المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : To frightful ..with respect

19-06-2003, Thu 1:19 PM
Dear friend Frightful

I was surprised to read your last note ,

That you are leaving or finishing your recommendation section DUE TO LACK OF CO-OPERATION / REACTION from the others
This is not true

Good luck and will comment more tomorrow
Salam alaykom

19-06-2003, Thu 1:21 PM
this is what you have written

انتهى مشوارى معاكم كما اتمنى لكم التوفيق وسمحولى على اى تقصير يا اخوانى وذلك لعدم وجود تفاعل واشكركم

19-06-2003, Thu 6:14 PM
اشكرك اخى ELASBANI
وكل هذا على شان اعيونك واعيون الاخوان الباقين الى طلبوا ذلك منى ومع الشكر والتوفيق للجميع
اطلب منكم الدعاء لى وشكررااا

19-06-2003, Thu 6:19 PM
نسال الله سبحانه وتعالي ان يغفرك لك ويرحمك ويرزقك من واسع رزقه ان سبحانه وتعالي القادر علي ذلك

20-06-2003, Fri 10:47 AM
Dear Frightful

How are you

I think that you didn't understand what I meant

I DON'T NEED Your recommendations at all , but I meant that your final comment was not true nor FAIR

All what you have written in that section was virtual, this is my opinion and I can demonstrate that to you and all
salama laykom