المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مقال يستحق القراءة - سلسلة أقرأ تتميز -الجمعة

وجه السعد
15-11-2002, Fri 1:57 PM
المقال الاول :

Why PC Makers Are Saying "Next Year"
While 2003 isn't likely to see a boom, here's why it should offer a marked improvement in sales for this beleaguered tech sector


المقال الثاني :

An Innovation Recession
Amid Tough Times, Lab Chiefs Say Research Still Moving Forward


المقال الثالث: :D :D :D

Gates honored with big condom

Indian city pays tribute to Microsoft chairman for his contributions in fight against AIDS.
