المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : What Is Tax Selling

26-12-2002, Thu 3:20 PM
hi all

About this time every year you probably hear the words "tax selling."

Tax selling occurs toward the end of each year when investors sell stocks in which they have losses in order to offset their investment gains

In other words, investors, in order to reduce their tax bite, sell their losers to help pay for their winners

As you can imagine, the types of stocks that get hit hardest by tax loss selling are those that have done the worst throughout the year

The irony of tax loss selling is that it punishes stocks that have already been punished throughout the year

Is tax selling a good idea? Since situations differ, tax selling may or may not make sense. I can tell you that, as a general rule, making buy and sell decisions based solely on tax reasons often is a losing proposition

How can you capitalize on tax selling
If a favorite stock gets worked over at the end of the year because of tax selling, the price decline may be providing an opportunity to buy a good long-term stock at an artificially depressed price

good luck

26-12-2002, Thu 3:36 PM
اخي بو بني اشكرك علي حرصك وفعلا والله شخصيا انا كنت غير مستوعب المعني خصوصا الفترة الاخيرة حيث قرأتها في عدة تحليلات لشركات متفرقة ..
نشكر حرصك الدائم علي اخوانك بالمنتدي ويعطيك العافية

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