المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الاخوة مستخدمي برنامج Qcharts

10-11-2005, Thu 4:31 PM
يوجد عندي تاخير واضح جدا في استقبال الداتا الايف تقريبا مدتها يصل احيانا الي 15 او عشرين ثانية
وربما اكثر ..
من منكم عنده هذا الخلل ايضا ؟ جرب وافتح اي ستريمر من اي مزود خدمة لايف وسوف ترا التاخير .

الخدمة لا تروق لي الفترة الاخيرة حتي اني راسلتهم بذلك وطلب مني ان امسح ملف معين لكن لم يتغير شي وافكر جديا ان الغي اشتراكي .....

في حالة هناك بديل يزودني بخدمة لايف ستريمر وشارت وخلافة يرجي ذكره لي .

10-11-2005, Thu 4:43 PM
الاى سيقنل ممتاز ورخيص والتريد ستيشن ممتاز وغالى

ويوجد omni tread

ممتاز ايضا ولكنه ايضا غالى سعر البرنامج 1000دولار والداتا تحصل عليها مقابل 20دولار شهريا

من نفس الشركه

وهنالك برامج اخرى مثل ريل تك

ولكنى لم اجربها

وجميع تلك البرامج فيها تاخير نوعا ما مقبول فالسبب يعود الى رداءة الاتصالات لدينا

10-11-2005, Thu 5:03 PM
شكرا الطموح وعلي فكره ان التاخير مؤخرا فقط لانة خدمني اكثر من سنة بشكل ممتاز ولا اعتقد انه بسبب اتصالي بالانترنت .
ربما اغير الي اي سيقنل .

10-11-2005, Thu 5:22 PM
حياك الله يا استريمر - ان شاء الله بخير :)

جرب هذا الموقع FreeRealTime

وموقعهم هو www.FreeRealTime.com

التجربة لمدة اسبوع مجاناااااااااا لتقييم العرض

اسعار الاشتراك ( شهري - سنوي ) هــي

FRT Stream Gold: Or you can get all that FRT Stream offers, plus ALL of our additional services, for $49.95* per month, or $449.50* for a yearly subscription


مواصفات العرض

FREE 7 Day Trial - no risk

unlimited real-time streaming quotes with continuous tick-by-tick updates - exchanges include NASDAQ, NYSE, and AMEX

track up to 500 stocks across multiple portfolios in real-time

fully customizable (select columns/fields to display, change color/font, resizable window, click-and-drag on all columns and symbols)

alerts feature provides notification for price, gain/loss, and volume changes based on user-specified thresholds

charting feature includes live charts, intra-day charts, and interactive charts with advanced technical indicators

integrated access to FreeRealTime.com content such as market research, most actives, stock profiles, and news

anytime/anywhere access using a standard web browser - no additional software required

toll-free customer support


Additional Services

We also offer some additional services, including
Nasdaq Level II
Java Charts
Streaming Option Chains
These services are available at NO extra charge* for FRT Stream Gold members. You can read more about these exciting products below

Nasdaq Level II: The Level II Viewer brings Nasdaq's Market Maker information alive by displaying all Market Makers for a given security, a must for day-traders. You can view the entire "Market Depth", which includes all open orders at each price range, instead of just the standard Level I "best bid/ask", giving you more insight into the possible movement of the stock

The data is displayed in a dynamically changing window listing price distrubtion, volume distribution, and color-coded price tiers

Cost for FRT Stream Gold members: Included for FREE

* Nasdaq Level II has a fixed $10/mo exchange fee cost, which we will bill you for and forward on your behalf to the Nasdaq stock exchange, for both FRT Stream and FRT Stream Gold members. This will only apply once you actually use it

Java Charts delivers live, streaming equities charts directly through your browser, allowing you to dynamically manipulate time frames (from 20 days down to intraday), compare to indexes, and add in various technical charting formulas such as various moving averages, bollinger bands, SAR, RSI, fast and slow Stochastics, MACD, Williams' %R, Momentum, CCI, DMI, and more

Cost for FRT Stream Gold members: Included for FREE

Option Chains allow you to watch both individual contracts and option chains tick-by-tick. This features makes it easier to find the option quotes you are looking for. It also integrates seemlessly with the FRT Stream and Stream Gold applets, allowing you to view complete option chains with one click, or add a specific contract to your watchlist by right-clicking on it

Cost for FRT Stream Gold members: Included for FREE


10-11-2005, Thu 5:48 PM
جزاك الله كل الخير اخي الشعثاني وانا بخير دام شفناك يالغالي ..
شكرا علي الاضافة وسوف اقيم خدماتهم ايضا ..