المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الفزعة يا اهل الخبرة

26-07-2005, Tue 1:04 AM
http://www.errorguard.com/s.gifContact (http://www.errorguard.com/support.html) | Tell a Friend (http://www.errorguard.com/tellafriend.html)http://www.errorguard.com/logo.gif (http://www.errorguard.com/index.html)Help & Support Center (http://www.errorguard.com/help.html) هذا البرنامج طلع لي على الحاسب وحملت وعند فتح الحاسب تطلع لي شاشتين بالانجليزي والله ما ادري وش هي ولكنه خاصة بالبرنامج ارجو من لديه معلومة او حل يفيدنا وهل هذا البرنامج مفيد او خطير

Contact Error-Guard Inc.

If you are experiencing any difficulty while using ErrorGuard, please note the following frequently experienced problems and their solutions:


1. The Activation Key does not work.
(a) The activation system in ErrorGuard is case sensenitive. This means that both the order number and the activation key must be entered in the same case in which they were provided (eg. abcd = lowercase) (eg. ABCD = uppercase).
(b) If you accidentally include any spaces before or after the order number or activation key, the program will not accept the values entered.
(c) "Zeros" Os and "Ohs" 0s are commonly interchanged for one another. If an O ("Oh")is entered in place of a 0 (Zero), then the key will not work. Please ensure that "Zeros" 0s and "Ohs" Os are entered correctly.

To avoid the above problems, simply copy the key/order number to your computer's clipboard (CTRL + C) and then paste the key/order number into the appropriate field (CTRL + V).

2. I have lost my Activation Key.
If you have lost your activation key or order number, please reference the email in your inbox with the subject "ClickBank Receipt - automated notification." The email sender will appear as receipt@clickbank.com. In the body of the email you will find a link that, when clicked, returns you to the confirmation page on the ErrorGuard website where you can retrieve your activation key and order number.

Look for this text in the body of the email "If for some reason you did not receive access to the product immediately after payment, please try again by following this link now:"

3. I cannot Activate the product.
To register ErrorGuard, you must return to the application and enter your order number and activation key. Begin by clicking "Start" on your computer's taskbar, then go to "Programs" and locate the "Error Guard" folder. Then click the "Error Guard" icon to open the application. Once the application loads, click the "Register" button located in the top-left corner of the application. Then, fill in your order number and activation key exactly as they appear on the confirmation page you were sent to after making your purchase.

4. Errors are not being fully removed.
If errors continue to appear after removal, please try rebooting your computer and running a new scan immediately after boot-up, before any other applications are started, and preferably while you are off-line.

5. How do I start Error Guard?
To open ErrorGuard, click "Start" on your computer's taskbar, then "Programs" and locate the "Error Guard" folder. Then click the "Error Guard" icon to open the application.

For further assistance, please contact our customer service department directly at support@errorguard.com (support@errorguard.com).
Copyright © 2004 Error-Guard Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective holders.End User License Agreement (http://www.errorguard.com/eula.html) | Privacy Policy (http://www.errorguard.com/privacy.html)

26-07-2005, Tue 4:14 AM
البرنامج يا عزيزي فائدته هي تصحيح أخطاء النظام بما فيها الريجستري

يعني مفيد وغير ضار .. ولكن إبحث عن طريقة إستخدامه في منتديات المشاغب او غيرها

وانا استخدم برنامج اخر يقوم بنفس عمل هذا البرنامج .. فلا ترتاب :)

26-07-2005, Tue 4:47 AM
شكرا لك ياخ استرليني وجزاك الله خير طمنتني