanish, the same note and from their web: look
Urgente: Aviso a los accionistas

Algunos de nuestros accionistas se han puesto en contacto con Spantel Communications, Inc. para expresar su temor de que los títulos de acciones que poseen no sean válidos. Este temor parece haber sido causado por llamadas realizadas por la empresa Chartwell Management, que se ha puesto en contacto con nuestros accionistas para comprarles las acciones a un precio superior al precio de mercado. Una de las condiciones de la compra es que los accionistas deben presentar un aval por medio de la transferencia electrónica de fondos para asegurar la veracidad de los títulos de acciones. Spantel Communications, Inc. le pide a los accionistas que eviten ese modelo de compra.

Aquellos accionistas que deseen verificar la autenticidad de los títulos de acciones, pueden ponerse en contacto con nosotros directamente llamando al número de teléfono (+34) 952 90 97 98 o enviando un mensaje de correo electrónico a investorinfo@spantel.es. A la fecha de este aviso, no hemos tenido constancia de tal incidente. Spantel Communications, Inc. hará todo lo posible para proteger la integridad de nuestra compañía y las inversiones de nuestros accionistas.

Regards and be careful