المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : خبر سار

وجه السعد
15-06-2003, Sun 9:13 PM

15-06-2003, Sun 9:47 PM
Is CEO Dumping Stock? Check SEC Online
Sunday June 15, 1:07 pm ET
By Peter Ramjug

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investors will soon be able to track the same shares that Bill Gates (News), Martha Stewart (News) and other corporate honchos buy or sell under a new system putting insider-trading information on the Web sooner and for free.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission quietly passed a rule earlier this year doing away with paper versions of forms that disclose stock purchases and sales by officers, directors or anyone with a stake of 10 percent or more.

"It's been known for decades that if you watch carefully what the insiders of a company are doing, you learn something interesting," said Georgetown University law professor Donald Langevoort, a former SEC special counsel.

Before the new rule, some paper filings arrived at SEC headquarters via snail mail, often well after an insider transaction occurred. The new rule kicks in at the end of June, when paper filings known as Forms 3,4 & 5 will no longer be accepted.

The SEC typically gets about 250,000 forms 3, 4 & 5 a year. It made electronic filing voluntary in 1995, but only 6 percent of insiders were doing it, said Peter Romeo, a securities lawyer who specializes in executive stock transactions.

Under the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate reform law, passed last summer amid a series of jaw-dropping accounting scandals, Congress ordered the SEC to act, but the agency has long recognized the importance of stock ownership filings. The problem was making them available to investors quickly.

Shareholders in Enron Corp. were left in the dark when insiders at the energy trader were quietly selling their shares while making rosy statements about the company's future.

"While you had people at Enron saying this is a great stock, you unfortunately had the same people selling their own stock, and people felt they'd been misled when they couldn't tell that the same people recommending the stock were actually themselves selling it," former SEC chairman Harvey Pitt told Reuters.


A few companies already provide insider filings on the Internet, sometimes for a fee. The new SEC rule, however, mandates the electronic filing of forms 3, 4 & 5 to the EDGAR database (http://www.sec.gov).

The purchases and sales have to be reported within two days after they occur. While the disclosure is not instantaneous, insiders previously had up to 40 days to report such trades, "which made the information stale," said Georgetown's Langevoort. "I think two days is a substantial improvement."

Companies whose executives have changed their ownership levels also have to post the forms 3, 4 & 5 on their respective Web sites.

The filing deadline for other forms on EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system) is 5:30 p.m. EDT and they are deemed to be filed that day.

The SEC extended the deadline for forms 3, 4 & 5 until 10 p.m., and they will still be considered filed the same day. Investors will not actually be able to see the forms online until the end of July as EDGAR undergoes technical changes.

There are no present plans to extend the deadline for other filings like annual or quarterly reports, SEC officials said.


The rule comes into effect as corporate executives disposed of $3.3 billion worth of stock in May, a two-year high, according to Thomson Financial.

Thomson said the spike in selling was a seasonal matter related to corporate restrictions on insider trading during the first quarter earnings season. It also said the recent market recovery had a role in executives taking profits off the table.
Recent sellers include insiders at managed health plan operator Coventry Health Care Inc. and biotech firm Genentech Inc., while buyers came from cable TV operator Cox Communications Inc. and oil giant ChevronTexaco Corp., they said.

الف شكر اخي وجه السعد خبر ممتاز وكانوا فعلاً يطالبون بهذا منذ زمن وقد قرأت قبل بان المستثمرين يتظلمون من تاخير نشر معلومات الانسايدر

17-08-2003, Sun 6:10 PM
عزيزى وجه السعد

أنا من المهتميين بأخبار الانسايدر

لكن لحد الان الخبر هذا اللى ارفقته لم يفعل

أنا مشترك مع موقع يزودنى بأسماء الشركات اللى صار لها شراء من قبل الانسايدر

وعندما أذهب الى الياهو

لا اجد شيئا

مادرى متى راح يعملون بهذذا الخبر

وجه السعد
17-08-2003, Sun 7:22 PM
أخوي ياهوو تأخذ معلومات الانسايدر من edgar ولهذا فلايعني عدم وجود اخبار عن الانسايدر في موقع ياهوو انه لاتوجد اخبار عنهم

وللتوضيح اكثر

أي شركة امريكيه مساهمة يجب ان تزود هيئة الاوراق المالية ببيانات مالية محدده من قبل SEC
حيث توجد عدة نماذج تعبىء من قبل الشركات المساهمة وترسل الكترونياً الى SEC

ومن هذه النماذج نموذج بيع او شراء اسهم من قبل الانسايدر

بعد وصول هذا النموذج الى هيئة الاوراق المالية توجد بعد ذلك شركات مثل إدقار تأخذ هذه المعلومات مباشرة من SEC ثم تنشرها عبر موقعها

وهي أشهر شركة والتي تعتبر الشركة الاولى في نشر بيانات تخص الشركات المساهمه المدرجة في بورصات امريكا

تعتبر شركة ادقار LEVEL I في الحصول على هذه المعلومات
يعني لاتوجد شركة تحصل على معلومات مالية او غير مالية تخص اي شركة مساهمة ارسلت هذه الاوراق الى SEC قبل ان تحصل عليها شركة ادقار

فاذا انت تريد معلومات كامله وفورية عن حركة الانسايدر سجل مع هذا الموقع


17-08-2003, Sun 9:40 PM
عزيزى وجه السعد

مشكور على الموقع وجزاك الله خير

أتمنى انك تفيدنى فى هالنقطه

واسمحلى أذا غلبتك معاى

بخصوص المنافسه بين الشركات ومتابعتها

ممكن تفيدنى عنها

وماهو أفضل موقع يقدر يواكب اخر المستجدات اللى تحصل بين الشركات من منافسه